Tears Fairy

Chapter 29 Family Contest Finals

Chapter 29 Family Contest Finals ([-])




Feng Zhizhi was excited to participate in the interaction between the three sons and the precious daughter. Feng Tianyu's cheerful and clear voice aroused the eyes and envy of countless people in the field!
Feng Tianqing was bored waiting for the next challenger, she looked at the happy family in the square!I also want to end the defending competition as soon as possible!

However, things backfired!Reality played a joke on her, and the last challenger made her wait until the flowers withered, but she didn't make it to her ring!
After Feng Tianlei in the arena, Feng Tianwu, Feng Tianying, Feng Tianhe, and Feng Mingtang advanced to the top ten one after another, and the ten who lost the ring!
Feng Tianqing looked depressedly at the remaining nine arenas!Except for one ring master who just defeated a challenger, now the ring is empty except for that ring master!Only his arena was left empty for a few hours!
Feng Tianqing looked enviously at the ring master who was fighting!The applause outside the arena is ringing one after another for the victors!

Feng Tianqing looked at the square below the stage, but found that her father was waving his hands excitedly towards the Tianji Terrace. She didn't need to think about it to know that her second uncle Feng Mingxuan had advanced to the top ten!

There were ten ring masters in the Renji Arena, and another one advanced, and three lost in the sixth round, losing their qualifications to defend the ring!The top ten will pass them by!

There are six defenders left on Renji Stage!Feng Tianqing felt that she was waiting for internal injuries!So just sit down and practice!Don't worry about no one coming on stage anymore!
Time is slipping away!On the Renji Arena, there is only one Feng Tianqing left!The deacons and elders are also speechless!
"Feng Longfei comes to challenge!"

"it is good!"

A good word like a breeze blowing on the face escaped from Feng Tianqing's mouth, Feng Tianqing opened his watery eyes that had been washed with clear water, and a gleam of light flashed in the eyes!It's your time!Fenglongfei Thank you for your support!

Feng Tianqing's eyes were full of anticipation for the battle!She was so tired of waiting!

"Auntie, please be merciful!"

Feng Tianlong held the water dragon gun tightly with both hands!Sweeping thousands of troops with a dignified move, the water dragon gun turned into a sea dragon, and the tail of the dragon swept away towards Feng Tianqing. The dragons staggered on the tail of the sweeping water dragon, and the two dragons took advantage of the situation to wrap around the water dragon, and the two dragons flew up separately!


There was a miserable howling of a dragon!A section of the dragon's tail snapped off at the sound, the water dragon shrunk rapidly, and flew towards the wind dragon. Feng Longfei reached out to take the water dragon gun and stomped his feet suddenly, and the human gun merged into one body and went up!Piercing the sky, the sound of cracks sounded in the air, the air was pierced, and the power was rising!

Feng Tianqing's expression froze, and as he swiped his hands, the two dragons in the air merged into one, and their spirit and power began to collide, Jin Yinshui erected a water curtain Tianhua!

The huge roar exploded in the Sumeru space, and a shot stabbed at Feng Tianqing was collided by the riot of spirit and power, and the huge micro energy exploded in the Sumeru space!Shuimu Tianhua swayed for a while!

A long gun fell to the ground!Feng Longfei was hit to the ground, and his top-quality robes were completely torn!He stood up from the ground and wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth!He smiled sincerely and said:
"Thank you, aunt, for showing mercy! My aunt is so strong! My nephew is willing to bow down!"

"Feng Tianqing has won seven games in a row and advanced to the top ten!"

"Congratulations, aunt!"

"Thank you!"

Feng Longfei flew off the ring gracefully, and Feng Tianqing's affection for this nephew increased greatly!Watch him leave!

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The last strong duel was very exciting!Feng Tianqing won applause from the audience!This time, she is the last champion of the Sanji Stage!Similarly, her name, Feng Tianqing, also spread among the three poles in this battle!

Feng Tianqing took her medal and flew off the competition arena. Today, everyone was on the stage, and only seven of the top ten advanced. Tomorrow will be the competition for the top [-]!Winners who can defend seven games in a row compete for three spots!
Feng Tianyu was hugged by Feng Tianqing who flew off the stage!Happy kissing with parents, the brothers got into the carriage, and all the way back to Songxiayuan with happy faces!

