Tears Fairy

Chapter 5 Family Contest

Chapter 5 Family Contest ([-])


Feng Tianyu saw her brother laughing, she gave him a white look, put away a pile of scraps and cast a proud look at him, passed him and walked towards the gate of the square.

Feng Tianxing held back his smile and took Feng Tianyu's hand and said with a smile: "Sister, don't be angry, brother apologizes to you, please forgive brother!"

Seeing his younger sister ignoring him, he quickly comforted her and said, "Isn't it just a spirit stone? What's the big deal, brother will just give you a spirit stone!" He said and took out a spirit stone and handed it to his sister.

"Hehehe..., thank you brother!" Feng Tianyu happily took the Lingshi and said with a joyful smile.

Feng Tianxing smiled, and couldn't help but caressed her forehead when she looked at the sister who was a money fan.Can't help but think of my sister when she was two years old.

When Feng Tianyu was two years old, he saw his father depressed because of the cultivation of resources.The innocent and ignorant younger sister excused her father and said, "Daddy, it doesn't matter if you don't have any training resources. Daddy can just buy spirit stones!"

The father was stunned when he heard the words, and after a while he picked up Feng Tianyu and explained: "Yu'er, Lingshi is also a resource for cultivation!"

"Oh! I see, Daddy doesn't have spirit stones, so he has no resources."

After thinking for a while, he comforted his father and said, "Daddy, when Yu'er grows up, he must earn a lot of spiritual stones for Daddy to practice."

From then on, Feng Tianyu's little heart left a deep imprint, and he became obsessed with Lingshi, especially becoming obsessed with money.

Feng Tianxing sighed softly while holding his younger sister who was delighted because she got a low-grade spirit stone.

The Feng family has a strong population, a large number of talents, and strong overall strength. It has an absolute right to speak in Black Rock City.

Although Feng Zhizhi is the fifth son of the patriarch Feng Shihao, because of his poor qualifications, Feng Shihao doesn't like Feng Zhizhi very much and even ignores him.

Feng Zhizhi and Taoist couple Liu Yun'er have three sons and two daughters, the eldest son Feng Tianlei, the second daughter Feng Tianqing, the third son Feng Tianyu, the fourth son Feng Tianxing, the youngest daughter Feng Tianyu,

The Feng family distributes family benefits from the first to the third day of every month.

After Feng Zhiming's advanced foundation building period, the Promotion Hall personally issued an advanced award as encouragement, a first-grade spiritual weapon, flying sword, Yangji Dan, Zengji Dan, a bottle each, and a medium-sized storage bag.

Welfare for the clan members is distributed in the Foreign Affairs Hall, benefits for the early stage of foundation establishment, a bottle of Yangji Pill, a bottle of Zengji Pill, and ten middle-grade spirit stones.

When Feng Mingzhi went to receive the benefits of the foundation period, he was delayed by the foreign affairs hall.The honest and loyal Feng Mingzhi only received the six-month benefits owed by the Foreign Affairs Hall for Qi training and Dzogchen. It was calculated based on the deducted 300 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and he received a total of 800 yuan of spirit stones.

Feng Zhizhi's Taoist partner Liu Yun'er is in the late stage of the ninth level of Qi training, and the monthly benefits are 300 yuan for low-grade spirit stones, a bottle of Qi Yun pill, and a bottle of Juling pill. After being deducted, Liu Yuner can only receive 200 yuan for low-grade spirits Stone, a bottle of Juling Pill.

At the late stage of Fengtianlei's seventh level of Qi training, he is a junior disciple in the inner courtyard of Renji Academy.His welfare is received from Neimen Welfare Hall.

Feng Tianqing is 15 years old and is in the middle of the sixth level of Qi training. He is a senior disciple of the outer courtyard of Renji Academy, and receives benefits from the welfare hall of the outer door.

Feng Tianyu, 13 years old, is in the middle stage of the fourth level of Qi training, an intermediate disciple of the outer courtyard of Renji Academy, and his welfare is distributed by the welfare hall of the outer door.

Feng Tianxing just broke through the first level of Qi training and entered the second level of Qi training at the age of ten, and only after passing the examination of the third level of Qi training can he enter the Renji Academy.

Fengtianxing's monthly benefits are distributed in the Foreign Affairs Hall. The monthly benefits include ten low-grade spirit stones, one bottle of Qi Yun Pill and one bottle of Qi Gathering Pill, and one bottle of Qi Yun Pill is deducted every month.

Windy and rainy, Entraining Qi successfully enters Qi training, and the Promotion Hall distributes encouragement awards, a bottle of Yunqi Pill, a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill, ten low-grade spirit stones, and a small storage bag.

Feng Tianyu received the encouragement award and went to the Foreign Affairs Hall to receive the benefits. The head of the hall, Feng Shichun, deliberately made things difficult for her and said: "The benefits are distributed from the first to the third day of junior high school, you will come to receive them next month!"

Hearing the words, Feng Tianyu turned pale immediately, and burst into tears at the entrance of the Foreign Affairs Hall, crying so sadly and earth-shatteringly, that the people who heard it were heartbroken.

The people who came and went stopped to watch. A female disciple of Tianji Academy in white felt sympathetic and began to ask the people who knew the reason.

After the female disciple asked the reason, she bluntly accused the hall master, Feng Shichun, of making things difficult for him and withholding the little girl's meager welfare. The onlookers also accused Feng Shichun of bullying the weak.

Feng Shichun's forehead was sweating, and seeing Feng Tianyu crying more and more, he wished to cut her neck.

