Tears Fairy

Chapter 23 Family Contest Finals

Chapter 23 Family Contest Finals ([-])
Feng Mingchu withdrew from the rostrum, returned to the main seat in the viewing area and sat down. Except for the chief elder who stayed on the rostrum, the ten deacons and elders boarded the Tianji platform and the Diji platform in groups of three. Renjitai, presiding over justice on three channels!
Each martial arts arena is divided into ten Xumi Spaces, and ten groups are held at the same time. Two people compete in groups, and the Xumi Spaces prepare their own formations!The power of fighting skills will not leak out of the Sumeru space!
After the elders of the three platforms were in place, the chief deacon elder pressed the red button of the chief platform, and a 300 yuan number plate was lowered in front of the three-pole platform, and the chief deacon elder began to explain the rules of the competition!

"Participating disciples, please catch the number plates in front of you. The big competition will be held in the Sumeru space of the martial arts platform. During the competition, casualties are rare. Please keep in mind that if you are in danger, crush the number or call 'I admit defeat' immediately. The law will automatically pass you out of the formation!

Now, group according to the number plate, one-on-one, two-on-two, ten to ten, and ten groups will be on stage at the same time! "

There are one hundred disciples each in front of the three-pole stage. After the three-pole disciples received the number plates, twenty heavenly disciples, twenty earthly disciples, and twenty human disciples walked out of the three-pole stage at the same time, and entered the Xumi space for a competition at the same time. !


There are three deacons and elders presiding over each of the three competition platforms!After the three-pole disciples are in place, the deacon elders on the three-pole stage announce the start.



After the ten groups of disciples greeted each other, the competition began, and the third-level disciples had their own points of interest!

Choose the Renji Terrace to watch the battle during the Qi training period, choose the Diji Terrace to watch the battle during the foundation building period, and choose the Tianji Terrace to watch the battle during the alchemy period!
Seeing that Lei Er and Qing Er didn't compete in the first round, Feng Ming went to the Diji Terrace to watch the battle!
Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing, who was holding Feng Tianyu in his arms, followed their mother to Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianlei, and watched the spell competition on the Renji Stage together!

Feng Tianyu looked at the competition on the Renji Stage, turned to look at the eldest brother and the second sister, and thought in his heart: "The eldest brother and the second sister have followed their parents to do tasks since childhood! The martial arts competition should be experienced, the only one The lack of cultivation has already been made up for last night, and with the addition of observing the competition of the same level, there should be no pressure in the top ten!"

The wind and rain did not disturb the brothers and sisters watching the game!She also quietly watched the ten groups of disciples fighting on the stage!

Although she has broken through to the seventh level of Qi training, because she jumped up several levels overnight, she still stays at the basic spells of the first level of Qi training, such as small fireball, water arrow, entanglement, ground trap, Small incision and other five-element small spells.

Now, she can't help but be intoxicated by the endless and exquisite and unique high-level qi training spells on the stage!
After going back and forth in the ten groups of fighting skills, after gaining a certain understanding of the high-level skills of Qi training, I began to look for the loopholes and shortcomings of the 20 people's skills!And think of a way to break it!
Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing occasionally looked back at Feng Tianyu, and saw that she was watching seriously, so they didn't disturb her and let her watch quietly!

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing watched the battle carefully, absorbing the essence of experience and spells from it!Liu Yun'er is also watching carefully. She often does tasks outside with Feng Zhizhi, and her experience in fighting skills is much better than that of the ten groups of people on the stage. The weak point of the flaw is broken.

Feng Tianyu watched the battle for a quarter of an hour, his eyes lit up and he smiled!Out!really!

"I surrender!"

One of the disciples in the fifth group of fighting techniques, when using the move of Water Curtain Tianhua to resist the opponent's Burning Field, when the Burning Field was weak, he quickly switched to a move of Water Flooding Jinshan, drowning another disciple's move with an old one. Burning Heaven Art!

The other disciple reacted a little slower, and it was too late to change moves!At the moment when I was submerged by the water and Jinshan, I shouted "I admit defeat!"

