Tears Fairy

Chapter 1658

Chapter 1658

Just when Flint turned into a transparent villain and hid on a rock, the black ant scouts who had been investigating outside also returned to the black ant castle.

"Report to the general, the fireball that has been locked for a long time suddenly disappeared from the sky."

On the high seat, a human-shaped black ant with a body like a cow had a fierce look on its face. It protruded its eyes, and its iron hands like sharp hooks stroked the two horns at the corners of its mouth. It asked dissatisfiedly:

"You mean, the fireball disappeared under your surveillance?"

"Yes, I also know that this matter is not easy, so before I came back to report, I ordered my subordinates to move forward for a thousand miles to continue the search and reconnaissance."

"Well, this fireball shouldn't have appeared in the black star. Its appearance has caused a geographical imbalance to the black star. And it appeared in my family's territory, which is even more difficult.

My family is one of the ten overlords of Black Star.The most severe blow must be given to all intrusions of unknown objects.And you lost the enemy under surveillance. This is the most serious dereliction of duty. This general must give you a major demerit.

The general thinks that you are the most important scout of the general.This general hopes that you will remember the lesson of this time. Similar mistakes must never happen again in the future. "

"Yes! General!"

The heart held by the scout was finally let go after the general gave it a serious demerit.It raised its hand to wipe the sweat off its forehead, only to feel that it had escaped from the gate of hell.

The general of the black ant tribe is notoriously violent.Not only is it strict in governing the army, but it also does not rub the slightest bit of sand in its eyes.

As the most powerful and prestigious scout in the army, the scout knew that this time it was a shameful dereliction of duty in his field of expertise.

If this is the iron and blood method that the general used to deal with things, this time it will have to escape from death.The punishment given to it by the general today is the lightest it knows.

It's just that it really can't figure it out, how could the fireball that was originally like the sun disappear so silently under its nose?
"No matter where the fireball comes from, it must be under the control of our clan. Go down, Mo Gongmu, and report back immediately when you find out the reason why the fireball disappeared!"

The black ant general Hong on the high seat ordered the respectful scouts.Then he waved his hand to let the scout go down.

After watching the scouts leave, the general on the high seat immediately got up and went to the queen ant's palace.

"Tie Ci'er, you are no longer in charge of military affairs in the army, why come to me when you have time?"

A woman in black soft armor was lying on the soft couch.He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the general who was striding forward.

"Queen Ant, you are really amazing! The fireball hanging high in the sky, as you expected, it really disappeared under the surveillance of scout Mo Gongmu."

General Tie Ci'er bowed respectfully and bowed to report to the queen.The queen ant knows everything well, even if she doesn't admire the queen.

"Hey! My family lives here, and this catastrophe is already doomed. This is the prophecy of our ancestors. But it has nothing to do with this future!"

It was the first time Tie Ci'er heard what the queen ant said.Although it was the ancestor's prophecy, it didn't think there was anything wrong with the black ants living here.

Seeing its expression like this, the queen ant knew that Tie Ci'er didn't care much about the prophecies of her ancestors.It sighed inwardly, frowned, and then got up from the soft couch.

The queen ant walked to a painting in the middle of the palace and stood still.After staring at the paintings hanging on the palace wall for a long time, he waved to the general behind him:
"The general is here!"


Tie Ci'er stepped forward in response, standing three steps behind the queen ant maintaining courtesy.

"Tie Ci'er, do you know that this Qiankun painting was left by our ancestors of the ant tribe to take refuge for future generations?"

(End of this chapter)

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