Tears Fairy

Chapter 19 Family Contest Final Ranking

Chapter 19 Family Contest Final Ranking
Feng Tianyu, among the top [-] disciples on the People's Extreme Ranking, saw the big brother Feng Tianlei and the second sister Feng Tianqing that he most wanted to see.

The eldest brother and the second sister are with their father, mother, third brother, and fourth brother!Feng Tianyu can feel the warmth that belongs to her own home!

Feng Tianyu was about to squeeze in from the crowd, but saw his uncle Feng Mingchu leading his second uncle Feng Mingxuan to join his father!
Feng Tianyu's heart changed, she was no longer in a hurry to squeeze forward to meet up with her parents!Look up and look at the ranking list!

On the Renji list screen, one hundred celebrity disciples are on the list!

The top ten of the most popular list, the eldest brother Feng Tianlei ranked No.1 on the most popular list, the second sister Feng Tianqing ranked No.2 on the most popular list, Feng Tianwu, the proud son of the Feng family, ranked No.3, No.4 Fengtianhun, No.5 Fengtianying, No.6 Fengminghai, No.7 Fenglongfei, No.8 Fenglongyue, No.9 Fengminghua, No.10 Fengtianxuan.

Feng Tianyu was a little surprised, but more than that, she couldn't hide her joy!He thought to himself: "Big Brother and Second Sister really became famous all over the world!"

Feng Tianyu's eyebrows were slightly raised, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her pure and bright eyes were shining with joy.

Feng Tianyu looked at the Jibang with a happy mood, and there was no place for the eldest brother and the second sister, so there was no accident.

On the ranking list of the Earth's Extreme Ranking, one hundred Earth's Extreme disciples are on the list.

The top ten disciples on the Earth Pole List, Feng Mingchen, the proud son of the Feng family, is firmly ranked No.1, No.2 Fengmingchu, No.3 Fengminglou, No.4 Fengmingqing, No.5 Fengmingfang, No.6 .7 Fengming Song, No.8 Fengtianxin, No.9 Fengtiande, No.10 Fenglongxiang, No.[-] Fenglongqiu.

Feng Tianyu looked at the Tianji ranking list again, there were also 1 Tianji disciples on the Tianji ranking list, and No.[-] in the top ten was Feng Mingxuan, the second uncle of the Tianji Academy.

Ranked No.2 is Feng Mingqiang, an elite disciple of Tianji Academy, No.3 Feng Tianlong, No.4 Fengming Lake, No.5 Feng Mingxiao, No.6 Feng Tianya, No.7 Feng Tianjian, No. 8 Feng Tianqin, No. 9 Feng Baoqiang and No. 10 Feng Keyuan are descendants of the ten followers of Feng Xingyun, the founder of the Feng family, and are disciples of the Feng family who were given the surname Feng.

After Feng Tianyu wrote down the top ten disciples in the three rankings, he chased after his father, mother and others who were sitting in his uncle's carriage.

In the central area of ​​the Fengfu, in the Fengyuan, the grandmother arranged a banquet to celebrate!

"Mother, baby sister! Are you really practicing in closed doors?"

Feng Tianqing didn't believe it and confirmed Feng Tianyu's retreat for the third time. She didn't believe that Baby would be reluctant to go to the arena to pick her and her elder brother.

When the carriage stopped at the entrance of Feng Yuan in the central area, Feng Tianqing was very restless and thought: "Baby sister, could something be wrong with your training?"

The more Feng Tianqing thought about it, the more worried she became, so she stopped entering Fengyuan.

"Father, mother! You go in first with the eldest uncle, second uncle, elder brother, and younger brothers! I'll go home and see if the baby sister is out of customs?"

Feng Tianqing secretly calmed down her very nervous mood, and said calmly to her parents.

"I'll go back with Second Sister! Bring Sister Yu'er to the Feng Yuan, so we can have more fun together!"

Feng Tianyu thought about it for a while, although the second sister spoke calmly, he also thought of that possibility for a while, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!He asked aloud to go back with his second sister.

Feng Tianxing is not stupid, seeing that the second elder sister and the third elder brother are going back together to pick up the younger sister!I couldn't help feeling a pain in my heart, and prayed secretly: "Baby sister! Don't let anything happen to you!"

Feng Tianlei glanced at his father and mother, his father still looked as usual, however, his mother's face was as white as paper.

