Tears Fairy

Chapter 35 Retreat

Chapter 35 Retreat
Feng Tianyu used the phantom body technique and came out of the small forest in Liulin Town!Fly quickly to where the third brother's voice came from!And the moment she looked back!The boy opened his eyes!Girl's look back!Instantly crashed into the boy's bright black pupils!Crashed into the depths of the teenager's defenseless heart!Branded an indelible imprint of eternal life!

"Third brother! I'm back!"

"Okay! Let's go back when the fourth brother comes back!"

"Hey!" Feng Tianyu saw that the third brother was packing up the barbecue equipment!He sighed regretfully and said, "I finally found this fun place! I can't play anymore!"

Two plucked and cleaned pheasants on the ground were threaded on two iron rods. She picked them up regretfully and said, "I can't eat it for picnic today! Take it back and let the cook cook soup for you!"

"Sister! Look quickly, brother caught two big fish in Qingshui River!" Feng Tianxing strung two big fish with wicker and came here from Qingshui River!

"Third brother, the barbecue hasn't started yet! Why did you take away the barbecue grill?" Feng Tianxing asked puzzledly when he returned to the camp, his brother was packing up the barbecue utensils!

"Daddy sent someone to send a message! He wants us to go back immediately!" Feng Tianyu said calmly.Feng Tianyu sucked her cute nose helplessly, and coquettishly stretched out her hands to ask her brother to hug her back!
Feng Tianxing threw the fish to his elder brother, bent down to pick up his younger sister, and walked to Liu's house together with his elder brother who had packed up!

The Liu family was busy at this time, and everyone's faces were full of excitement. Moving to Black Rock City, such a good thing can happen to them!Yet all this is true!

Accompanied by Feng Mingzhi, Liu Yanzhong met Patriarch Li and Patriarch Wang who came to pay compensation!Received a compensation of [-] low-grade spirit stones from the Wang family and Li family each!

Liu Yanzhong is an upright person, and he didn't make things difficult for them, so he let the trembling Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Li leave!
Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Li walked out of the gate of Liu's house, looked at each other and finally heaved a sigh of relief, letting go of a fearful heart!Since that day, the guard said, just wait!They live with a knife on their heads every day!See you every day!Today, the knife is finally put down!Both of them have heart palpitations for the rest of their lives!Terrified!
Liu Yanzhong arranged the relocation smoothly!Let Liu Yunlin go to He's house in Sifang City and bring back the third daughter Liu Fenfen!Liu Fenfen is having a bad time in the He family!Her natal family is weak and looked down upon by her husband's He family!So I suffered a lot of grievances!
Every time I went to pick up my daughter home, I was rejected!Liu Yan is helpless!His wife Ye Qing has been ill for more than three years because of this lingering illness!Now I can't let my daughter suffer anymore!
Feng Steward personally accompanied Liu Yunlin to Sifang City!Successfully picked up Liu Fenfen!
The next day, Liu Yanzhong's family moved!There is friendship between Liulin Town and Liu Yanzhong, and those who have no friendship come to see them off!
"Fenfen, Fenfen!" Two urgent calls came from behind the Liu family's carriage, and a man in Tsing Yi who was in his 30s stumbled forward from behind the convoy!

"Stop him! Throw him out!" Liu Yun'er felt sorry for her younger sister's misfortune, let alone her brother-in-law, she was completely disgusted!She took her sister's hand and gave a soft drink.

A man who has no responsibility is not worthy of being with Fenfen!When her elder brother and the Feng steward went to pick up her younger sister, she asked her eldest brother to obtain her sister's wishes, and under the pressure of the Feng family, she and the He family broke up the relationship between husband and wife!
Now that this man dares to chase after him, he is quite courageous!snort!

Liu Yun'er is no longer alone, she has five proud children, a husband who loves her, and her husband's family's approval, she is no longer a helpless weakling!Behind her stands Fengjia!She wants to protect her family, she can do whatever she wants!She no longer needs to bear it! !

Three days later, the He family moved to Mulin Village!The prosperity of Sifang City has nothing to do with them!What's more, at that time, the cultivation base stopped at the initial stage of foundation building for life!
After Liu Yanzhong moved to Black Rock City, Liu Yun'er let go of her worries and asked her mother-in-law Xie Yunyan to take care of her three children!
"Mother, my daughter-in-law plans to practice retreat with brother Zhi! I'm worried about the three little ones, so my daughter-in-law wants to ask mother to take care of the three brothers and sisters on our behalf."

