Tears Fairy

Chapter 33 Willow Forest Town

Chapter 33 Willow Forest Town

Feng Tianyu walked briskly back to the Ping'an Courtyard, and went straight into the Chaoyang Pavilion where the mother lived. In the attic, the mother had already set up a table of spiritual food in the Yingyang Hall!There is also a plate of her favorite love steamed buns!Every steamed bun is infused with mother's deep maternal love!She claimed that this steamed bun is a love steamed bun!

"Mother, Yu'er is back." Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first!Downstairs came the cheerful voice of Feng Tianyu!
Liu Yun'er looked up happily at Feng Tianyu who had already rushed into the attic and said with a smile: "It's good to be back! Mother just prepared the spiritual meal! Your father sent a message saying that you won't be home for lunch today! At noon, mother will Let's eat with my baby!"

"Oh! Good! Yu'er loves my mother the most!" Feng Tianyu said, and the person has already thrown herself into her mother's arms!Saying her favorite catchphrase affectionately!Liu Yun'er enjoyed it, kissed the baby girl for a while, and then went to the dining table with Feng Tianyu in her arms!
"Yu'er's favorite!" Feng Tianyu took a steamed bread with a spiritual face, and narrowed his shiny black eyes in satisfaction.

"As long as the baby likes it, here! This is the result of my mother's whole morning! Three hundred steamed buns have been steamed in five baskets before they are steamed!"

Liu Yun'er handed her precious daughter a storage kit!Although I don't know why baby!I have a special liking for her Lingmian steamed buns, and my daughter loves her food so much!She is really happy!I am very happy to make a cage for my baby every day!I am even more happy to make five cages today!
"Thank you mother!" Feng Tianyu happily took the kit!Carefully put it in the storage bag, with curved eyebrows, brows filled with a halo of happiness!Feng Tianyu said to her mother happily and moved: "Mother! Yu'er loves mother the most!"

Liu Yun'er's heart was soft, and she stretched out her hand to stroke her precious daughter's black hair!The maternal love between the eyebrows is so soft that it turns into mist, and the wind and rain are surrounded by powerful maternal love!

Feng Tianyu eats in the atmosphere of love until her belly rolls!Delicate and cute, she looked at her mother's beautiful face!Immortal cultivation is good!The higher the cultivation base, the higher the value of appearance, just like the grandmother, who is 90 years old, still looks beautiful in the double ten!

"Mother, Yu'er is full!" Feng Tianyu touched her belly, and stretched out her hands to her mother coquettishly!
"Mother, look!"

Liu Yun'er stretched out her arms to hug the baby girl on the chair, and stretched out her hand towards the baby girl's belly!really!The little belly is convex!Liu Yun'er gently rubbed Feng Tianyu's belly and smiled, "It's a little bit! Mother rub it for the baby!"

When Feng Tianyu returned to her Tianyu Xiaoju, it was already afternoon application time!After her father came back, she stayed for a while, and then returned to her current residence. The name Tianyuju was given by the fourth brother, who said it was kind!Remove the previous plaque of Meihuaju and replace it with Tianyuju!
Feng Tianyu has no idea, it's just a small courtyard to live in!As long as my brother is happy!
Tianyuju is just a small courtyard. There is a two-story building in the small courtyard. There is no need for maids to wait for the wind and rain. Living alone in Tianyuju makes you feel at ease and at ease!She is very satisfied!
At this moment in Tianyuju, the wind and rain are continuing in the underground training room. This is a great cause of drawing symbols after practicing for two days!Look at this talisman that was only one percent successful!The wind and rain are overjoyed!
With one success, there is a basis for ten successes!With ten times of success, there will be a hundred times, a thousand times... Feng Tianyu continues with confidence, failure!success!fail!success……

Early the next morning, in the secret training room, Feng Tianyu drew the last stroke, and a first-grade top-grade fireball talisman was smoothly hidden under the brush with a flash of light!Feng Tianyu's expression lifted!After waking up, he couldn't help laughing out loud!
"Hahaha...hahaha...I finally succeeded! Drawing symbols is no longer a delusion! It is a major skill for me to make money! Hahaha! Don't be too happy!"

Feng Tianyu enjoyed herself for a while, and began to sort out the finished products that she had worked hard for six hours, one hundred first-grade low-grade fireball symbols, two hundred first-grade medium-grade fireball symbols, three hundred first-grade high-grade fireball symbols, one Zhang Yipin's best fireball talisman!Not bad!It has been three days since the first day I started drawing symbols!Although the result is mediocre, she is also consciously satisfied!

Feng Tianyu didn't know that the so-called talisman-making genius in Tianyuan Continent was also under the guidance of the master. From the mortal talisman to the non-grade talisman in the world of cultivating immortals, it took a year to grow from the traditional comprehensive training to the first-grade talisman. Time to keep practicing!
Feng Tianyu put the talismans into storage bags according to their grades, opened the door of the training room, walked quickly back to the Plum Blossom Hall on the first floor of Tianyu Residence, took out a pot of spiritual tea and drank it comfortably!

