Tears Fairy

Chapter 18 Family Competition Finals

Chapter 18 Family Competition Finals ([-])
Feng Tianyu closed her eyes and waited for the ball's fatal blow.However, at this moment, there was another thunderclap in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Boom!"

Feng Tianyu's mind was numb, his eyes were full of stars, and in a trance, a kind of desolate atmosphere lingered around him and hit his heart again!Feng Tianyu was terrified, and suddenly opened his eyes, the thunder had faded away, what he saw was a desolation, the land was intertwined with cracks, not a single blade of grass could grow, barren mountains, scorched earth and ravines formed a dead and desolate world.

Looking at the dead and desolate world in front of Feng Tianyu, an idea floated in his heart!This is the broken ball!I have entered the world inside the sphere!

With a thought in Feng Tianyu's mind, the person has left the spherical world and returned to his room. After calming down, his consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, but a gray ball in the sea of ​​knowledge has been blasted away by the thunder of the sea of ​​consciousness The rust turned into a gray bead the size of a pigeon egg.

With a thought in Feng Tianyu's mind, the whole person reappeared in the bead, looking at the lifeless world inside the bead, an idea filled her heart, she wanted to turn this desolate and dead world into a vibrant fairy world !

"Creation Pearl!"

Feng Tianyu whispered, looking at this desolate and desolate dead world again, the moment he raised his head, Feng Tianyu announced with a confident and firm expression: "Creation Pearl, you will be called "Creation Pearl" from now on. It will be created by me!"

This is a lifeless world, how can it be brought back to life!This is a top priority, yes!That's the mission!

Now that you have decided to create a fairy world, you must complete it as a task!
Although the Genesis Orb is not alive, it is the largest storage space. It is also good to be used as a creation bank for the time being, and the rest will come slowly in the future!
Thinking of this, Feng Tianyu had already produced the Creation Bead with a thought, and his spiritual consciousness swept the "Pine House" outside the room, and it was clear at a glance!In the courtyard, apart from Zhuang Bo's family who are quietly in the servant's room, father, mother and two elder brothers are no longer in the Songxia courtyard. Feng Tianyu looked at the sky and suddenly slapped his forehead, it's broken!

Feng Tianyu hurriedly changed into a lavender cassock in the room, opened the door and hurried out of the Songxia Courtyard, performed phantom movement, and hurried to the central square!
On the way to the square, I saw a small flickering figure, walking quickly like an elf through the lanes, among the rockery, flowing water, flowers, trees and gardens.

All the way from Fengfu North District to the central square, the wind and rain rushed quickly, and the scenery along the way from the North District to the Central District passed before my eyes!
The fast-moving Fengtianyu saw that he had already entered the central square!Feng Tianyu took a step forward and stood at the gate of the square, exhaling a foul breath!Stepping forward into the central square, bright eyes swept across the square.

Feng Tianyu was in a daze, why so many clansmen were waiting here tonight?There are [-] people from all ethnic groups in the square, where can you see your parents and two elder brothers?

In the sky, a round of crescent moon is already at the zenith of the moon surrounded by the stars! , Zi Shizheng, three high pagodas, the Human Pole Pagoda, the Earth-level Pagoda, the Tianji Pagoda, and three seven-story pagodas lit up with dazzling purple light!A burst of fairy sounds purifying the soul came from the three pagodas to the four sides of the square, resounding in the ears of the people like a bell!

There are huge crowds of people in the square, and hundreds of thousands of ethnic groups are all sitting on the ground!

The three pagodas are surrounded by fairy sounds, covering every inch of the central square!
Standing on the edge of the square, Feng Tianyu was also enveloped by the fairy sound. In an instant, Feng Tianyu sat cross-legged on the ground like everyone else.

Xianyin Miaomiao entered Fengtianyu's sea of ​​consciousness as gentle as the warm sun, and began to refine his soul. The calm sea of ​​consciousness was like a warm wind blowing on his face, causing waves of ripples!

The five-color sea of ​​consciousness becomes more and more dazzling in the washing of the fairy sounds, and the multicolored rays of light reflect each other and intertwine with the floating gray ball of creation beads in the sky above the sea of ​​consciousness.

The creation bead began to be drawn by the five-color light, and slowly began to rotate. Feng Tianyu's heart moved, and suddenly mobilized the gray mist in the sea of ​​consciousness, wrapped the creation bead and spun along with it!
Feng Tianyu, after a little thought, simply adjusted half of the gray mist in the dantian, overflowing the body surface and covering thousands of pores.


