Tears Fairy

Chapter 25 Family Contest Finals

Chapter 25 Family Contest Finals ([-])
When elites meet ordinary disciples, they win in seconds!The encounter between the elite and the elite is the biggest attraction!

Feng Zhizhi's family, Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing are the two people who are most passionate about the collision of elites!You can feel their high pitch and excitement from their joyous voices!
Feng Zhiming watched it for a while at Renji, and then went to watch the battle on the Diji platform!At his level, there is no benefit at all for a disciple of Renji compared to Dou.

Feng Tianlei was watching the battle on the Renji Terrace, and he was always in a nonchalant manner!It wasn't until Feng Tianwu confronted Feng Longfei that Feng Tianlei began to watch seriously!




Feng Tianwu and Feng Longfei started a fierce battle against each other after the deacon elder said hello to each other!
Feng Tianwu uses a seventh-grade flame hammer, a spiritual weapon. Feng Tianwu is heroic and strong, and he is a disciple who also cultivates both law and martial arts.He is also an elite disciple of the Tianzi generation of the Feng family, a man of the Feng family!
The flame hammer in his hand weighed [-] jin, and it was just a handy weapon in Feng Tianwu's hands!

The flame hammer in Feng Tianwu's hand roared powerfully in the Sumeru space, colliding with Feng Longfei's seventh-grade water dragon gun from time to time!It's really a chess match, a good talent, and an inseparable fight!
Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing also took it seriously!Seriously watch and learn how to find flaws in the two-person fight, and how to win the fight!
Feng Tianwu and Feng Longfei fought until the end of the Youshi period before making dangerous moves. With a single move of spinning the sky hammer, Feng Longfei's gun screen was broken, and the human hammer passed through the gun screen, and the sky king hammer hit Feng Longfei's head!
"I surrender!"

Feng Longfei convincingly admit defeat!

The audience applauded thunderously, applauding one after another, even Liu Yun'er started to applaud for forgetting himself!A pair of unsatisfactory expressions!It's the same as the disciples watching the battle in the audience!
On the competition stage, it is still going on like a raging fire!Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing returned to their previous state, and Liu Yun'er also calmed down!There is a gentle and quiet look on the face again!

For Feng Tianyu, the battle in the martial arts arena is just a fun to watch!

For Feng Tianyu who has a strong soul and watched the dismantling for a day, I really have no interest in watching it!
Feng Tianyu watched the competition of elite disciples for a while, but he didn't think it was exciting, and it was better than the previous battle!So after watching it for a while, I yawned out of interest!

Seeing this, Feng Tianqing soft-heartedly said to Feng Tianyu: "Baby sister, sleep for a while if you are sleepy!"

"Thank you sister, Yu'er loves my sister the most!"

Feng Tianyu and his sister got bored with each other for a while, then closed their eyes and nestled in sister Xiangxiang's soft arms, and found the most comfortable position to sleep beautifully.

Feng Tianyu took a good night's sleep complacently amidst the thunderous noise in the square!
"Lei'er, Qing'er, congratulations on your victory in today's competition! I hope that you will continue to work hard in the competition the day after tomorrow and add luster to our main branch!"

"Lei'er, Qing'er, come on!"

Uncle Feng Mingchu patted Feng Tianlei on the shoulder and smiled.

"Yes, grandma and uncle, please rest assured, grandma and uncle, Lei Er and Qing Er will definitely do their best!"

Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing promised their grandmother and uncle with smiles that they would go all out in the game the day after tomorrow to achieve good results.

It wasn't until the grandmother, the eldest uncle, and the second uncle came to congratulate and encourage Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianlei at the end of today's competition, that Feng Tianyu opened his eyes in a daze like a lazy cat. Eye!

"Hello grandma! Hello uncle!"

"Be good, Yu'er! Yu'er is sleepy!"

Grandma is gentle with concern!After looking at Feng Tianyu, he reached out and touched Feng Tianyu's forehead!Then he said: "Be good, Yu'er! If you're sleepy, sleep for a while!"

"Thank you, Grandma, Yu'er!"

