Tears Fairy

Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Feng Tianlei's heart sank, his black eyes sparkled with a killing intent soaring to the sky, he clenched his fists unconsciously, he secretly gritted his teeth and thought that sooner or later he would have to deal with these forces.

It's just that right now he can't spare time to repair them, but one day, he will make them, who are hidden in the world, regret stepping out of front of others.

The Tianfeng Dynasty is not made of dough, it is made of iron-blooded steel bones. Its calm appearance is still full of blood and hostility, and the killing is still cruel and merciless.

"Brother, we are still one step late, and we can't find any trace of Xiao Yu'er.

However, I firmly believe that Xiao Yuer has left this place, everyone, don't forget, what is the special gift that Xiao Yuer gave you!
Brother, let's go back and wait for Xiao Yu'er to recover and come to us. "Feng Tianyu saw the extremely gentle second sister looking at him. He said very wisely.

Everyone's heart was moved when they heard the words, and their hearts were completely let go, yes!It's better to go back to practice and wait here if you are looking around here.

Now that they decided to go back, everyone jumped on Feng Tianlei's cloud piercing boat one after another without procrastinating.Their strong soldiers are still training and improving.

They also want to improve their cultivation level. Now that Xiao Yu'er has killed Li Shengxing, the next secret battle will be Tianwuzong.

Their time is too hasty to afford to waste it. They have to do their own cultivation and training, so there is really no time to waste.

The cloud-piercing boat pierces the clouds and breaks the fog. Apart from Feng Tianlei who has to control the flying boat, Feng Tianqing and other six people on the cloud-piercing boat have entered their space rings one after another.

The secret training of six people is all in their own space rings. When one person goes out to fight, a hundred thousand strong soldiers will emerge. This will definitely deal a severe blow to the enemy!
Trembling in all directions, walking with the sword on your back, the sword is the sharp tooth of the tiger beast, the sharp toothed tiger, a tiger tooth sword refined.

Zhensifang belongs to the tiger clan, and the tiger-tooth sword is no less than a tiger with wings in the hands of it, which is transformed into a god and beast.

It is the king of the jungle, and his safety rests in the jungle. The boundless forest is his homeland, where he wants to go.

It is the king of beasts. After being promoted to god level and becoming a god, the depth of the boundless forest is definitely the best place for the master to recover, and it is also the safest place.

"Zhenshanhu, since you have already recognized the master, why do you want to go back to the inner circle of the boundless forest to fight for territory?"

A black-faced middle-aged man stared at him with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and the sunlight shook all directions vigorously, mightily and bravely.

"Hehe, I didn't feel it when I left home, but now that I come back, I feel that this place is so sweet. This used to be my home.

I want to come back and come back!What does it matter if I consider the master to be the master?
If you are envious, black bear, I can accept you for the master. "Zhen Sifang said with incomparable sincerity.

In its heart, it is a great blessing and good fortune to be the animal pet of its master. It looked at the big man in the form of a black bear, and sincerely wanted to give it a great opportunity.

"Zhenshanhu, if you want to degenerate, there are no beasts to stop you. I warn you not to insult my animal character, but at the same time, I warn you seriously, don't think about besieging beasts in the forest.

Otherwise, I will work with the chiefs of the inner beast clan to drive your Zhenshan Tiger Clan out of the boundless forest! "

The tall black bear whose mouth and nose had dried up blood, waved its big iron fist and roared in all directions.

"The master once said that Fodu is destined to be a human being. Don't worry, Black Bear. Although you have transformed into a human being, you are not yet a human being.

What the master said is not false at all, there is a predestined person in Buddha's journey!Instead of crossing beasts.I think it is most correct.

The Dharma is boundless, and it cannot cross the beast.

I promise you, I won't cross you, and I won't cross the beasts, only the predestined people the master said, and the beasts will wait until they are predestined.

Big black bear, that's all right!Now your Xiongwang Mountain, I have confiscated it, you can go! "

Zhen Sifang looked at the black-faced man with regret, and waved him away from the black bear king's land.

