Tears Fairy

Chapter 17 Family Competition Finals

Chapter 17 Family Competition Finals ([-])
Feng Zhizhi saw that there were no brothers and sisters Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing among the disciples who teleported out of the tower. After being nervous for a while, he was completely relaxed!
After Feng Zhizhi calmed down for a while, he looked at his eyebrows and eyes, and a slight smile on the corner of his mouth!The cute baby girl couldn't help but reach out to pick up the baby girl, and like her brothers, she threw Feng Tianyu into the air,

Feng Tianyu was amused by her father and giggled happily, a string of silver bell-like laughter made the clansmen in the square look sideways!

"Uncle wise! This is the little sister Tianyu you often talk about!"

Behind him, a handsome and free-spirited young man in his 20s looked at the cheerful little man who was being embraced by Feng Zhizhi and asked Feng Zhizhi with a smile.

"It's Tiansi! Yes! This is my little daughter Tianyu!"

Feng Mingzhi saw that it was Feng Tiansi, so he replied with a smile and kindness, and asked Feng Tianyu to call Tiansi big brother!

"Yu'er, this is Big Brother Tiansi who teamed up with Daddy to do missions!"

"Hello, big brother!"

After Feng Tianyu happily called big brother hello, seeing Feng Tiansi and his father talking kindly, he knew that the two of them usually had a good relationship!
"Tiansi met Auntie, hello Auntie!"

After receiving a gift, Liu Yun'er asked with a smile, "Okay! Tiansi! Are you here to see your younger brother Tianyuan?"

"Yes, Auntie!"

Feng Tiansi smiled and nodded.

While Feng Tianyu was thinking, Feng Tiansi had already greeted his mother.

"Tianyu, Tianxing, I met big brother Tiansi!"

The young Feng Tiansi looked at his clan brother who greeted him happily and encouraged the two of them: "Brother Yu, brother Xing, the family competition in three years' time will be up to you! Work hard!"

"Hmm! We're working on it!"

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing kindly answered Feng Tiansi!Feng Tianyu looked at the expressions of the two older brothers. Obviously, the two older brothers had known Feng Tiansi a long time ago, and they were also very close.

It seems that this is a big brother who is good to his family. At this moment, the wind and rain have come to a conclusion!
"We're going back, and we'll have a look tomorrow night. After the Tiansi Contest is over, Uncle Wise will treat you to a drink!"

Feng Mingzhi looked at Feng Tiansi affectionately and invited.

Feng Tiansi respectfully saluted and said with a smile: "Tiansi thank you, Uncle Mingzhi! Congratulations to Uncle Mingzhi!"

Feng Mingzhi waved his hand and said, "You're welcome! Tian Si, you should go back early and come tomorrow!" He said, holding Feng Tianyu and boarding the hired carriage.

"Brother Tiansi, goodbye!"


Feng Tiansi said goodbye with a smile, and watched the carriage leave in a good mood, and Uncle Mingzhi had finally come to an end.

After Feng Tianyu returned to "Songxia Yard", mother went to the kitchen to make supper. Feng Tianyu played Landlord Fight with his two elder brothers. Feng Zhiming watched the three children playing with a smile, and suddenly Feng Zhiming's expression changed.

Walking quickly to the three brothers and sisters, and confirming that both sons have advanced, they said excitedly and happily, "Okay, okay, okay! Yu'er has trained Qi to the fifth level! Xing'er has also trained to the third level! Great!" !Hahaha!"

When Feng Zhizhi laughed, Liu Yun'er came in with a tray of Lingmian steamed buns!Seeing the joy of the three of them!So I asked Feng Tianyu.

"Baby Yu'er! Why is Daddy so happy!"

Feng Tianyu took a Lingmian steamed bun from the tray and said with a smile, "Hehehe! Mother, haven't you noticed that the third brother and the fourth brother have advanced? Dad just found out that the third brother and the fourth brother have advanced. Happy!"

After speaking, he took a small mouthful of Lingmian steamed buns, chewed them and asked his mother, "Mother! I like this Lingmian steamed buns very much. From now on, Mother will make ten steamed buns every time! Yu'er save them eat slowly!"

Liu Yun'er hasn't recovered from Baby Yu'er's words, she is still staring at Feng Tian Yu Feng Tian Xing in a daze, Yu'er, when did Xing'er break through?

When the baby girl said her request in a series of clear and sweet voices, she just came back to her senses!

Her face was slightly red, which was caused by excitement. She happily confirmed to Feng Zhizhi with a little trembling: "The third floor? The fifth floor?"

"Yes, Yu'er has practiced Qi at the fifth level, and Xing'er is also in the middle of the third level!"

Feng Mingzhi held Liu Yun'er's hand and answered his wife's excited question with the same excitement!

"Mom, did you hear what Yu'er said?"