There was a roar in Dantian!


There was another roar in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the tide-like fairy sound drowned the entire wind and rain, and she felt as if she was in a sea of ​​fairy sounds!

The mist covering the Genesis Pearl and the sea of ​​five-color consciousness suddenly surged!Connected into a line, and build a bridge between heaven and earth with Dantian!
The mist in the pores of wind and rain spreads over the whole body!The five-color spiritual energy in the dantian surged and connected to the outside of the body, and the mist all over the body shook, and a bridge between heaven, earth and man was erected.

Sitting cross-legged, Feng Tianyu inadvertently built a bridge between heaven, earth and people!
The Sancai Pagoda responds to the bridge between heaven, earth and man, and the fairy sounds are more refined and ethereal!
Immortal sounds come surging like a tidal wave!Feng Tianyu's whole body is like a fairy sound piercing through the top, unknowingly resonating with the fairy sound!

After the wind and rain built a bridge between heaven, earth and man, the creation pearl spun rapidly.Knowing the fairy sounds in the sea, Feng Tianyu entered the world of Yindao and began to absorb the essence of Yindao!Resonating with the fairy sound of the pagoda, Feng Tianyu wandering in the world of the sound channel wrote a song "Creation Song"

Feng Tianyu mobilized the gray mist in order to maximize the absorption of Xianyin's refinement through the absorption bonus.Because she saw that Xianyin was obviously helpful to the Genesis Pearl!
The fairy sound can purify the decay of the creation pearl and regenerate it, and the five-color aura can promote the creation pearl, purifying the decay of the creation pearl and increasing it!
The unintentional arrangement of wind, sky and rain has formed three tall towers, "Tianji Tower", "Earth Tower" and "Human Tower", which correspond to each other. The mist in Dantian and Conscious Sea is like heaven and earth, covering the body surface in thousands The mist in the pores corresponds to the people in the three talents!

All the arrangements are not as windy and rainy as imagined!However, the harvest is the best!Reaped unimaginable fruit!
Feng Tianyu was obsessed with the world of Yin Dao, and composed a song "Creation Song", which has already entered the room in Yin Zhi Dao!

Wind and rain, indulge in the world of fairy sounds, where the sounds are as ethereal as the ocean undulates!Didn't find a bridge between heaven, earth and man between the dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness!
In the square, while the fairy sound drowned out the wind and rain, more and more aura was inhaled. After the aura purified by the fairy sound and mist entered the dantian, the dantian doubled again, which was already twice the size of the dantian of a monk in the foundation establishment period. Already, sister Dan's inner wall is solid and flexible under the nourishment of fairy sounds and mist!
In the sea of ​​consciousness, the sounds of immortals are all over the place!In the process of superimposing and purifying the consciousness of Immortal Sound, Mist, and Sea of ​​Five-Color Consciousness, Feng Tianyu's consciousness completely surpassed the cultivator Nascent Soul.




The Drum Tower "Dengwen Drum" rang three times in succession!
Hundreds of thousands of clansmen who were addicted to the fairy sounds suddenly woke up!As soon as Feng Tianyu woke up from the obsession in the world of fairy sounds, he retracted the mist covering his pores!
The fog returns to the dantian, and the five-color aura cluster slowly rotates, automatically absorbing the rich aura in the square.

Feng Tianyu's face suddenly changed, what's going on!How come you have reached the seventh level of Qi training!At the moment, he didn't rush to think about anything else, and quickly adjusted his cultivation base. After Feng Tianyu adjusted his cultivation base to the peak of the first layer of Qi training, he let out a breath and looked in front of the Renji Pagoda.

The three high towers, after Dengwen's drum rang three times, the three high towers had disappeared and turned into three ranking lists!

The ranking screen lit up, and a row of names appeared on the three-foot-high screen in a flash.

Feng Tian is thinking, isn't tonight the third day?Why did the Sancai Pagoda announce the ranking!Could it be that when I was studying the Genesis Pearl, I missed three or five days in the middle?

Don't rush to think about the wind and rain!But in front of the Renji list, a hundred disciples of Renji were surrounded by their clansmen like stars and moons!
One hundred disciples are like warriors returning in triumph, being inspected by their clansmen!
(End of this chapter)

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