Tears Fairy

Chapter 27 Strengthening Techniques

Chapter 27 Strengthening Techniques
Early the next morning, Feng Tianyu got up from her sister's bed!My sister has practiced all night, she is very energetic, and she is thinking about today's discussion!The absorption of spiritual energy was over early in the morning!
Wake up at this time to see the wind and rain!Immediately smiling like a flower, she walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, stretched out her hand to touch Baby Sister's forehead and said with a smile:

"Baby sister, are you going to wake up?"

"Yu'er's good sister, Yu'er is about to wake up!"

"Okay! My sister is still waiting for my baby sister to compete with me!"

Feng Tianqing gently dressed her baby sister, combed her beautiful buns and tied them with blue silk ribbons, and went to the restaurant for breakfast with her sister!
It used to be that a family usually eats one meal a day at noon, but Feng Tianyu was unwilling to eat one meal a day, and she insisted on pampering her family, and formed a routine of three meals a day!

After breakfast, Feng Tianqing led Feng Tianyu into the spell room, where the three Feng Tianlei brothers and Feng Mingzhi and his wife were practicing their spells in the spell room!As soon as Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianyu entered the magic room, Feng Tianxing came to them!
"Sister, you are here, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Good morning, fourth brother!"

"Father, mother! Good morning!"

"Big brother, good morning third brother!"

Lovely Feng Tianyu sends hello to everyone!

"Baby Yu'er, morning!"

Feng Zhiming looked at the two sisters with a smile, and replied to Baby!Start practicing your own Taoism again!

Liu Yun'er walked up to Feng Tianyu, looked at her baby girl for a while and praised with a smile: "Baby, today is so beautiful!"

"Hee hee! Mother, you are wrong! Baby Yu'er is so cute and beautiful every day!"

Feng Tianyu was serious and stinky, smiling with his little head up, objecting to what his mother said just now!

"Yes, yes, it's my mother's mistake! Our baby Yu'er is the most beautiful every day!"

Liu Yun'er abandoned her previous words without any pressure, and softly echoed the stinky words of her precious daughter.

Feng Tianqing couldn't help laughing and looked at her mother!

"Alright, little sister Yu'er, let's start!"

Feng Tianqing eagerly proposed to Bao Er, and suppressed her cultivation base on the second level of Qi training.

"Mother, I'm going to compete with my second sister now! Yu'er is done with her brother and sister! Talk to mother again!"

Feng Tianyu explained to her mother and walked to the center of the magic room with her second sister to stand still, then grinned at Baby Sister and said:

"Sister, be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, the fireball technique in the center of his hand was already attacking Feng Tianqing!

Feng Tianqing's fingers pinched the magic formula, and the water curtain Tianhuashi resisted Feng Tianyu's fireball technique!
Feng Tianyu snorted softly: "Explosion!"

The windy and sunny water curtain suddenly shattered!Feng Tianyu yelled to Feng Tianqing: "Sister, try using Jin Shengshui to attract Water Curtain Tianhua!"

"it is good!"

Surprised and excited, Feng Tianqing agreed, and activated the mystery of the mutual generation of gold and water to cast the water curtain Tianhua!

Feng Tianyu moved his fingers slightly and another fireball attack Feng Tianqing's water curtain Tianhua, after detonating, the water curtain just shook slightly!Good luck!
Feng Tianyu used the fireball technique to attack three times. After Feng Tianqing continued to improve, the water curtain Tianhua had sublimated!

"Good sister! Let's compete with Yu'er's Qingfeng Sword"

"it is good!"

In Feng Tianyu's mind, the Qingfeng sword shot towards Feng Tianqing like a game of water with banter!

Feng Tianqing's perfect combination of chasing wind body and chasing wind steps, walking freely in the world of swimming with dragons and water!
"Dragon Reverse"

Feng Tianyu gave a soft drink!With a whistling sound from the Qingfeng Sword, it reversed its sword energy into a pair of dragons gathering to attack Feng Tianqing madly!
Feng Tianqing's heart sank, what kind of style of play is this, the sword energy still diverted from the main body and went retrograde?How can I crack it?
Sword, Qi, and double dragons meet!Feng Tianqing was trapped in it!
"Good sister! Come again!"

