Tears Fairy

Chapter 1734

Chapter 1734

Zhang Kaiming held a big knife in both hands and rushed to besiege the enemies on the water, which was a ground-breaking slash.The two men in black who attacked him were immediately rolled and dodged in the water.

Zhang Kaiming's strength is already at the immortal stage, and he once experienced life and death in the ancient battlefield.Combat strength is not comparable to that of the same level in the spirit world. With the big sword in his hand, under his full play, the power is terrifying enough to resist two monks of the same level.

Feng Tianyu, Zhan Fei, and Long Yue didn't dare to be careless. They stood in the most favorable places, but seeing a flash of light, they had already summoned their magic soldiers.

Seeing the murderous enemy approaching, the three of them launched their strongest attacks at the same time.

The battle at Qingwan Lake quickly descended into a frenzied battle.

In this battle, the cultivation levels of the two sides were about the same, but the numbers of the two sides were very different. The enemy was several times larger than Feng Tianyu and the four of them. It was not difficult for them to kill the four of them in Qingwan Lake.

What hindered the man in black was the dragon boat's formation defense.

Feng Tianyu's dragon boat was refined by himself and equipped with both offensive and defensive capabilities.They can attack the enemy from inside the dragon boat. When the enemy attacks them, they can use the defensive power of the formation to resist [-]% of the enemy's strength.

Fortunately, the dragon boat has a powerful formation defense, and Feng Tianyu and the others can use the advantage of the formation to fight the opponent evenly in a short time.

The four people on the dragon boat confronted each other without any hesitation.The leader of the men in black outside the dragon boat frowned.

Although there were many men in black besieging, they couldn't break through the dragon boat's defense, and couldn't do anything to Feng Tianyu and the others for a while.

The four of Feng Tianyu knew this, so they went all out at the beginning of the battle.


Suddenly, there was a huge roar in the fierce battle field.This is the sound of a man in black being knocked out of his dantian by Zhan Fei's water and fire sword technique.

Seeing that time was running out, just when he fell into a difficult decision.The leader in black looked sharply at Zhan Fei, and saw that Zhan Fei gained momentum with one sword, and then attacked the man in black who was attacking Zhang Kaiming with another sword.


The leader in black stared sharply, and suddenly shouted, his figure shook, and in an instant, his whole body was like a sky-reaching sword.

As the long knife oscillated, the entire space of heaven and earth seemed to be covered by blades at the point of the blade.

Rumble, this is a big killer move without sound!
Zhan Fei was startled by a sudden murderous aura coming from behind him.The sudden opportunity made him decisively give up on the man in black who was about to be killed.

Zhan Fei just flashed into the dragon boat formation.


Zhan Fei heard a loud rumbling sound behind him that destroyed everything.This is the attack of the leader in black hitting him on the dragon boat's defense.

Zhan Fei's heart trembled, and when he turned his head to look out of the dragon boat, he saw that the sky full of blades had been hitting the dragon boat's defense like a tide.

As the leader of the man in black attacked the dragon boat one after another, cracks began to appear in the dragon boat's defense.

Feng Tianyu could only give up attacking the man in black to fully repair the broken pattern of the dragon boat.

Zhanfei forcibly suppressed the horror in his heart, and began to take into account the stability of Feng Tianyu's original position.

With the addition of the leader in black in the attack from outside, the pressure on the four of them suddenly increased.


The battle became fiercer and fiercer, seeing that the dragon boat's formation had been completely repaired in his own hands, Feng Tianyu finally let out a sigh of relief.

He saw the billowing blades attacking the tide, Feng Tian suddenly played a formula, the long sword turned sideways, and he saw the gravitational pull of the sword formula, a dull sword quickly pierced into the heart of the man in black .With a twist of his wrist, there was a thud, and the man in black died instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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