Tears Fairy

Chapter 24 Family Contest Finals

Chapter 24 Family Contest Finals ([-])


As soon as Feng Tianqing uttered the words, Chasing Feng stepped out, and his strike was like lightning. With the sound of wind and thunder, Chasing Fengjian had already attacked the opponent's door.

Follow up like a shadow with chasing wind steps, ignoring the sweeping sword of the opponent, and the stars move!The Wind Chasing Sword was as fast as lightning, and it was still going forward without hesitation, moving with the wind, it was already out of the range of the opponent's sweeping step, and the body swayed slightly, and the Wind Chasing Sword was already on the opponent's neck.

"I surrender!"

The opposite disciple turned pale and admitted defeat!He felt that he had lost nothing, and he hadn't cast the spell yet!I will lose in a mess!

Feng Tianqing stepped forward, started to use her sword, and went all out, without using Taoism, the opponent had already been defeated by her, and she confessed defeat!

"Good! Good! Sister is great!"

While everyone was stunned, Feng Tianyu enthusiastically clapped his little hands and applauded!Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing, Feng Zhizhi and Liu Yuner also celebrated Feng Tianqing with warm applause!

The disciples watching the battle from the Renji Terrace reacted and applauded enthusiastically!There was thunderous applause for a while!It turns out that fighting can be so simple!This is the voice of Renjitai disciples!

The twenty disciples who won the two rounds looked at Feng Tianqing with thoughts in their hearts!Such a fighter!With the momentum of taking the lead and leading the battle situation strongly, it is not easy to compete with!If you match...

Xie Yunyan and Feng Mingchu have been paying attention to the battle at Renjitai, and when Feng Tianqing dominates the battle situation until the end of the battle!The eyes of the two are fiery!I was overjoyed!The strong come out of hard work, how can it be compared to the delicate flowers in the greenhouse!

The two couldn't help looking at Feng Tianlei!He won't let himself down!Feng Tianlei's calm expression made them feel relieved for no reason!
Zhier, Zhidi is the great hero of this generation!The mother and son sighed secretly!Looking at the excited Feng Zhizhi and his wife, I was very relieved!

"Wind and sunny win!"

With the announcement of the deacons and elders!The applause is even louder!Feng Tianqing smiled, with the corners of her mouth slightly curled up. After receiving the orange medal, she stepped out of the Sumeru space, leaped off the competition arena, and walked towards her family. Strong man!
Fengtianyu's brows and eyes are curved, and his spirit is flying!As if the victor was herself!
"Father, mother! I have won!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Feng Zhiming was full of excitement and pride, this is his daughter!What could make him more proud than this!
Liu Yun'er reached out and touched Feng Tianqing's beautiful hair, her brows were full of tender maternal love!

Feng Tianqing stretched out her hands to hug the joyful little sisters with curvy eyebrows, Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing, all eyes showed admiration and joy!
"Congratulations sister!"

"Congratulations sister!"

"Congratulations sister!"

The three brothers happily congratulated Feng Tianqing!
"Good sister, let's go! Let's go up and drink tea!"

"Okay! Sister Baby! Sister, let's go up to drink tea with Baby!"

Liu Yun'er looked at the pair of baby girls tenderly, and patted Feng Tianyu's butt lightly, her smile was very happy!She is proud of having these five children!
"Mother - dear!"

Feng Tianyu saw his mother slapping her little butt, she pouted her little mouth and lengthened the voice of calling her mother!

Everyone snickered when they saw this!Feng Tianqing hugged her comfortingly and went to the honor platform to drink tea!

The sisters ate and drank like no one else was around!Talking and laughing, occasionally watching the battle and commenting, I am so tired that others can't stop shaking their heads!The two sisters seem to be unaware that they still stick to me, so naturally do as they please!

The third round of the Renjitai competition ends at Shenshi!The fourth round took place as usual, and Feng Tianlei competed in the No. [-] Sumeru space!Wind and weather and wind and rain are finally officially up!Shout out to my brother!

"Brother, come on!!!"

Feng Tianyu shouted with his sister waving his arms.Don't care about other people's gaze at all!But not many people locked them up, everyone's attention was on the competition stage!

Before Feng Tianlei entered the Xumi space, he turned around and waved his arms to the two baby sisters who cheered cheerfully!Just now he stepped into the Sumeru Dimension Bidoutai!
"Come on, big brother!!!"