Feng Tianyu retracted his sword and shouted to Feng Tianqing.

"it is good!"

Feng Tianyu moved his fingers slightly, and the Qingfeng sword quickly attacked Feng Tianqing in reverse!

Feng Tianqing pinched the magic formula with her fingers, and the star chasing sword came out, the golden water condensed on the sword body, and the golden water aura turned into two meteors to fight against Feng Tianyu's rebellion with all her strength!
"Good sister, you are awesome!"

Feng Tianyu smiled approvingly and boasted, drawing inferences from one instance, she really is her good sister!
Feng Tianqing's sublimation skills are not yet mature, so you come and I keep perfecting the skills!

Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing are infatuated!Feng Tianlei felt as if he was on the scene, quickly comprehending the secrets of his cultivation skills!

Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er are already in a mess in the wind!When did their little one become so amazing?This is not a sparring match, okay?This is completely Taoist teaching!

It's a fantasy world!Or are they hallucinating?Feng Mingzhi rubbed his eyes and met Liu Yun'er's eyes in astonishment!
After that, he looked at the two daughters who were fighting!Apart from the shock in my heart, it was also an uncontrollable ecstasy.These are the sons and daughters of Liu Yun'er, his Feng Zhizhi!It is their pride that they are proud of!
It's time, Feng Tianyu stopped attacking!
Feng Tianqing began to sit cross-legged on the ground to integrate and improve her skills!
Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing entered Kongming, constantly reorganizing the spells they had learned before, merging with the essence of watching the battle in their perception!
After Feng Tianyu stopped attacking, he looked at his brothers and sisters who were enlightened!Smile!Turn around and rush towards your mother cheerfully!


Liu Yun'er caught the baby girl who was rushing towards her with open arms, and happily embraced the baby girl in her arms!
"Mother! Yu'er and the sisters are finished! Isn't Yu'er very, very powerful!"

"Yes, mother's baby is the most powerful!"

"Baby! Come! Daddy hold baby for a while!"

Feng Zhizhi stretched out his hand to hug Feng Tianyu from Liu Yun'er's arms. The loyal and honest Feng Zhizhi, his eyes were full of pity!

Baby is talented and smart!It's a pity that the body has five spiritual roots, if the spiritual roots are not limited!Yu'er is definitely an unworldly genius!

Liu Yun'er also thought of this, and her expression recovered from the ecstasy!The smile on the face hides a trace of sadness!
Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianqing, Feng Tianyu, and Feng Tianxing comprehended and merged in the magic room for a day and did not complete it!
After Feng Mingzhi activated the protective formation, he carried Feng Tianyu and Liu Yun'er back to the Anhe Hall in the inner courtyard!

Feng Tianyu nestled comfortably in her mother's arms and refused to come down!

"Baby Yu'er! How about sleeping with mother tonight?"

Liu Yun'er dotingly asked her precious daughter!

"it is good!"

Feng Tianyu glanced at his father, Liu Yun'er smiled and comforted him!
"Daddy is going to the training room to protect the Dharma for my brothers and sisters tonight!"


"Is Madam eating now?"

"Well! Bring it to An He Tang!"

"Yes!" Zhuang Jiayi replied and backed out!
After dinner, the three of them were silent for a while, and Feng Zhiming asked Feng Tianyu how he knew those exercises!

"Baby Yu'er! How do you know those Taoism?"

"I watched the game yesterday!"


Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er were tongue-tied, and once again secretly sighed that good fortune made people!How come the baby has five spirit roots!

"Father, mother! Taoism is not single, and the strongest single Taoism is also limited. We can merge or superimpose..."

Early the next morning, Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianqing, Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing, when Feng Tianyu and his mother walked in!They are fighting in pairs, learning from each other!Feng Tianyu also went to practice her own fireball technique!

Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er also found a method that suits them and is stronger than the previous practice from watching the battle yesterday, that is, fusion in disguise!After communicating with Feng Tianyu and clarifying the feasibility, I decided to practice!
The wind and rain practice the rolling fireball in the fingers without distraction. The fireball changes from small to large, from large to small, and rotates freely at the fingertips!When the fireball in the five fingers is kneaded in the closed five fingers, a terrible power riots in the space!
(End of this chapter)

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