Tears Fairy

Chapter 1539 Escape

Chapter 1539 Escape
Feng Tianyu's shock was no small matter.After escaping from the Moon Cave Gate, she was startled by the sound of his clothes.

It wasn't until she realized that the two orcs who were walking towards the moon gate didn't notice her.Only then did she recover from her shock.For a moment, I couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, and said in my heart, it's so dangerous!

When she regained her strength and rushed to a rockery, under the night wind, she felt a chill on her back.Only then did she realize that her back was already drenched with sweat under the high tension just now.

The rockery is not big, but the other end of it is connected to the martial arts arena in the front yard.What surprised Feng Tianyu even more was that there was an ancient tree with lush branches at the end.

It so happened that among the many branches of the ancient tree, there was a horizontal branch that extended beyond the courtyard wall two feet high.

Because it was night, the martial arts arena was quiet and empty at this time.

Feng Tianyu was overjoyed, this was really an excellent time for her to escape.She began to sneak by relying on the rockery to hide.Because the end of the rockery is not very far.It took her only a quarter of an hour.He sneaked and hid behind the old tree.

The silver light of the moonlight sprinkles the earth, but the dense branches and leaves of the old trees cover the brilliance of the moonlight on the earth.

Tread, step, step...

There was a sound of orderly and rhythmic footsteps coming towards this direction from far to near.

Feng Tianyu hid in the shadow of the old tree, staring at the moving lights.Leaning slightly, the team of orcs carrying lanterns had already entered the martial arts arena through a double gate.

They didn't stop at the martial arts field, but walked towards the rockery with lanterns.

Feng Tianyu's heart suddenly lifted with a loud sound.She tightened her body as much as possible and lurked against the tree trunk.

Tread, step, step...

With the rhythmic sound of stepping footsteps, they quickly approached the rockery.Until then, a team of 24 orcs dispersed in front of the rockery.

This is looking for her?
Feng Tianyu's heart tightened as he watched an orc walking towards the ancient tree carrying a lantern.She clenched her fists suddenly.

stomping on...

The footsteps of the Lantern Orcs were not loud, but they sounded like drums to Feng Tianyu's ears.


Seeing the approaching orc lighting up the lamp, under the wind and rain, a golden light suddenly swept across her entire sea of ​​souls.Her black eyes also suddenly changed color at this moment.

At the moment when her black eyes turned purple, the power of her soul thought was suddenly released from the tortoise when the golden light flashed across her soul sea.

The orc Qimid, who was carrying the lamp, was lighting up the lamp to shine on the wind and rain on the tree trunk, she used her soul power to make a contract with him without even thinking about it.

The orc Qimid just discovered Feng Tianyu, and before he gave a warning, he was suddenly stunned under Feng Tianyu's quick thought power contract.

Feng Tianyu finally let go of his worries after making a contract with this orc.

"You didn't notice me. Now, you light up the lamp to meet them, and then go back with them. After half an hour, you find a reason to go out and wait for me under the branch of this tree!"

Because there was a language barrier between Feng Tianyu and the orcs, after the establishment of the master-servant contract between her and the orcs.She could only use her contract channel with the orc to try to command him with her soul consciousness.

She didn't know if she could communicate with the contracted orcs who couldn't understand the language.After she ordered the orcs with her soul consciousness.I was still a little nervous.

If so, she could not understand the language of the contracted orcs.It is impossible to command him and let him act according to orders.Feng Tianyu can really suffocate to death.

She couldn't move her fairy power, nor could she use her spiritual consciousness, and she could only move her soul consciousness occasionally.

Just like when she first arrived here, her soul consciousness was successfully released once.But then, for some reason?The soul consciousness was released once.It is also the same as the divine consciousness, huddled in the sea of ​​souls and does not move.

This time, under a golden light, it suddenly moved.Because of this move, she was able to contract the orc who discovered her with the power of soul thoughts at a critical moment.

After Feng Tianyu used his soul consciousness to instruct the orcs for a while, the orcs still stood still.

Just when Feng Tianyu was disappointed that she couldn't communicate with him.

"Yes, Master!"

The orc agreed softly, turned on the light and turned to the searched team.

Did he understand?

No, yes, he understood!

Feng Tianyu blinked her eyes, she always felt that something was wrong?Until the contracted orcs followed the search team out of the arena.

Feng Tianyu reached out and patted his forehead.That's right, how could she understand the words of the orcs?

She said what was wrong!It turned out to be this?She understood what the contracted orc had promised her.He also called her his master.

Although Feng Tianyu couldn't understand the reason for a while, she was very happy in her heart.

She was in orc territory, if she could understand what they were saying.She fled from the land of the orcs.She can avoid many dangers.

The chances of escaping will be greater.

Now that the problem of language barrier is solved, she is even more sure about escaping.

After the two doors into the Martial Arts Field were closed again.Feng Tianyu tried to use both hands and feet, and climbed to the ancient tree with a height of three feet.

Hang Chi Hang Chi... Ceng Ceng Ceng...

Until Feng Tianyu climbed up and sat down on a tree branch two feet high.It dawned on her just how fast she was crawling.

Only at this moment did Feng Tianyu react, her body was completely coordinated.The recovery of her body is definitely a great thing for her to survive from a desperate situation.

Because of Feng Tianyu, being powerless to resist this time made her desire for strength even more.She was unwilling and unable to accept that she was so powerless any longer.Let other creatures control her destiny again.

If she didn't want to be used as rations by the orcs, she couldn't use her fairy power, so she had to use her body power.

Thinking of the strength of the body that has been forged.She suddenly turned her palm into a fist.


The air was held under her palm, and there was a small sound for it, Feng Tianyu frowned, such a small force was not enough for her to escape from the orc tribe.

However, she knew that her current state was already the best.The strength should be stimulated and restored slowly.It's not something that can be done overnight.

Feng Tianyu sighed in his heart, and had to take advantage of the lush branches and leaves of the ancient trees to hide himself.

She has always known clearly that a human race is in a man-eating orc race.Surrounded by dangerous dangers at all times.

Since she successfully contracted an orc.In a dangerous place, she had to make the most of him.

When Feng Tianyu looked up at the sky again, it was almost half an hour before she ordered the contracted beast to go out.

She immediately put away her mixed thoughts and quietly waited for the arrival of the contracted orcs.

It didn't take long before Feng Tianyu finally heard the sound of footsteps walking towards the branch of the ancient tree where she was from far and near.

"Master! Qimid is here!"

The orc Qimid came to stand under the branch of the ancient tree protruding from the wall, and then raised his head and called out softly to Feng Tianyu on the ancient tree.

The orc Qimid's voice was not loud, but in the stillness of the night, it still reached Feng Tianyu's ears clearly and unusually.

its mead?
(End of this chapter)

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