Tears Fairy

Chapter 1657

Chapter 1657

After Feng Tianyu threw a pill bottle to Chi Haoming.Just sat down on a dead tree trunk to rest.I also took this opportunity to think about how to go next.

The dark space is not only dull, but also has a faintly invisible horror atmosphere, which stimulates Feng Tianyu's sensitive six senses.

"Huo'er, why don't you go explore the way!"

Huo Shi'er was inside the Genesis Orb, looking at the outside world through Feng Tianyu's gaze.When it was curious about how its master ended up in such a place, it listened to the master's discussion tone and asked it to help it find the way.

"Okay, master!"

With a promise, Huo Shier immediately turned into a little spark and drilled out from between Feng Tianyu's eyebrows.In the next moment, sparks flashed brightly in the darkness, and flints flew into the distance like electric flints.

Flint flew into the distance in the dark space.In the wind and rain, the light of Mars turned into a red fireball.The red fireball grew bigger and bigger in the darkness, just like the sun rising in the east, as if it would break through the shackles of the darkness in the next moment.

Seeing this, Feng Tianyu raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and her black eyes suddenly lit up at this moment.

Flint is connected with Feng Tianyu, it flies in the darkness with the speed of electricity, and burns a ray of light in the darkness with its fiery heat.He even passed on the potential danger of the dark space to Feng Tianyu with his mind.

Remembering the danger of Huo Shi'er passing on, Feng Tianyu raised his eyes to look at the thirteen evil spirits of the temple.

At this moment, Chi Haoming closed his eyes and opened his eyes.The other 12 people also opened their eyes one after another.

Feng Tianyu looked at the thirteen evil spirits of the temple, who were full of energy and fully recovered.She nodded to the 13 people in satisfaction, got up and said:

"Now that everyone has recovered, follow me and leave!"


The 13 people stood up, responded in unison, and hurriedly followed the steps that Feng Tianyu had already taken.

With Huo Shier in front of him, Feng Tianyu relaxed a lot.She remembered the message that Huo Shi'er passed on.It is very light to avoid unknown dangers in the dark.

With Huo Shi'er's help, Feng Tianyu's journey to find a way out went smoothly.

The calmness of the wind and rain does not mean that the thirteen evil spirits in the temple will not be nervous.They are all immortal high-level monks.His sensitivity to danger is extraordinary.

As they walked forward in the darkness, they could already smell the dangerous aura spreading in the air.They didn't dare to disturb Feng Tianyu, and each of them had already started to worry secretly in their hearts.

They are ready for the battle, as long as there is danger approaching, they are sure that they will be able to take the wind and rain as soon as possible.

They didn't know why Feng Tianyu wasn't worried about such an unknown and dangerous place.As Feng Tianyu's subordinates, they always had doubts in their hearts, and they didn't dare to ask them easily.

They don't believe that the danger here will be unaware of wind and rain.After all, the wind and rain have a strong reputation.

They didn't ask Feng Tianyu, but they didn't forget their responsibilities as subordinates.As long as the unknown danger is approaching, they will be able to take it at the first time.

Feng Tianyu didn't know what Chi Haoming and the others were thinking.She kept track information with Huo Shi'er.While observing the dark space with purple pupils.

"Master, I have found the weak point of the barrier, but this is the habitat of the black ants, and a black ant nest blocks the way we must pass.

If we want to break through the barrier and go out from here, we must face the army of millions of black ants. "

"okay, I get it!"

Feng Tianyu thought for a while, then ordered Huo Shi'er:

"Huo'er, you wait there first, don't startle the snake, everything will be discussed when I arrive."


Huo Shi'er agreed, and then disappeared the fire light on his body.In the twinkling of sparks, it has turned into a transparent villain hiding on a rock in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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