"Mother!" Although Feng Tianlei also began to suspect that something was wrong with his sister and was anxious, he still felt his mother's worry and fear. He held his mother's hand and called out to his mother comfortingly.


Liu Yun'er glanced at the eldest son, then looked back at the loyal Feng Zhizhi, calmed down and said to Feng Zhizhi: "Brother Zhi, you and elder brother, second brother go in first and tell mother, I will lead a few children Go and pick up our baby! Celebrate Leier and Qinger together!"

Feng Zhiming is honest and kind, but he is not stupid. When one or two are going back to pick up their precious daughters, his heart suddenly hurts. How can he be so careless!

Feng Mingzhi sacrificed the flying sword in a panic, stepped on the flying sword without making a sound, turned around and flew towards home with the sword!

"Fifth brother, what's the matter with you?"

Uncle Feng Mingchu and Feng Mingxuan got off the carriage and were waiting for them to go in together at the door, but they saw the fifth younger brother's family stopped in Fengyuan, beside the octagonal pavilion outside the courtyard.

If you stop, you will stop, but the central area of ​​Fengfu is not allowed to fly with the sword, and violators will be punished.That's why Feng Mingchu asked anxiously.

Feng Mingchu asked such a question just now, but saw Liu Yun'er, mother and son, and a group of five people also used their body skills to rush out quickly!

"Brother, let's go and see what happened to Brother Bacheng!"

After Feng Mingxuan finished speaking, Yukong Fei chased him out!
"What happened?"

Feng Mingchu also became worried when he thought of Muna's fifth younger brother!Turning around to the housekeeper Feng Qingsong said: "Uncle Song, go tell Madam, we will be there later!"

As soon as the voice fell, he flew to the North District!

Feng Tianyu just entered the central area of ​​Fengfu!Seeing the uncle flying in the sky, he couldn't help shouting with joy: "Uncle!"

Feng Mingchu saw his little niece and daughter running towards him in the central area calling her uncle!He quickly stopped his figure, catching the wind and rain rushing towards him.

"Uncle, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Feng Tianyu asked the uncle puzzledly, didn't he say that flying in the central area is prohibited!The uncle knowingly committed the crime!Feng Tianyu slandered a few words secretly, and looked at Feng Mingchu innocently.

Feng Mingchu looked at the little man with a gentle smile and said: "Your father and mother led your brothers and sisters to rush home anxiously, and your second uncle said that something might have happened to your family, so he also rushed away!
I didn't feel at ease so I followed it!I just met you little guy!little man? "

Feng Mingchu repeated the word "little man", and suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at the pair of bright eyes and innocent little face, he immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly in frustration, this little man probably made Feng Zhizhi's family anxious root!

Feng Mingchu took out a communication talisman and sent a message to Feng Mingxuan: "Second brother, tell fifth brother Tianyu that I have received Fengyuan! Tell fifth brother and the others to come back quickly! Don't keep mother waiting!"

With one heart in hand, Feng Tianqing performed the chasing wind body method. With the cultivation base of the early stage of Qi training and the power of the wind boots, the speed was not weaker than Feng Zhizhi. When Feng Zhizhi landed in the Songxia courtyard, Feng Tianqing and elder brother entered the Songxia courtyard at the same time.

The top-grade cassock and medium-grade wind-walking boots are gifts from her younger sister Feng Tianyu. She has benefited a lot from the preliminary round of the family competition. !

Because of this, Feng Tianyu rushed into the room without saying a word and became angry. No matter what Feng Tianqing said, she was so wronged that she could only cry!Feng Tianqing was moved in her heart, but she couldn't bear to let her sister be sad!

So, Feng Tianqing couldn't stop apologizing, and added the words of returning the magical artifact to Sister Baoer before taking it back.Feng Tianyu was comforted by Feng Tianqing, no longer angry!

Seeing that Lei'er and Qing'er arrived at the Songxia Courtyard at the same time as him, Feng Ming was stunned, and immediately rushed towards the room where Feng Tianyu lived in the inner courtyard together with Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianlei!
Feng Mingzhi pushed open the closed door, and the three looked into the room at the same time.

"Baby sister!"

"Sister Yu'er!"

"Baby Yu'er!"

The three of them called out at the same time!The room is simple and fresh, clear at a glance!In addition to a pile of discarded magic weapon frames on the ground, there is a pile of various waste lumps that are about to turn into dust. At this time, the little man they called has disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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