Tears Fairy

Chapter 28 Family Contest Finals

Chapter 28 Family Contest Finals ([-])
When Feng Tianyu's five fingers were closed together, a dangerous and terrifying power rioted in the space for an instant!
Feng Tianyu spread his five fingers, and the kneaded fireball was divided into five fireballs dancing on his fingertips!A moment of heart palpitations!When the hearts of the six people in the magic room just rose, they disappeared without a trace with Feng Tianyu's spread fingers!
After the morning exercise, Feng Mingzhi's family sat in the carriage arranged by Uncle Feng Mingchu to pick them up, and headed for the central square all the way!

After the rematch of the losers ended yesterday, today is the competition of fifty winners!

Feng Tianlei's number plate is No. 25, while Feng Tianqing's number plate is No. [-]. The number plates of the brother and sister happen to be one head and one tail. Feng Tianyu can only watch the game on the field until the big brother finishes !

With the high-level members of the Feng family participating in the commentary and watching the game, they are in place!

After the chief deacon issued the number plates and announced the start, Feng Tianyu was the first to step onto the competition stage, and when he entered the Sumi space, he turned his head and met the clear and bright eyes of the baby sister!

Feng Tianqing curled her lips into a smile, blinked at her baby sister, and then stepped into the space of Xumi Bidou!
Feng Tianyu's opponent is a disciple of the late tenth level of Qi training!


Feng Tianqing looked at her opponents seriously when the deacon and elder started!



After the two held their swords in a salute, they began to confront each other head-on. Feng Tianqing's swordsmanship was sandwiched with Taoism, and Taoism was filled with sword energy! !
From a distance, you can attack with a sword from a distance, and from a distance, you can use a sword to attack from a distance!Switching is smooth and natural!For the first time, Feng Tianqing experienced the power of sublimated sword skills and Taoism!
A quarter of an hour later, the disciple who had been beaten to become a training partner cried out in depression and embarrassment!
"I surrender!"

After the disciple who surrendered came out of the Xumi space, Feng Tianqing ushered in another victory for her!The cheers and applause from the audience rang out!
"Wind and sunny win!"

After the deacon elder announced that Feng Tian Qing had won!A yellow medal was issued to Feng Tianyu!
After Feng Tianyu waved the medal to the audience, he chuckled!After leaving the Sumeru Arena, I have reached the side of Feng Tianyu under the stage!

"Heck... babe, let's go up there and drink tea!"

Stretch out your hand to grab it, and walk towards the platform of honor with Feng Tianyu in your arms!
Feng Mingzhi and the others watched the two sisters kissing each other on the honor platform, their faces were filled with expressions of pride!
Feng Tianlei came to the stage for the third time today, and he met a disciple who was at the top of the tenth level of Qi training. He was as stress-free as Feng Tianqing. Tournament stage.

Feng Tianlei easily won the competition!

The next round will be a ranking match between the 25 disciples who lost and the 25 disciples in the rematch!
After Feng Tianyu watched it for a while, he got into the carriage home with his parents and others. It would be better to go back to practice fireball skills after watching the game!Feng Tianyu thinks so!
In fact, Feng Zhizhi and the others thought so too, they just realized it!The practice is not proficient enough, so I want to go back and polish it!
Everyone with aspirations returned to the spell room together, and practiced independently without interfering with each other!The family was addicted to the new field and couldn't dial it out, and each started a crazy practice!
After one day passed, the next morning, he got into the carriage sent by his uncle and headed for the central square!The confidence on the faces of Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing is even stronger!

Feng Tianyu was held in Liu Yun'er's arms and fell into a light sleep!She is too small, although her immature body is a little weaker in the late stage of Qi training, and it is hard to get sleepy!

Liu Yun'er loves her daughter very much, she let her rest in the most comfortable position along the way!Everyone also silently pampered.

In the central square, the chief deacon elders in front of the rostrum began to announce the rules of today's competition!

"Today is the fourth day of the finals. The rules of today's competition are siege competitions, and 25 disciples who receive yellow medals will keep the siege!
One hundred disciples who have never met before can challenge on the stage, and the winner of the challenge will get a promotion medal!Adjust the ranking!

The undefeated player who defends seven games in a row advances to the top ten, and the one who fails to defend seven games excludes the top ten places!Now invite 25 disciples to come to the stage to guard the ring! "

Ten Xumi spaces have been adjusted to 25 Sumeru spaces!

"Big Brother, Second Sister, come on!!"

Feng Tianyu saw the big brother and the second sister on stage, cheering for the big brother and the second sister!
"come on!!"

Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianqing returned to her baby sister and cheered, then went to the competition stage, entered the Sumi space, and waited for the challenge!

Soon the first person to challenge Feng Tianqing was a disciple ranked fifty, but it's a pity!He was defeated by Feng Tianqing in ten strokes, the second challenger was a disciple ranked 39, Feng Tianqing still defeated the challenger in ten strokes!
Feng Tianlei also ushered in a challenger!Ranked No. 20, Jiu's disciple, like Feng Tianlei, defeated the challenger with ten strokes!
There are 25 arenas, and there are challengers at the beginning, and the disciples in the audience feel that their eyes are not enough!I couldn't stop looking at the arena where the cheers continued!What's more, shift positions!
Feng Tianqing fought recklessly and had already won six challengers in a row!Today's defending match is only the last one!

Feng Tianlei has already started fighting the seventh challenger!The top ten will fight here!
The seventh challenger is Feng Minghai, an elite disciple who is one of the 25 challengers this time!Feng Minghai lost in the fifth match!Lost the qualification to advance to the top ten!

Feng Tianlei has never been arrogant and complacent, as long as the battle starts, he will stand ready, and this time is no different!

"Please enlighten me!"


Feng Tianlei took a step, chasing the stars and the moon, and the sword came out silently!
Feng Minghai's Lingyun footwork flashed to the right, and the seventh-grade cloud piercing sword in his hand was facing the golden dragon sword!



Sword vs. sword duel!There were two clang clangs, and the two figures intersected!Already swapped directions!The golden dragon sword in Feng Tianlei's hand pointed obliquely at the sky, and in his mind, a storm rose!Pinch the magic formula in your hand!The golden dragon descended from the nine heavens, and its huge dragon palm slapped towards Feng Minghai!
Feng Minghai pinches the magic formula, and the Cloud Piercer transforms into a cloud dragon and climbs up to fight against the golden dragon!Obviously, after taking the lead, Golden Dragon has secured the victory!

Feng Minghai suddenly exploded with all his strength!While waving his hand, the cloud and mist rolled, and the faint thunder sounded in the cloud!The power of the dragon in the cloud has risen sharply!

A dragon howl!The dragon's mouth in the clouds soaring into the sky sprays clouds and mist!Face off with Jinlong!

Feng Tianlei's face was solemn, and the flames on Jinlong's body ignited with a slight movement of his fingers!The golden dragon transforms into a fire dragon and the dragon in the cloud thunders and lightning flashes, and the lightning in the mist devours the dragon in the cloud to accumulate power!
Wuzhong Yunlong felt that his power was weakening, and began to draw Feng Minghai's aura crazily!Feng Minghai was shocked, his face was as white as paper!He wanted to take back the Cloud Piercer Sword, but there was no hurry!

When Feng Tianlei saw this, a ray of golden light flashed from the fire dragon, and the lightning had already attacked Yun Zhonglong!
"dang lang"

The cloud piercing sword dissipated and fell from the air to the ground!The golden dragon circled down!It has reached the top of Feng Minghai!

"I surrender!"

"Congratulations to Feng Tianlei for defending the competition for seven games and making it to the top ten!"

The deacon and elder stepped forward to announce, waking up the sluggish audience, and the audience suddenly burst into applause!

Xie Yunyan, Feng Mingchu stood up!
"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The 31 elders stood up to congratulate Xie Yunyan and Feng Mingchu!

"Congratulations to the wife of the Patriarch, congratulations to the young Patriarch!"

Under the arena, there were screams, applause, and thunderous applause!The sound of wind and rain passes through the heavy sound curtain!
"Big brother, you are awesome! You are Yu'er's favorite big brother! You are the most handsome!"

Feng Tianlei looked at the baby sister who was being held high by his father, and waved his hands happily!Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing and mother waved their hands!cried happily.

Feng Tianlei looked at Feng Tianqing who was on the ring, and waved his fist!come on!Feng Tianqing and her brother waved their fists to express their congratulations!

After Feng Tianlei received a green medal, he gave a salute to the elder deacon!Chasing the stars and rising to the moon, stepping out to the center of the family in one step!
"Father, mother! My son lived up to expectations and returned victorious!"

"Good, good, good!"

Liu Yun'er threw herself on her son, weeping in ecstasy: "Okay, okay, Lei'er, mother's Lei'er has won!"

"Big brother! You are the most handsome! Yu'er loves big brother the most!"

"Brother loves Sister Yu'er the most!"

While speaking, Feng Tianyu in Feng Zhizhi's hands has been thrown into the air by his elder brother!
(End of this chapter)

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