Tears Fairy

Chapter 16 Family Competition Finals

Chapter 16 Family Competition Finals ([-])

As if the heaven and the earth had just opened, after the spiritual mist in the dantian flowed into the five-color aura cluster, the five-color aura cluster began to expand, and the five-color aura cluster in the dantian began to squeeze the dantian rhythmically, and there was a buzzing sound in the dantian, as if the heaven and the earth had just opened, suddenly widening a bit times.

The five-color aura mass is rapidly rotating in the double-sized dantian, and the gray mist and spirit mist water begin to nourish and repair the inner wall of the widened dantian. Strong and flexible!

The spirit mist water entered the dantian faster and faster. Two quarters of an hour later, the aura in the dantian began to be saturated, and the refined aura turned into spirit mist water and the five-color aura merged into spirit mist water.

The barriers on the third level of Qi training began to get weaker and weaker!The crack was under the forceful impact of Lingwu water!


There was a light cracking sound from the barrier, and the five-color spiritual mist in the dantian rushed towards the broken barrier and entered the third level of Qi training. The gray mist covering the thousands of pores on the body surface became more active, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth became active happily. The gray mist, the aura and the gray mist embraced and merged, pouring into the dantian, which was twice as wide as the wind and rain, like a tide.

Feng Tianyu circulated the spirit formula, quickly guiding the five-color spiritual energy to purify the body, enter the four meridians and eight meridians, and broaden the veins of the whole body.

After the refined five-color spiritual mist water enters the third layer of Qi training, it is transformed from the spiritual mist water into five-color spiritual energy clusters.

Feng Tianyu began to absorb the spirit mist water refined by the mist to stabilize his cultivation and consolidate his foundation.The five-color aura is in the dantian, and the spirit mist water refined by the gray mist is automatically inhaled, and it is assimilated into the five-color aura!
Feng Tianyu was groping for a unique way of training alone, because in the training formula passed down by the family, there was no link of using the gray mist to increase the speed and refining the spiritual energy.

This layer of gray mist is the epitome of her absorbing and merging with the soul of the main body. When the soul of the original owner of the main body is about to dissipate, it inspires the beginning of the world to reshape the microcosm.

At the same time as the original owner's soul was plasticized into the five-color sea of ​​consciousness, a wisp of gray mist in the miniature of time was assimilated into the five-color sea of ​​consciousness formed by the original owner.

After the sea of ​​five-color consciousness led Feng Tianyu into the sea of ​​five-color consciousness formed by the original owner, Feng Tianyu slept in the sea of ​​five-color consciousness for six years, perfectly merged with the original owner, and was reborn as the baby of the original owner.

Feng Tianyu's soul has been nourished in the sea of ​​consciousness for six years, but she still doesn't know how powerful her consciousness is.
However, the complete release of spiritual consciousness can not only cover the entire "Feng Mansion", but even the entire Beicheng area.

The gray mist is when Feng Tianyu enters the first level of Qi training, a wisp of gray mist separates from the five-color consciousness sea, and enters Feng Tianyu's dantian.

However, Feng Tianyu only found out today that she still doesn't know the full function of this layer of gray mist, but she can be sure that this layer of gray mist will be her strongest trump card! .

After finishing the training, adjust the external cultivation level to the late stage of qi training, and then take out a large wooden bucket of water from the storage bag in a spirited manner. The water in the bucket is still steaming.

Since the last time I made a breakthrough, I found out that when I broke through to condense my body, the impurities flowing out would smell bad, so I started to prepare a big bucket of hot water!

It happened to be useful today, Feng Tianyu took off his dirty clothes and threw them on the ground, cast a fireball to destroy the traces, and jumped into the barrel to wash away the dirt comfortably.

After cleaning, I put on clean clothes and tidied up the room. At this time, the sky has turned slightly white.

After Feng Tianyu left the room, he went to the "Pine Xiayuan" to pour the bath water, and then went to the practice room to practice the newly learned skills, fireball, ground trap, entanglement, water arrow, cutting, etc. It is a basic spell of the first and second layers of Qi training.

Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er had a good night's sleep in the aura-rich "Pine Xia Courtyard", and when they woke up early the next morning, they both felt energetic!This was unprecedented, and the couple went to the practice room to practice with full of energy.

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing came to the training room one after another fifteen minutes after Feng Tianyu entered the training room.

"Third brother, good morning!"

"Sister Yu'er, earlier!"

Feng Tianyu looked at his younger sister who was seriously practicing fireball, with a strong smile on Sunny's handsome face!

"Good morning third brother! Good morning sister Yu'er!"

As soon as Feng Tianxing entered the training room and saw his third brother and younger sister, he immediately greeted them!There is a smile on the elegant and handsome face, and he is in a good mood!