"You can rest assured and go to retreat! They are my grandsons! I will take good care of their three brothers and sisters!" Xie Yunyan smiled and nodded in agreement!
Liu Yun'er has the support of her mother-in-law!He and Feng Zhizhi were in the clan's land, the underground practice rooms of Fengzi No. [-] and Fengzi No. [-] with the most aura, put down the broken dragon stone, and both retreated!

Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing is conducting a traditional comprehensive training in the Renji Academy!I can only go home once every three months, and only three days at a time!
The two brothers are very worried that the sister is alone at home!When the two brothers went out, they looked at their sister with tangled faces!

Feng Tianyu comforted them and said: "Third brother, fourth brother! Don't worry! There are grandmothers and uncles in the family! What about the eldest aunt and second aunt! Yu'er will find grandmother and the others if there is anything to do!"

"Okay! If my sister has something to do, I will tell Uncle Zhuang and Uncle Feng Qiang to do it! I can't run around, you know?" Feng Tianyu was confused.

"Understood! Brother! Yu'er has grown up! She is no longer a child!"

Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing caressed his forehead, looked at the little person, and said that he is no longer a little sister, really worried!

"Don't worry! With me and your grandmother here, there is nothing to worry about! Practice hard! The competition in three years will be up to you!"

When Feng Mingchu stepped into the safety courtyard, he saw that the two nephews were worried about his niece, and he took over the task of taking care of Feng Tian Yu Da with a loud voice!
"Thank you uncle, Yu'er, Xing'er, you will definitely live up to expectations!" Feng Tianyu and Feng Tianxing brothers agreed to take care of their sister when they saw their uncle!I thanked my uncle with great joy in my heart, and promised to practice hard!

Feng Mingchu looked at the three of them with a smile, picked up Feng Tianyu and personally sent the two Feng Tianyu brothers out of the gate of the Ping'an courtyard.

"Third brother, fourth brother, goodbye!"

Feng Tianyu waved goodbye to the two brothers!Although the heart is reluctant!But when he thought of the perfect plan in the future, the reluctance in his brows and eyes was replaced by happiness when he buried his head in the uncle's arms in the wind and rain!
Feng Mingchu carried Feng Tianyu to his mother's Red Maple Pavilion!Feng Tianyu also likes this place very much. After coming to Hongfeng Pavilion, Xie Yunyan discovered that her little granddaughter likes to quietly look out of the window!
After Xie Yunyan left the customs, besides practicing normally in the Red Maple Pavilion sooner or later!The rest of the time is spent assisting the eldest son Feng Mingchu in managing the clan's internal affairs!
After Wuer Fengzhizhi and her daughter-in-law Liu Yuner both retreated, her missing heart was finally made up, and her mood improved!As long as the spiritual power is accumulated, she can smoothly advance to the rank of God Transformation!

Feng Tianyu fell in love with Hongfeng Pavilion, and also fell in love with Hongfenglin!Every day, she watched the sunset glowing into the red maple forest very quietly!It's like a courtyard full of red maples reflecting the sunset!
The red fire and fallen leaves flying in the courtyard, twirling around and showing off on the last dance, fell into the dust and waited for the spring thunder to move!That is to feed back the spring and nourish the kindness!
Feng Tianyu's eyes are blurred!Everything in nature is sentient, everything in the world has a way, man is the head of all spirits, man is the predecessor of immortals, and gods are the projections of immortals!People are people, they are immortals, they are gods!At the beginning of human beings, nature is good!Family affection is the foundation of human beings!I enter the Tao with love!My way!There is also a sentimental way!
Feng Tianyu's blurred eyes suddenly brightened, and the fog all dispersed!His eyes are full of ethereal spirits that have dissipated the fog!

"Grandmother! Yu'er has gone back to retreat!" Feng Tianyu stood up and bowed to the room where her grandmother practiced. After showing off her phantom body skills, she walked out of the Red Maple Pavilion like an elf, and walked quickly through the courtyard!
In Xie Yunyan's spiritual consciousness, she felt that the little granddaughter's aura was extremely mysterious!Heart move!Looking at the back of the little granddaughter going away!A world-renowned smile bloomed on her stunning face!
Tianyu Residence, an underground training room, Feng Tianyu put down the dragon-breaking stone in the training room, from the moment he put down the dragon-breaking stone, the training room will not open until three years later!

(End of this chapter)

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