Tears Fairy

Chapter 1538 Escape

Chapter 1538 Escape

The two orcs guarding the side had obviously never seen such a strange situation, especially Feng Tianyu's head emerged from the bottom of the water and grinned at them.

"Wow wow wow wow wow..."

Feng Tianyu didn't expect that with just such a smile, the two orcs in the back kitchen were scared and ran away screaming.

After soaking in the boiling water, the numbness and pain on the body are quickly disappearing.It wasn't until Feng Tianyu felt the high heat of the water that she realized that she could still be soaked in boiling water without any damage.

She insisted on soaking in the boiling water for another quarter of an hour before climbing out of the big bucket.Although the numbness of the body has eased, the body still has a bulky swelling.


Just as Feng Tianyu came out of the big wooden barrel, the closed door creaked and was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Feng Tianyu was startled, and hurriedly turned to look at the wide open door, only to see a fat man in an apron stepping in from the door with a kitchen knife in his hand.

When he saw Feng Tianyu standing outside the big bucket, the expression on his fat face changed immediately.He stepped into the door with one foot, and immediately stepped back outside the door.

"Wow wow wow..."

Feng Tianyu wanted to restrain him immediately.It's a pity that the bulky and uncoordinated body doesn't listen to her.

As soon as the fat man retreated outside the door, he immediately yelled wah wah wah wah wah behind him.

Feng Tianyu didn't need to think about it to know that when he shouted so urgently, he must be calling for his people to catch her.

At this time, she didn't care about the bulkiness of her body.He staggered and rushed out of the wide open door.

"Wow wow wow..."

When the fat man saw Feng Tianyu rushing out the door, his shouting became more urgent and louder.

dong dong dong...

Before Feng Tianyu ran out of the first of the two doors, there was a burst of messy footsteps behind her, mixed with the sound of animal voices.

She didn't care to look back, and in a hurry, she could only take unsteady steps, forcing herself to speed up.

Hard work and hard work, Feng Tianyu's unstable footsteps are surpassing his own limit step by step.

Finally, Feng Tianyu's hand touched the bolt of the double door.

wow wow wow...

"Catch her! Quick..."

Ke Shuer, a fat chef with a kitchen knife, waved the kitchen knife in his hand and loudly urged the tribe to catch people.

Today's patriarch's dinner is his chef's.How could he allow himself to be the chef's dinner, and just run away like that.

Although Feng Tianyu couldn't understand their animal language, she didn't need to guess, she also knew that the fat man holding the kitchen knife was asking someone to catch her.

Fortunately, they haven't caught up with her yet, and everything is in a hurry.She clenched the latch's hand tightly and pulled the latch hard.

After the door creaked open, Feng Tianyu rushed out at her fastest speed.He even closed the door with his backhand.

She slipped an unlocked door lock and fastened the re-closed door.Until the orc chasing her was locked in the door.Only then did she wipe the sweat from her forehead, and let out a long breath.

The cultivation base cannot be used, and the physical function has not been fully recovered.Just such a distance, Feng Tianyu seems to have run for a hundred years.

Feng Tianyu looked forward wearily, there was still a door closed there.

In order to escape that heavy door as soon as possible.She dared not wait for a moment.After taking a breath, he immediately stepped forward.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Just as Feng Tianyu took a step, she locked the heavy door with the lock.There was a banging sound on the door.

The direction of the back kitchen is obviously relatively biased, so what happened suddenly in the back kitchen has not yet spread outside the double door.

Feng Tianyu knew that as long as the orcs in the front and back yards of the main courtyard hadn't noticed her escape from the back kitchen.

She can seize this opportunity and escape from this high and deep compound.

The door behind him began to sway amidst the heavy impact.Fortunately, Feng Tianyu will not look back.It saved me an intuitive shock.

Step by step forward, she was so busy running away that she didn't realize for a while that she was committed to moving forward.From being unstable, it has calmed down unconsciously.

The banging on the door behind him grew louder.The speed of her footsteps also mentioned her extreme in the danger behind her.


The first closed door was finally opened in Feng Tianyu's hands. After she rushed out the door quickly, she locked the first door in the same way.

She relieved a bit, her heart was beating like a drum.Only then did he look around for a way out.

In the end, she chose a path of flowers and trees where she could hide her figure to sneak.


Just as Feng Tianyu rushed into the flower and tree path, there was a sudden sound of warning gongs not far away.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Just as Feng Tianyu hid her figure under a flower tree, she heard the sound of a drum in a tall building.

Had the orc patrol caught her escape?

Under the flower tree, Feng Tianyu watched groups of orcs scattered and searched around.She hurriedly tightened her body attached to the flower branch.

Fortunately, by this time, the sky had already darkened.A group of orcs walked along the path, but they didn't find the dense branches of flowers.At this time, they were hiding from Feng Tianyu who they wanted to search and hunt.

The footsteps of this group of orcs only passed for a while.Feng Tianyu sticks out his head from the branches and leaves of the flower tree.She listened to the movement outside.

Then he quickly came out of the flower tree, and quickly followed the direction that the orc team was walking just now, and quickly moved forward while hiding.

The orc team in front only searched forward, and naturally ignored the behind they had searched for a while.

No orc party would come back from the trails they had traveled after they had met other search parties.

Along the way, the wind and rain took advantage of the flowers, plants and trees, and took advantage of the dark night to hide.Finally, I walked into the backyard of the orcs from the path.

Under a osmanthus tree, Feng Tianyu looked at the moon gate from the backyard to the front yard.Ears pricked up to the noise of searching for her.

She was very patient, and kept her cat behind the laurel tree, waiting for the best time to go out.

The moon slowly emerged from a cloud of mist, and under the silver light, a patrol team patrolled from the front yard to the inner yard.

It was only when an old woman came out of the large courtyard of a small courtyard, she wowed the patrol team.

The patrol team followed wah wah wah for a while before turning around and searching the backyard.

When they held the lanterns to shine on the osmanthus tree, the wind and rain held their breath, and their whole bodies stuck to the trunk of the osmanthus tree.

Under the light of the lantern, the patrol found nothing unusual.After searching forward for a while, I went out through the moon cave door.

As soon as they left, Feng Tianyu heard an orc speaking animal language in the backyard.

Only at this moment, Feng Tianyu cautiously stepped out from behind the osmanthus tree.

After finding nothing abnormal, Feng Tianyu made a hissing sound, and suddenly rushed from the osmanthus tree to the moon cave door.

call out!
A small sound of clothes sleeves did not attract the attention of the two orcs who walked towards the Moon Cave Gate while talking in the backyard.

When Feng Tianyu rushed out of the Moon Cave Gate, he suddenly found two orcs walking towards the Moon Cave Gate.

However, when she rushed with all her strength, her clothes suddenly let out a small or loud whistling sound under the force of her rushing wind.

(End of this chapter)

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