"Wait! The master said that the winner is the prince and the loser is Kou! Since you lost, Black Bear, you have to recognize me as the king.

So be it, you stay!You don't have to do anything for me.I only ask you to personally guard your Xiongwang Mountain, which is reasonable, do you have any objections? "

Zhen Sifang thought about the safety of its master. To be on the safe side, it remembered what the master said, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, any unfavorable factors must be eliminated at the first time.

Because the beautiful proverb that is infallible has always been false and deceptive. In fact, many things fail because of infallibility.

Therefore, Zhen Sifang stopped the big black bear who turned around and left.The black bear is helpless, the orc race has always respected the strong, and has always been from the most primitive place of Lin Fa.

Since then, the black bear has become the king of the mountain guarding its own territory.

After Feng Tianyu fell into a coma, she was sent by Zhen Sifang to the Tianyu Palace of the Genesis Orb to recover. This time, she overdrawn her original power and hurt her roots.

This time she was in a coma, and she had been in a coma for a full month. When she opened her eyes, she met the eyes that shook the world with concern.

"Master, are you awake?"

Feng Tianyu asked with a smile: "Sifang, how long have I been in a coma?"

"Master, you have been in a coma for a whole month! Master, rest assured, Sifang will protect you."

The sun-shocking face was full of firmness and loyalty.Feng Tianyu moved his still weak body, and praised the quartet gently and sincerely:
"Sifang is the best, the master needs Sifang's protection the most now!"

"Master, don't worry, this is the inner circle of the boundless forest, it's very safe!" Zhensi explained to Feng Tianyu.

"Inner circle? Good, good! This is indeed the safest place right now!" After being stunned for a moment, Feng Tianyu smiled happily at Zhen Sifang again.

"Master, you should practice hard to recover, and Sifang will go out and guard." Zhen Sifang, full of sense of responsibility, said touching words to Feng Tianyu.

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu said hello, she was really touched and smiled at Xiang Zhen Sifang.Quartet has always been loyal and diligent.

After Zhen Sifang went out, Feng Tianyu took a Jinxiangguo, thought for a while and took out a Soul Orb, and held a Primordial Spirit Orb in his hands respectively.

After calming down, Feng Tianyu began a seven-day recovery period.

Under the underground palace on the back mountain of Tianwuzong, in the Palace of the King of Hades, Hei Wuchang and Bai Wuchang watched as the judge Qingbi who had not seen him for ten years was suddenly promoted to the director of the palace.

They couldn't help but be greatly surprised that Judge Qingbi has always been a small person like them, an authoritative judge who is rarely seen in a century.

With one stroke of his outline, no matter whether it is a fairy or a demon or an ordinary person, the ghost envoy must go to heaven and earth to complete it.

Black and white impermanence, their status is detached, the advantage is that they are not human, they are the top zombie kings cultivated by the underground palace.

The top ten ghost emissaries in the underground palace are held by great monks who practice ghost skills in the world of immortality. Their superb ghost skills have really reached the point of perfection.

Their cultivation at the peak of Mahayana Mountain and their weird and ruthless methods are the real strength of the underground palace.

They are the action ambassadors of the Palace of the Underworld, and all the immortals and demons who judge life and death in the Palace of the Underworld are terminated in their hands. For hundreds of thousands of years, countless great monks have died in their hands.

Now that the judge has not been promoted to the palace for ten years, it is conceivable that countless people will suffer again.


The eighteen underground palace alarms sounded at the same time, a hall of ghost ambassadors, including black and white Wuchang and the two zombie kings, couldn't help being shocked.

Who would dare to come to the Palace of the King of Hades to die?

Black and white impermanence thought of the master, and their hearts skipped a beat. They looked at each other to stabilize their minds, and immediately used the contract channel to ask the master.


"Pa~" The sound of the gavel stunned the crowd of ghosts.

Judge Qingbi yelled, "Quiet!"

(End of this chapter)

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