Tears Fairy

Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735

"There are too many enemies, everyone uses the dragon boat formation to defend, cooperate with each other to lure and kill, and try to kill the enemies outside."

During the fierce battle, just as Feng Tianyu gave Zhan Fei and others orders, he killed one person with his sword. Seeing this, everyone in the dragon boat became more confident, and Feng Tianyu's voice almost fell away.The four reached a consensus in an instant.The situation of the disadvantaged battle immediately changed.

"Puff! Puff!"

Because Feng Tianyu suddenly changed his fighting style.Using the dragon boat formation, the four cooperated to pull and kill the enemy. In a blink of an eye, two more men in black fell into the water and died.

The leader in black immediately became furious when he saw this, and he ordered without hesitation:

"Seven cats, prepare for Heitianlei immediately, and immediately break the formation at all costs. The others retreat and prepare to kill the four people in the dragon boat with all their strength!"


The man in black couldn't attack for a long time, and seeing his companions die by the enemy's sword one by one, a chill was already in his heart.At this time, the leader in black gave an order, and the hearts of all the people in black were shocked when they heard the order.The chill that had just been born in my heart dissipated without a trace.

Seven cats responded and stepped forward from among the men in black who were attacking.The man in black who was about to attack the dragon boat's defense stepped back and took up his position. He immediately led the two men in black to bombard the dragon boat frantically with black sky thunder.

Although the dragon boat formation is strong in defense, it cannot withstand the intensive bombardment of the enemy Heitianlei.After a while, the defensive cover spread like a spider's web.

Feng Tianyu repaired the formation by himself, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of the enemy's bombing, and the defense of the dragon boat formation was about to collapse.

"Fifth Young Master, what if the dragon boat's defense is about to break?"

Beads of sweat appeared on Zhang Kaiming's forehead.I couldn't hold back the panic in my heart and asked.

Originally, the enemy was outnumbered, and at this time, the enemy even bombed with the powerful black sky thunder regardless of the cost.The dragon boat's defense was about to collapse, no wonder Zhang Kaiming panicked,
Facing the enemy's fierce bombing, Feng Tianyu wanted to repair the dragon boat formation, but couldn't keep up with the enemy's destruction speed. Although the dragon boat was still advancing, it was still a mile away from the opposite bank.

He frowned and couldn't think about it for a while, and then forced himself to suppress the uneasiness in his heart and said in a deep voice:

"There is a positioning teleportation array secretly established by our people on the other side. Let's work hard and persevere. As long as we strengthen the dragon boat to the other side, we will be safe. At the next stop, people I have arranged in advance will come to the rescue."

"Boom boom boom..."

The light of the dragon boat's defensive cover dimmed, and the dragon boat's defense was completely smashed by the enemy's black sky thunder.I saw the dragon boat swayed and sank.

"No, the dragon boat is about to sink, what should I do?"

Zhang Kaiming tried his best to swing his knife at the attacking enemy.Panting heavily, he shouted with difficulty.Seeing another wave of Pai Shan Dao Fa coming, Zhang Kaiming had no choice but to swing his saber again, a wave rose up, he slashed horizontally, and a stream of heavy sabers met the overwhelming Pai Shan Dao Fa.



Zhang Kaiming was defeated and was knocked back more than a dozen steps, and the force from the oppression made his palms numb and the long knife dropped.

The enemy saw success with one move, and immediately made another move.Zhang Kaiming had already suffered a lot of internal injuries, he couldn't take this move at all.Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhan Fei immediately stepped forward, pointed his long sword at the sky, and under the sword tactics, the long sword instantly aroused the spiritual power of heaven and earth.In an instant, the sky and the earth rose up, and the long sword that pierced the sky flashed across the sky and slashed down.


Zhanfei's long sword met the enemy's powerful blow.The entire Qingwan Lake immediately set off a wave of waves.

Zhan Fei came to rescue in time, Zhang Kaiming heaved a sigh of relief, raised his hand and swallowed a Nine-turn Xuanyuan Pill.boom!Another mountain came from the sky, he didn't have time to absorb the pill, so he quickly picked up the long knife and slashed towards the sky.

"Kill!" Zhang Kaiming yelled, and chopped the mountain into the lake with a single blow, splashing out huge waves with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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