"Morning, fourth brother!"

"Morning, fourth brother!"

After the three of them greeted each other, they each practiced their spells. The practice room was very large. In addition to the meditation practice room of [-] square meters, there was also a spell room of more than [-] square meters. They are all practicing spells here!

When Feng Zhizhi and Liu Yun'er entered the practice room, the three brothers and sisters in the magic room were seriously practicing spells, fireball, binding, and earth wall.

"Father, mother, good morning!"

The three brothers and sisters saw their father and mother brought them into the practice room, and immediately stood up to salute their parents and called out cordially.

"Morning, baby Yu'er, you practiced fireball very well!" Liu Yun'er praised Feng Tianyu, Feng Zhiming nodded in agreement and smiled, "Baby Yu'er's spells have made great progress, Yu'er, Xing'er, their spells have also reached their peak! It's perfect! You can practice the next spell! Well, let's continue to practice!"

"Yes, Daddy!"

The three brothers and sisters continued to practice spells. Seeing that the three brothers and sisters began to concentrate on practicing spells, Feng Zhiming was very pleased. Liu Yuner, who looked at their father and son with a smile, happily chose a place to start practicing spells.

After a while, the family was practicing hard, and they ushered in the moonlit night when the stars and the moon were hanging high. At three o'clock in the morning, Feng Zhizhi's family started to go to the square. Tonight is the knockout match on the second floor of the seven-story pagoda.

In the square, when Feng Zhizhi and his party arrived, many tribesmen had already arrived here, waiting for the result of the second test!Obviously they all know the rules of the seven-storey pagoda final.

Only a few people, like Feng Zhizhi and others, started to pay attention when their family members participated in family competitions.

Feng Zhizhi and his group sat cross-legged on their own futons quietly, and Feng Tianyu quietly listened to the clansmen in the square, chatting about various gossip news.

Feng Tianyu's spiritual consciousness is powerful, as long as she wants to listen, she can hear their gossip content, of course it is only limited to the central square, Fengfu's masters are like clouds, and the unborn ancestors are unknown, she dare not penetrate the spiritual consciousness into the whole tribal land.

Once they reveal their secrets, it will definitely cause unpredictable troubles. She is not willing to become a famous figure in the Feng family, and even be regarded as a research object by the ancestor!

She just wants to be a good child and practice hard!Be strong to protect your family, stay with your loved ones, climb to the peak of Tianyuan Continent together, and see the world beyond the peak!
"Yesterday, after Lin'er was excluded from the pagoda, I asked Lin'er what kind of level it was, but she couldn't pass the first level. Guess what Lin'er said?"

"I don't know, just tell me!"

The clansman asked curiously, Feng Tianyu also wanted to know what Lin Er said!So listen carefully!

"Hey! Lin'er told me that after he was teleported out of the pagoda, he only remembered that he broke through the level and was sent out of the tower because he was rejected by the pagoda! But he didn't remember the content of the level!"

One clansman smiled and said to another clansman.

"So that's how it is! I'm surprised. In the family competition finals, there was never a single word about the pagoda. It turns out that the memory was erased!"

Feng Tianyu raised her eyebrows slightly, and said to herself with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth: "I see! No wonder the eldest brother didn't inquire about the finals!"

"Brother Hou, I heard that brother Wei of yours got a great baby during the training! He benefited a lot during the preliminary round, why didn't he even pass the first round this time?"

A middle-aged gray-clothed man asks his acquaintance, Brother Hou, the reason why Brother Wei lost in the final.

Brother Hou was heartbroken when he heard his brother asked about his son Weier's loss in the final!Sighed: "This time, it's because the treasure that didn't work at the right time was cheated. Wei'er only remembered to close Jian at the end and destroy that treasure, and the treasure failed! I don't think it's any treasure, just one Scrap!"


The gray-clothed middle-aged man was not sure that the trash he heard was true. After all, he also got a lot of help from the baby in the preliminary round, so when he heard the word trash, he was skeptical in his heart!

After Feng Tianyu heard the word "waste", his heart moved, and he remembered the pile of waste that he bought with a low-grade spirit stone, and he hadn't seen it yet!
Ok!After I go back tonight, I will dig it out to see if there is any regeneration material that can be exchanged for spirit stones!

At this time, the moon is in the middle of the sky, and the midnight is approaching!The hustle and bustle of the square has stopped!There is silence in the square!
At midnight, the three pagodas lit up with a burst of yellow and black light!Outside the three pagodas, a total of more than a dozen disciples appeared out of thin air.It is negligible compared to the first layer.

However, the family members of more than a dozen disciples were full of bitterness!He led his juniors to leave the square sadly.

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(End of this chapter)

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