Public anger is hard to offend, and Feng Shichun, who has lost all face, distributed Feng Tianyu's benefits amidst the accusations of everyone.

Aggrieved, Feng Tianyu continued to cry and tears fell to the ground, and also fell into the hearts of the clansmen.Everyone looked at Feng Shichun one after another, it was blatant contempt and disdain.

Feng Shichun's aptitude is mediocre. After forming alchemy, he sought the position of head of the foreign affairs hall. He has been bullying the good and fearing the evil, trampling on the low and flattering the high, and finding excuses to embezzle other people's resources.

Today, Feng Tianyu made him lose all face under the scrutiny of the public, he committed the anger of the public, and he was wronged first, under the stares of the crowd, Feng Shichun held back his hatred and apologized to Feng Tianyu: "Tianyu, It’s my uncle’s fault, my uncle apologizes to you! Don’t cry, my uncle is willing to give you 20 yuan of low-grade spirit stones!”

"50 yuan"

"30 yuan"


"Okay, 50 yuan, little ancestor!"

Hearing this, Feng Tianyu looked at Feng Shichun aggrievedly with red eye circles, Feng Shichun took out 50 Yuan Lingshi and handed it to Feng Tianyu in pain.

"Thank you, Uncle!" Feng Tianyu broke into a smile and thanked Feng Shichun.

"You're welcome! Go home!" Feng Shichun felt a dull pain in his head, and waved Feng Tianyu to leave quickly!

Seeing this, all the clansmen waved to Feng Tianyu kindly, and the female disciple in white smiled and said, "Little girl, go home!"

"Yu'er, thank you seniors." Feng Tianyu thanked everyone, and gave a salute.Leaving the foreign affairs hall happily.Everyone laughed and left.

The Feng family has three major courts, the pole of heaven, the pole of earth, and the pole of man, which are divided into inner and outer courtyards.

In the early stage of alchemy, in the middle stage, they are the disciples of the outer court of Tianji Academy. In the later stage, they are the disciples of the inner courtyard of Dzogchen, and the top ten are the disciples of the elite.

In the early stage of foundation establishment, in the middle stage, they are the disciples of the outer court of the extreme earth. In the later stage, they are the disciples of the inner court of the extreme earth, and the top ten are the elite disciples.

In the early and middle stages of qi training, they are the disciples of the outer court. In the later stage, they are the disciples of the inner court during Dzogchen. The top ten are the elite disciples.

There are more than 630 members of the Ming Dynasty, 530 people are promoted to disciples, 500 disciples of the Tianji Academy, [-] disciples of the Diji Academy, and [-] disciples of the Renji Academy.

There are more than 6000 people from the Tianzi generation, 50 people are promoted to disciples, and 260 are disciples from Tianjiyuan.There are 700 five people in the Dijiyuan, and [-] disciples in the Renjiyuan.

There are more than 320 members of the Longzi generation, 30 people are promoted to disciples, 290 people from the Dijiyuan, and [-] people from the Renjiyuan.

The triennial family competition is held on the ninth day of September, with seven days for the preliminary round, seven days for the final, and seven days for the final, totaling 21 days.

The disciples who went out to practice and do tasks will come back in late August.

On August [-]th, Feng Zhizhi hurried back from the boundless forest with his wife and children.

Feng Zhizhi went to hand in the task, Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing went to the registration office of the clan competition to register for the competition.

Feng Tianyu was happily by Liu Yun'er's side.

Liu Yun'er hugged her daughter dotingly, and took out the promised ten low-grade spirit stones to Feng Tianyu, who was so happy that Feng Tianyu smiled and called out: "Mother, Yu'er loves mother the most!"

After Feng Zhiming came back, seeing the mother and daughter who were tired of being together, he hugged Feng Tianyu and smiled, "Oh! Yu'er has trained a level of Qi, Yu'er is awesome! This is Daddy's reward for Yu'er!"

Feng Zhiming smiled and took out ten pieces of spirit stones to Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianyu put away the spirit stones with crooked eyebrows and shouted happily: "Daddy is the best, Yu'er loves Daddy the most!"

When Feng Tianlei Feng Tianqing came back, he heard Feng Tianyu happily calling his favorite daddy. The siblings smiled at each other and walked into the flower hall. Feng Tianlei hugged Feng Tianyu in his father's arms, threw him up and Quick catch.

"Hehehe..." Feng Tianyu giggled as usual.

Feng Tianqing embraced Feng Tianyu with a doting smile and said with a doting smile: "Baby sister, what reward do you want for success in entraining air!"

Feng Tianyu smiled in Feng Tianqing's arms and said obediently: "As long as it is given by my sister, Yu'er will like it!"

"Little clever Yu'er, sister loves Yu'er the most!" Feng Tianqing imitated Feng Tianyu's favorite so-and-so, and everyone laughed!

Seeing that Feng Tianyu was about to explode, Feng Tianqing hurriedly took out 50 yuan of spirit stones to appease the younger sister who was about to explode, and said with a smile: "Sister knows that Yu'er likes spirit stones the most, so I will reward Yu'er with 50 yuan of spirit stones!"

Feng Tianyu looked at the Lingshi given by her sister and immediately beamed with joy.

Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianyu who came in later also took 50 yuan of spirit stones to reward Feng Tianyu.

When Feng Tianxing came in, he saw his younger sister who was counting Lingshi on the table.

He smiled, took out the entry list for the Qi training period, handed it to Feng Tianlei and said, "Big Brother, Big Sister, today is the last day for contestants to sign up, and this is the list of contestants."

(End of this chapter)

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