After Feng Tianyu lazily asked her grandmother and uncle to thank her for her concern, she began to look for a comfortable position on her sister to continue sleeping!

Grandma smiled!
"The son has seen his mother! The daughter-in-law has seen her mother!"

"Grandson, Tianyu, Tianxing has seen grandma, uncle and uncle!"


Xie Yunyan, looking at his youngest son's family of seven, was extremely satisfied in his heart!I also fell in love with Liu Yun'er from the bottom of my heart!She patted Liu Yun'er on the shoulder with a gentle smile!

"Thank you Yun'er, mother, thank you Yun'er for raising five good grandchildren for me!"

"Mother, Yun'er is not working hard!"


Xie Yunyan is in a happy mood!Looking at Feng Zhiming lovingly and warmly, he smiled and said, "After the finals, move back to the Fengyuan! Mother also hopes that our family will live happily together! The Fengyuan is too big, and we need our grandchildren to enrich it!"

"Yes, mother! My child will remember!"

"Okay! Let's all go back!"

Feng Mingzhi and his wife Liu Yun'er greeted their mother for a while, and then led the family to send their grandmother into the carriage. After watching the carriage go away, they got into the carriage arranged by their uncle.

Feng Tianyu slept peacefully in her sister Xiangruan's arms!The little face is quiet and peaceful!Feng Tianqing gently hugged her baby sister to make her sleep more comfortably!

Feng Tianlei explained to Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing in a low voice!Feng Zhizhi had a loyal smile on his face, it seemed that he was extremely satisfied at this moment!

After Liu Yun'er knew that she had been accepted by her mother-in-law, she also had mixed feelings in her heart!Heart ups and downs!

It has been 20 years since I became a Taoist couple with Brother Zhi, and I have lost contact with my parents, brothers and sisters!

The parents knew that with a small family like theirs, they couldn't compete with such a huge family as the Feng family, but the loyal and honest Feng Mingzhi insisted on his original intention and treated them the Liu family consistently!
Until Feng Mingzhi rejected the marriage of Huangfu's family, and had a conflict with Feng's family!In order to appease the dissatisfaction of the clansmen, Feng Patriarch had no choice but to let Feng Mingzhi move out of the Fengyuan and live in the place where the aura is weakest in the North District.

After the Liu family knew about it, their father Liu Yanzhong told Liu Yun'er: "Yun'er, Ming Zhi is a loyal and good person, you should live a good life! Liu family, if you haven't returned to the main courtyard, don't come back!"

"Father, mother! How are you? How are your brothers and sisters? It's been 20 years, and my daughter hasn't seen her face in 20 years! My daughter misses you!
Today, the daughter was finally accepted by her mother-in-law and is about to move into the Fengyuan!My daughter can finally go back to visit you! "

Liu Yun'er was full of thoughts, and tears flashed in his eyes. Feng Mingzhi felt his wife's emotions, stretched out his hands to hold Liu Yuner's hand tightly, comforted his wife and said to Liu Yuner gently:
"Yun'er, after the family competition finals are over, we'll move back to Fengyuan. Once we've settled down, I'll tell my mother that we'll take the children to Liulin Town to visit our father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

"Brother Zhi! Thank you!"

Liu Yun'er wept emotionally.

Feng Zhizhi scratched his head subconsciously, and said with a chuckle: "Hey! Our babies haven't seen their grandfather yet! It's time for them to go back and recognize their relatives!"

Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing looked at each other, feeling relieved, they are older, they know something about the past between their parents!The two brothers and sisters are also very sad for their mother, and now they have listened to their parents' conversation!I am also happy for my mother!
Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing have more expectations!I am also very curious why my grandparents have never had any contact with my family!

Feng Tianqing glanced at her mother, her mother's tears burned her eyes, a clear tear fell on Feng Tianyu's little face, Feng Tianyu felt the breath of sadness, following the breath of sadness came from her mother breath!In her deep sleep, she subconsciously called out!
"Mother, don't cry! Yu'er loves mother the most!"


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(End of this chapter)

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