Tears Fairy

Chapter 1656

Chapter 1656

No one wants to die if they can live.What's more, it's a monk who asks wholeheartedly?As long as Feng Tianyu can give them a way to survive, they are willing to give everything.

Because when people die, not only does everything in the world have nothing to do with them.Everything that belonged to them belongs to others.

As for the loyalty to the temple, at the moment when the god master calculated them, it became the survival of the wind and rain sword.Their loyalty has been paid.Now they owe nothing to the temple.

"You really know the times!"

Feng Tianyu nodded in satisfaction, and then continued: "I don't need to tell you, you all know my intention to set foot in the spirit world now.

It was your interception that got me trapped here.Thus delaying my plan for a while.I can give you a way out, the condition is very simple, you can do it very easily. "

"What conditions?"

With a way out, the dim eyes of the thirteen evil spirits in the temple instantly brightened.Chi Haoming's emotions have already become agitated.He looked straight at Feng Tianyu and asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"You are the most familiar with the temple, I, Tian Yuanzong, and the temple are incompatible.

For the sake of Tianyuanzong, even the monks in Tianyuan Continent will no longer be oppressed by the temple.The temples are all tasks that must be eradicated before I ascend to the fairy world.

All you have to do is make an oath to heaven and earth, and swear to be my qualified subordinate.Subject to my restraint and restraint, only follow my orders.

Of course, you are all immortals who are about to ascend, and I will not force others to let you be controlled by me all the time.

I promise to wait until the day the temple is destroyed, when you will be free again.You have a quarter of an hour to think about it.Just figure it out and swear to God. "

"Don't think about it!"

The thirteen evil spirits of the temple glanced at each other. Due to the long-term tacit understanding, they reached a consensus without words.

Chi Haoming expressed everyone's wishes, exhaled a long breath, and continued loudly: "Master Feng, we swear to heaven on this."

Speaking of which, Chi Haoming had already led the thirteen evil spirits of the temple to kneel down at the same time.

As Feng Tianyu expected, they knelt down resolutely and made a vow to heaven and earth. From then on, they will obey Feng Tianyu's orders.

Chi Haoming thirteen people stood up after vowing, and approached Feng Tianyu silently, and the thirteen people knelt down on one knee at the same time.

"Subordinates pay homage to the Sovereign!"

"Well! Get up!"

Feng Tianyu glanced at them, nodded and stood up.After choosing a direction, she immediately raised her feet and walked forward.

Chi Haoming and the 13 people stood up and followed Feng Tianyu silently.They all understand that since they swore to Tiandimeng, they are no longer the thirteen evil spirits of the temple.

Because between life and death, they were given up in the temple, and when they chose to live, they had already died for the temple.

Next, no matter what Feng Tianyu wants them to do, this is their way after rebirth, and it has nothing to do with the temple.

The darkness here is depressing, and Chi Haoming and the others have already lost their celestial power because of the elixir.Now rely on the strength of the main body to support the body forward.

Wind and rain can easily move freely in the oppressive darkness.The 13 of them were breathing heavily.It seems that every step takes a lot of energy.

Feng Tianyu frowned, and after walking for a while, he finally stopped on a mound.She turned around and glanced at the 13 people behind her.

Seeing that their foreheads were sweating, their mouths were panting heavily, and their steps were sloppy, one knew that they could not hold on any longer.

"Take this pill separately! Recover on the spot for a quarter of an hour."

Feng Tianyu casually threw a pill bottle to Chi Haoming.Then he stepped up and sat down on a dead tree trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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