Today's seven battles proved the power of the sublimated exercises.Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing already have absolute confidence in the top ten rankings in the day after tomorrow!
After Zhuang Yi's family in the restaurant in Songxia Courtyard received Feng Mingzhi's order, when they first entered the courtyard, the celebration banquet was already prepared!
Tonight is destined to be a carnival night. In the family competition, Feng Tianqing, Feng Tianlei brother and sister have successfully advanced to the top ten!
As long as the three pole disciples who advance to the top ten in the family competition are the core disciples cultivated by the Feng family!
The core disciples are the foundation of the Feng Family, and they are the elites among the elites!After the core disciples enter the Three Talents Secret Realm, there will be an immortal ancestor who will personally guide and practice, and all resources will be fully provided by the family!

While Feng Tianyu was happy for the big brother and the second sister, he was also a little disappointed!Because, after the eldest brother and the second sister enter the secret realm of three talents, they have to practice in seclusion in the secret realm for ten years before they can leave the secret realm!
That's why she has to wait ten years to see her eldest brother and second sister again!
Feng Tianqing felt the disappointment of Baby Sister!I also know that my baby sister is reluctant to part with them!However, there is no way to do this, the road to immortality is long!They can only surpass themselves!Keep getting stronger!They can be together forever!
The world of cultivating immortals is the world of the strong!If she wants to protect her family, she must become stronger and become the strongest in this world!
"Baby sister, you have to work hard in training in the future! Wait for the big brother and sister to come out of the secret realm! Let's climb to the Tianyuan Continent together, and go to the summit to see the different scenery of the Tianyuan Continent!"

"Sister, Yu'er must practice hard! Waiting for my sister and big brother to come out and go to the Tianyuan Continent together!"

Feng Tianlei followed Feng Tianqing out of the restaurant, and reached out to hug her baby sister from Feng Tianqing's hand!Smiling comfortingly, she said, "Sister, baby, I have to supervise Brother Yu and Brother Xing's practice at home! Parents also need to rely on you to continuously encourage them to practice!"

"Baby Yu'er, let's make an agreement. In the future, our family will climb to the peak of Tianyuan Continent together! See different scenery!"

"Yeah! Yu'er remembered it!"

Feng Tianyu stretched out his small hand, Feng Tianlei's big hand covered it, Feng Tianqing stretched out his hand to join it, then Feng Tianyu stretched out his hand to join, Feng Tianxing stretched out his hand to join, the five brothers and sisters folded their palms, silently swearing eternity!

Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er looked at the five girls, and their eyes became firmer!They must not hold back the Jiaoers. After the family competition, they will start to retreat!The two looked at each other, and they both saw Bibi's decision in each other's eyes!

Yeyue under the Songxiayuan, Feng Tianyu set up a bridge of heaven, earth and man to absorb spiritual energy and practice, and the spiritual energy in the central area began to surge!

This night, the aura in the Songxia courtyard was full of aura, and Feng Tianyu performed the exercises to the extreme. She wanted to help her big brother and good sister in a limited time!
During Feng Tianlei's gentle practice, amidst a burst of familiar notes, he once again experienced the benefits of Xianle!His practice of qi training has been accumulated and solidified, as long as he releases the suppression, he will be able to advance to the foundation building stage without barriers!The clear notes beating one by one in the sea of ​​consciousness made him remember the melody of each beating note!Condensing Divine Soul Song!A set of information is imprinted on the sea of ​​consciousness!

When Feng Tianqing was accumulating and consolidating her aura, she was advancing rapidly in the rich aura!At the peak of her Qi training, she suppressed her cultivation and began to practice the condensed divine soul song branded in her sea of ​​consciousness!Each note danced smoothly in the sea of ​​consciousness!

Feng Tianyu successfully entered the seventh level of Qi training, and a set of information imprinted in the sea of ​​consciousness, condensed divine soul song, made him addicted to it!

Feng Tianxing jumped from the fourth level of qi training to the early stage of the sixth level of qi training. His foundation was solid and his aura was solid. After he found a new set of information added in the sea, he didn't panic because he found that the note of the song was the initial stage of the square. Smell the fairy music!
(End of this chapter)

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