Tears Fairy

Chapter 34 The Grandfather

Chapter 34 The Grandfather

Outside Liulin Town, Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing were fascinated to listen to their mother tell about their grandfather and grandmother!Grandpa's love and love for her!
Suddenly, Feng Tianyu's expression froze in his mother's arms, his consciousness condensed into a bundle, and he snorted coldly! "court death!"

The coercion on Liu Yunlin disappeared instantly!The green wood sword in his hand quickly pierced into the heart of the disciple of the Wang family who was about to cut off his arm, and he twisted it forcefully, "Bang!" The disciple of the Wang family fell to the ground dead with staring eyes!

Liu Yunlin was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing and said wildly: "Hahaha... come on! I, Liu Yunlin, swear to live and die with the Liu family! I will never live in this world!"

Liu Yan sighed secretly, turned around with a firm mind, turned to look at the members of the Liu family and shouted: "Let's fight! We have no way out!" Speaking of flying swords, he and Liu Yunlin first rushed to the Wang and Li families who surrounded the Liu family!

But at this moment, the hearts of the Wang and Li families turned pale with astonishment!The overwhelming coercion made them breathless!The consciousness can't move an inch!
At this moment, seeing Liu Yanzhong approaching to fight them desperately, the Patriarch of the Wang family immediately changed his face and said: "Brother Liu, wait a minute, my Wang family will accompany Brother Liu! Leave the Liu family immediately, and present a hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones to plead guilty to Brother Liu!"

"Ah!" Liu Yanzhong looked at Patriarch Wang with a pale face in surprise!
"Brother Liu, please forgive my Li family's ignorant offense. My Li family will also offer one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones to the Liu family to accompany the crime! And leave the Liu family immediately!"


Liu Yanzhong was stunned!Looking at the Wang and Li families in confusion?Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Li laughed with cold sweat all over their bodies: "Brother Liu, please bear with me and forgive the Wang family and the Li family!!"

Liu Yan was stunned in the middle!Just now he swore to drive him out of the town from the Liu family, but in the blink of an eye the Wang family and the Li family were humbly begging for mercy!

When Liu Yunlin's sword tip pierced an elder of the Li family, that elder Li's face was terrified and died without moving!
Liu Yunlin was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the Wang and Li families were begging his father for mercy!What's going on here, the green wood sword in his hand has lost the force of piercing, when the elder Li's chest was withdrawn by Liu Yunlin, it was bright red!But he saved his life!He gratefully thanked Liu Yunlin: "Thank you, Young Master Liu, for your mercy!"


A sound of horseshoes came from the center of the street!In the blink of an eye, it was outside the gate of Liu's house. Amidst the driver's two voices of "Wow", two luxurious carriages with colorful wind and cloud logos stopped at the gate of Liu's house!

At this time, the coercion of the members of the Wang family and the Li family dissipated!Everyone in the Wang family and Li family turned pale with fear and turned to look outside the gate. Following the excited Liu Yan, the faces of the Wang and Li families were ashen!
"Daddy, my daughter pays respects to Daddy!"

Liu Yun'er led the pair of children out of the carriage, and the two families of the Wang family and the Li family who surrounded the Liu family immediately moved away!Liu Yun'er let go of her son and daughter's hands, and knelt down in front of Liu Yanzhong with a sob!
"Yun'er! Yun'er, it's really you! Yun'er!"

With the support of the eldest daughter-in-law, Liu Yun'er's mother hurriedly walked towards Liu Yun'er!The haggard face is full of sorrow and joy that cannot be concealed!
Seeing her mother coming out, Liu Yun'er immediately knelt down and took a few steps, throwing herself into her arms!Wept loudly: "Mother, my daughter is not filial! My daughter made my mother sad!"

Feng Mingzhi and Feng Tianyu got off the carriage, and what they saw was a truly moving expression of emotion!A tearful reunion!

Feng Tianyu looked at her mother with sorrow and joy and admiration on the outside with concern!Shouted Daddy to Daddy with wet eyes!
Feng Zhiming came back to his senses, and stepped forward to salute his father-in-law and mother-in-law respectfully: "My son-in-law, Zhiming, has seen his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and Zhiming came late, which surprised his father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Liu Yanzhong hurriedly supported Feng Mingzhi and said excitedly, "It's good to be here! It's good to be here!"

Mother Liu Yeqing, seeing that Feng Zhizhi is still as humble and loyal as before!I am very satisfied!Look at the wind wisely with a warm face!Holding Liu Yun'er by the arm, he said with a smile, "Yun'er didn't choose the wrong person! Yun'er met you! It's a blessing she cultivated in several lifetimes!"