"I heard it, I heard it, mother will make steamed buns in the future, and she will definitely give it to my baby every time! Make more than ten or twenty, and save it for my baby to eat slowly!" Liu Yun'er happily hugged Feng Tianyu with a soft smile promised.

Liu Yun'er was very excited. Neither she nor Brother Zhi had good qualifications. Fortunately, all five children had spiritual roots, although Lei'er had dual spiritual roots of gold and wood, and Qing'er had dual spiritual roots of gold and water.

However, Yu'er is the same as himself with the three spiritual roots of gold, fire and earth, Xing'er is the same with brother Zhi's three spiritual roots of water, wood and fire, and the youngest daughter is the worst of the five spiritual roots. The greatest achievement in her life is the foundation building period. 300 years of life.

This is the family's heart disease, and because of this, Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er feel even more ashamed of their daughter.

The three spiritual roots are of medium talent, if one does not break through to the Great Perfection of Qi training before the age of 20, the alchemy period of one's life is the limit of the three spiritual roots!
Today, Yu'er has advanced to the fifth level of Qi training at the age of 13, Xing'er has advanced to the third level of Qi training at the age of ten, and it is basically no problem to enter the Qi training Dzogchen at the age of 20.

At the age of six, Yu'er has already drawn Qi into her body and entered the first level of Qi training, which is beyond the imagination of the whole family. This also means that everything is possible, and the future is still full of hope!
"Father, mother, you have to work hard! Don't let Yu'er and brothers catch up!"

Feng Tianyu's cute voice rang in the ears of Feng Zhizhi and Liu Yun'er, how much they hoped that Baby Yu'er could catch up with them!
However, Lei'er and Qing'er are definitely going to overtake them, Yu'er and Xing'er are also possible, baby Yu'er!I really hope she can!

"Baby, mother and father must work hard to practice, only when father and mother are strong can they protect Yu'er!" Liu Yun'er made up her mind to practice hard, become stronger, and protect her baby Yu'er: Feng Zhizhi also implicitly cherishes it. Nod in agreement.

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing are even more delighted to hear about it!What my sister said made my parents work hard to practice, and it also made them put a stone down in their hearts!As for the younger sister, when going out to practice in the future, try to find as many genius treasures as possible to improve the younger sister's aptitude.What's more, my sister's current situation is fine!

Feng Tianyu and his mother quarreled for a long time before being sent back to his room by his mother after everyone finished their supper.

Feng Tianyu lay on the bed and slept for a while, and suddenly remembered that the waste she bought with a piece of Lingshi hadn't been cleaned up yet!

So Feng Tianyu turned over and got out of bed. After closing the door tightly, she felt uneasy. She took a picture of the isolation talisman and patted it on the door. After activating the talisman with her spiritual sense, she felt relieved!
Feng Tianyu dumped all the waste products in the storage bag on the ground, then lay down on the ground and looked through each piece, chanting words from time to time! "The promised artifact! How did it fail to work here!"

Feng Tianyu searched and couldn't find the artifact in Xiuxian Wen, nor the recycled material that could sell the spirit stone, so he couldn't help but feel very disappointed!

Looking at the waste products all over the place, he turned over one by one unwillingly, and muttered in distaste, "It really is broken copper and iron, look at this rusty ghost knife, look at this All the hands and scissors are so rotten that there is only a shelf left, and this, this, these unknown and shapeless lumps are almost turned into a pile of dust.

And that, that gray rusty green ball, eh!What the hell is a ball? "

Feng Tianyu stretched out his hand to pick up the gray bump that was slightly smaller than his own fist, a little dilapidated and turned green, like a ball, looked at it, and hoped to regard it as a treasure!
Feng Tianyu tried to input spiritual energy into the sphere, but there was no response!Thinking of the blood drop in the magic text, I made a small cut on my index finger, and the blood flowed into the ball, but there was no response, it was all nonsense!

Feng Tianyu and Yuanqiu were on the right track, branded with divine consciousness, no way, Feng Tianyu pulled out the spiritual weapon given by his grandmother, and slashed at Yuanqiu with a seventh-grade flying sword.


There was a light ding, and none of the rust ash fell off, "Hehehe! It's really a baby!" Feng Tianyu laughed happily!Whispering to himself, he dropped the flying sword in his hand.

"Well! It must be very powerful for hitting people, there is no aura fluctuation at all! The voice is still so small, okay! I will reluctantly treat you as a baby!"

Feng Tianyu rubbed it for a while, and the greenish gray ball suddenly moved in his heart, "Greenish gray, greenish gray, it's gray, gray!"

Excited, Feng Tianyu immediately acted, picked up the gray rusty green ball, and mobilized a trace of gray consciousness from the sea of ​​consciousness into the ball.


There was loud thunder in Feng Tianyu's knowledge sea, and Feng Tianyu's expression changed!With a whistling sound, the ball hit his forehead.

Shocked, Feng Tianyu closed his eyes and smiled wryly, "Hehe! I'm done!"

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(End of this chapter)

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