In the Xumi space, Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianhun stand opposite each other!Feng Tianlei had known about Fengyuan Soul beforehand.

Feng Tianhun is 19 years old. Before the competition, he was in the late stage of Qi training. He was one of the top ten elite disciples of the Renji Academy. After the competition, after coming out of the Renji Pagoda, he advanced to the Great Perfection of Qi training. He used the fifth-grade spiritual weapon, the Golden Crow Hammer. It is a strength type, a standard dual practice of law and martial arts!
Feng Tianhun is relatively unfamiliar with Feng Tianlei, and Feng Tianlei appeared in front of him as if airborne!After the two met, they both added [-] more cautions!


After the law enforcement elder started, the two began to retreat, looking for the best time!The two were changing positions quickly in order to focus on one blow!
Suddenly, Feng Tianhun moved Mount Tai to overwhelm the top, and the Golden Crow Hammer turned into a mountain with the momentum of thunder to crush Feng Tianlei.

Feng Tianlei moved up to chase the stars and step on the moon to dodge it dangerously, stepped forward slightly with his feet, and passed by the mountain, the black cassock billowed a puff of black smoke!The sword moves at will, the seventh-grade golden dragon sword turns into a golden dragon and rushes into Fengtianhun's safe area, and the golden dragon coils around and attacks Fengtianhun!
Feng Tianhun thought: "Not good!" He threw the Golden Crow Hammer in his left hand towards the head of the Golden Dragon, and his figure suddenly flashed obliquely.

Feng Tianlei's fingers moved slightly, the golden dragon dodged the Golden Crow Hammer, and followed Feng Tianhun like a shadow!



Feng Tianhun's Golden Crow Hammers fell to the ground one after another. When the mountain shook, it turned back into the Golden Crow Hammer and another Golden Crow Hammer thrown by Feng Tianhun flew towards Feng Tianhun!
The golden dragon successfully entangled Feng Tianhun, Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianhun were equal in strength, Feng Tianhun was helpless, and the established pillar was entangled by the golden dragon!

"I surrender!"

Feng Tianhun ended the battle by admitting defeat!Sent out by Xumi Dimension to the Dimension Bidoutai!
Feng Tianlei won in the end!
"Wind and Thunder win!"

After the law enforcement elder announced the result, the audience burst into applause, screams, and cheers!Make a noise!
This competition is a battle between elites. It is far from comparable to the previous competitions. This battle welcomes the applause of the audience!

After Feng Tianlei got off the competition stage, Feng Tianyu happily rushed towards his big brother!

"Big brother! Yu'er loves big brother the most!"

Feng Tianlei hugged the baby sister who flew towards him with both hands, laughed heartily and threw the baby sister into the air.

"Hahaha... Big Brother loves Sister Yu'er the most!"


The joyful laughter of the two brothers and sisters resounded together.

Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er clasped each other's hands, this is their proud son and daughter!The four eyes are facing each other, and there is a lot of emotion in each other, and the difficulties and hardships are no longer important!They will be proud of their children and no longer ashamed of their family!

Feng Tianlei hugged his baby sister, and after meeting Feng Tianqing, Feng Tianyu, and Feng Tianxing who were running towards him, they walked towards their parents who supported each other!

"Father, mother! Lei'er lived up to expectations! Lei'er won!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Lei Er! Thank you for your hard work!"

Feng Mingzhi repeatedly said three good words to show his happiness!On the other hand, Liu Yun'er called Lei Er with a heartbroken voice, thank you for your hard work!Reached out to tidy up the skirt for his son!
Feng Mingxuan came forward to congratulate the two nephews.

"Second Uncle He Lei'er Qing'er won the first battle! I hope to make persistent efforts the day after tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the loser rematch!We can rest for a day, or we can come to watch the battle! "

"Lei'er, Qing'er, thank you Second Uncle, and also congratulate Second Uncle on his victory in the first battle!"

After Feng Tianlei held Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianqing to thank the second uncle, he also congratulated the second uncle on his first victory!
The fourth round of competition ended at the end of Shenshi, and the last round of Youshi was a gathering of elite disciples from Renji Academy!The final round of martial arts competition is a big competition between the elite disciples of Renji Academy!
(End of this chapter)

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