At a quarter of an hour, the maid Zhuang Lan knocked on the door outside the courtyard and shouted: "Miss, Fifth Young Madam, please go to the living room in the front yard now!"

"Got it! Go right away!"

Feng Tianyu tidied up, and happily walked to the gate of the small courtyard with brisk steps!Just left Tianyuju!
"Sister! Brother is here to pick you up!!" Feng Tianxing and Feng Tianyu came to Tianlei Residence together, shouting in unison!

Feng Tianxing stepped forward and picked up the younger sister who just came out!Go to the living room in the front yard with my brother!
In the living room, Feng Zhizhi and Liu Yun'er are ready!Housekeeper Feng Qingsong personally led a nine-member escort to escort the family to Liulin Town!

At the gate of the Ping'an Courtyard, two carriages were parked at the gate. As soon as Feng Tianyu and his brother and sister arrived at the front yard, the butler began to make noises!Feng Tianxing carried his younger sister and mother into the second carriage, and Feng Zhizhi and Feng Tianyu boarded the first carriage!
The housekeeper Feng Qingsong waved his hand, and the two disciples with the surname who were driving the carriage began to drive the carriage steadily towards the gate of Fengyuan!
The wind steward and the nine wind courtyard guards stepped onto the third-order spirit horse beast!Follow the two carriages and move forward!

After the carriage came out of the tall gate wall of Fengfu, it entered the busy main road of the North District, and went straight from the North District to the West City Gate!Feng's carriage is out of town!There is no need to check and pay the city fee!Fengjia's carriage has the logo of Fengjia, colorful wind and cloud!
As soon as Feng's carriage arrived at the gate of the city, the guards opened the gate, saluted respectfully and sent the carriage out of the city!
Liulin Town is a small town under the Sifang City!Sifang City and Black Rock City are more than 5000 miles away, and they have to travel day and night on the road, and it takes seven or eight days to get to Sifang City!Sifang City is a relatively remote town in the Northern Territory!The entire small town is not as big as the Wind Mansion in Black Rock City!It is a truly remote town!
Feng Mingming knew that Liu Yun'er missed his family dearly, so he ordered the steward Feng to take a three-day journey and rest for one night.

Feng Tianyu and his mother leaned against the fragrant wood of the carriage to take a nap, while the fourth brother sat on the bench next to the window and closed his eyes to rest his mind!
Ten days later, when the sky was full of sunset, Feng Tianyu and his party finally arrived at Sifang City before the Guancheng Gate, and booked an inn in Sifang City to rest!
Feng Tianyu and his brothers can finally go shopping in Sifang City after settling down!The past few days have been really hard. In these ten days, apart from traveling in the carriage, I just spent two nights in the wilderness!And it was a night in a carriage!
After Feng Tianyu talked to his parents, he went to the night market in Sifang City with his two brothers!After shopping for a while, the interest of the three brothers and sisters dropped greatly!This Sifang City is really too backward, the three of them wandered around for a while and returned to the inn without interest!
The next day, Steward Feng got into the carriage early in the morning, and Feng Tianyu nestled in the arms of his excited mother!I am also happy for my mother!
Liulin Town, the Wang family, the Li family, and the Liu family are the three major immortal cultivating families in Liulin Town, but at this moment, the Liu family has been united by the Wang and Li families!He wanted to drive the Liu family out of Liulin Town!Annex the millennium foundation of the Liu family!

Liu Yanzhong, the head of the Liu family, saw that the Wang and Li families united and surrounded the entire Liu family!The center of Liuyan is extremely cold!Looking at the powerful and uncompromising Wang and Li families, he understood in his heart!If the Liu family left the Liulin Millennium Foundation, the Liu family would be completely ruined!If you don't leave, the Liu family will be wiped out, and from then on, the Tianyuan Continent will be in the Liu family of Wuliu Lin!


Before Liu Yan's words could be spoken, he was interrupted by his eldest son Liu Yunlin! "Lin'er!" Liu Yanzhong watched the elder son charge forward wielding the green wood sword!I couldn't help but exclaimed aloud!
Liu Yunlin's desperate fighting style is just desperate, he has a stubborn temper, he would rather die standing up!I don't want to live on my knees!
"Hmph!" Wang Li, the eldest elder of the Wang family, watched Liu Yunlin rushing towards him with all his might!With a cold snort, the coercion of the fifth floor of the foundation was pressed towards Liu Yunlin, and Liu Yunlin's forward momentum with his sword was suppressed!A disciple of the Wang family waved his sword and slashed at Liu Yunlin's sword-holding hand!

Liu Yanzhong was shocked and shouted: "Be merciful!" However, the disciple of the Wang family twisted his laughter!The sword has been cut down quickly!
 The beginning is just a manifestation of family affection!Maybe follow up with an episode you like!Ask for support!Please recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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