The disciple who yelled to admit defeat came out of the martial arts arena in a state of embarrassment!After the elder announced that he had won, the disciple who won the competition received an orange medal and got off the ring!Today, his competition was successfully completed in the way of victory!
Soon, one of the disciples in the second group began to admit defeat. The winner received the medal and got off the competition stage. He sat with the first winner on the promotion platform of the winner's glory, and some deacon disciples prepared refreshments for him!
In the first round of Renjitai's first round of martial arts competitions, the ten groups of competitions all ended within three quarters of the time!

The first round of competition between Dijitai and Tianjitai has also ended one after another!

After the chief deacon elder announced the start of the second round of competition, the disciples of the three extremes formed ten groups of 20 people according to the routine. When the deacon elder announced the start, the disciples greeted each other.



After the word please was exported, the competition also opened the prelude to the second round of competition!The spectators in the audience are in high spirits, and the competition has also become day-to-day.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"come on!"

"come on!"

There were applause one after another from the audience, cheering sounded into one piece, Feng Tianyu Feng Tianxing saw the exciting part, and joined the group of applause!
After Feng Tianyu couldn't take it anymore, she stretched out her hands to caress her ears, Liu Yun'er smiled and stretched out her hands from Feng Tianxing's body to hug Feng Tianyu into her arms!
"Mother! Yu'er loves mother the most!"

Feng Tianyu hugged her mother's neck happily, leaned her head comfortably on her delicate shoulders, smelled the familiar fresh smell of her mother, and sniffed cutely!I squinted my eyes happily!Ok!A child with a mother is indeed a treasure!
Feng Tianqing happened to look sideways!Seeing the cute look of the baby sister, I felt amused, the sister looks like a full-fledged cat, so cute!
Feng Tianqing's competition number plate is No. 22, and she is in the third round of the competition!She is very confident in herself, after all, she has grown up through continuous hard work!Not the flowers in the greenhouse!
"Hey! Second sister, I saw you peeking at Yu'er!"

When the wind and the sky are a little distracted!Suddenly, I was amused by the words in Feng Tianyu's hey smile!One step forward, hugging baby sister and giggling!


"Baby sister, do you still need to peek if you want to see your baby sister? Just look at it openly! Hahaha...!"

Feng Tianqing continued to laugh uncontrollably!


Feng Tianyu didn't need to be annoyed, he laughed happily following his sister's laughter!It made Liu Yun'er and the three sons touch their foreheads!These two sisters!They always get together in their unique way!Laugh as you like!Full of joy!
"Second sister, it's your turn to play next game! Yu'er told you! Don't gossip with others!

After going on the field, he played his shit hard, and won the game with three moves and two moves. Yu'er and her sister went to the Victory Terrace to drink tea!Sister, you must go all out! "

Feng Tianyu leaned into Feng Tianqing's ear and said coquettishly, Feng Tianqing patted her baby sister on the back, thought about it thoughtfully and then chuckled.

"Hehe! Good! My sister must listen to my baby sister and go all out!"

Feng Tianqing knows that people who think highly of themselves and lightly of their opponents will lose miserably. As long as they are in a match, no matter how strong or weak the opponent is, they must go all out!Victory can only belong to yourself!
Feng Tianlei nodded secretly with a smile!It was really not easy for Yu'er to understand these things at such a young age. He looked at his two younger brothers, and when he saw that they had everything, he secretly nodded in approval!He is finally relieved!Continue to watch the same-level competition in the competition arena!
The second round of Renjitai ended in Weishi, and the battles of Earth and Tianji also ended one after another!

Tianjitai, the second uncle Feng Mingxuan won the second round!Grandma had a gratifying smile on her face!Eyes began to pay attention to Renjitai!Renjitai has her two grandchildren who are going to participate in the competition!
After the second round of competition, Feng Zhiming quickly returned to Liu Yun'er's side. In the third round of competition, there was a competition from Qing'er!He can't be absent!
"Now invite the third round of participating disciples to come on stage!"

After the chief deacon elder announced the third round, Feng Tianyu waved his little hand to his sister who was going forward and shouted: "Sister, come on!!!"

After Feng Tianqing looked back and gave Feng Tianyu a caressing smile, she chased the wind and stepped out of the No. [-] Sumeru Space Fighting Field that had already entered the competition stage!




(End of this chapter)

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