Feng Mingzhi took Liu Yun'er's hand from his mother-in-law and looked at Liu Yun'er affectionately: "I can meet Yun'er, and being favored by Yun'er is my blessing from the third generation!"

"Okay! The love in the past life, the fate in this life! Staying together will not disappoint the love of the third life! Your father and I can rest assured!" Ye Qing blessed with an excited face!
"Zhi'er, Yun'er, are these three babies my precious grandchildren?" Liu Yanzhong excitedly looked at the three beautiful children and asked aloud, which also attracted the attention of the Liu family members!
The two families of the Wang family and the Li family have already been invited out of the wall of the Liu family gate by the guards of the Fengyuan. The guards left a sentence, "Go back and wait!" The shocked and frightened Wang and Li families immediately went back with unease and white faces!
"Tianyu, Tianxing, Yu'er, meet my grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and aunt!"

Feng Tianyu didn't wait for his parents to say anything, he had already led his younger siblings forward, and knelt down to salute his grandfather's family!Respectfully meet my grandfather's family!

"Father and mother! Let's take the family of the sister-in-law and sister-in-law in!" Liu Yunlin hugged the little Feng Tianyu and urged his parents!Then Sunshine showed a sunny smile on his face and said to the three nephews: "Yu'er, Xing'er, quickly go into the house with uncle! Baby Yu'er is tired! Hug by uncle!"

"Hee hee! Uncle is so kind! Yu'er loves uncle the most!" Feng Tianyu smiled innocently and charmingly!

When Liu Yunlin heard this, his heart was so soft that it was a mess! "Baby Yu'er! Uncle loves Yu'er the most!"

Feng Ming caressed his forehead and smiled foolishly!Liu Yun'er smiled, her face was full of pampering that couldn't be melted away!Feng Tianyu Feng Tianxing has a calm and loving face!My baby sister is the most loving baby!

The Liu family is a small remote family with only three hundred children in total. In the remote Liulin Town, the aura is thin and resources are scarce!With three small families squeezed together in the tiny Willow Forest Town, it is indeed difficult to have any prospects for development!

Liu Yun'er understood the whole story of what happened today!Discuss with Feng Zhizhi!Decided to let the Liu family move to Black Rock City!And quietly started to work!
The efficiency of Fengjia's work is super!Feng Mingchu, the young master of the Feng family, supports Feng's wise decision!The grandfather of the five children of the Feng family!He is happy to accept them moving to Black Rock City!In this way, the family of the fifth brother can truly practice safely!There will be no danger of almost exterminating the genocide this time!

Feng Mingchu didn't even dare to imagine, what if something happened to the Liu family!How regretful the brothers and sisters will be!How many unknown troubles will be caused!
Feng Mingchu quickly negotiated with the city lord's mansion to move in, and drew up a piece of land in the south of the city. After preparing the post, Feng Mingchu sent a message to Feng Mingzhi that everything was arranged properly!

Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er immediately approached Liu Yanzhong to discuss the relocation, "Father, elder brother negotiated with the city lord in Blackstone City, and has already marked out a piece of land in the south of the city as the place where the Liu family will settle in Blackstone! All the relocation matters have been completed , we can set off at any time! Stationed in Black Rock City!"

"Zhi'er, thank you, thank you for the great kindness of the Feng family to the Liu family! I will immediately summon the clansmen to announce this great news!" Liu Yan had tears in her eyes!He gave birth to a good daughter in Liu Yanzhong!The Liu family will not be annihilated in his hands!The Liu family will rise in his hands!In the pupils with tears!It is a rising persistence!

Liu Yanzhong sent a voice to Liu Fang, the housekeeper outside the room: "Liu Fang immediately ring the summoning drum!"

"Hey! Wake up!" Feng Tianyu took out a super recovery pill and fed it into the mouth of a comatose teenager!With a bit of luck, the elixir went down the throat!

The young man was wearing a tattered and filthy purple costume, and his dirty face was a deathly gray!

"Sister Yu'er! Come out quickly! Daddy and mother asked the servants to tell us to go back quickly!" Feng Tianyu's doting voice came from a distance!
"Brother, Yu'er knows! I'll go back right away!" Feng Tianyu stretched out his hand and used his spiritual power to lift the boy up, and sent him to the branch of a two-foot-high tree with lush branches and leaves!The moment he jumped off the tree, he glanced back at the young man leaning on the branch, and quickly ran towards his brother!
A pair of black eyes opened in an instant when Feng Tianyu looked back, the eyes as deep as a black pool portrayed the most profound image!
(End of this chapter)

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