Tears Fairy

Chapter 376

Chapter 376

Judge Qingbi made a sound of silence, all the people, ghosts and corpses in the palace were silent, but black and white impermanence was certain in his heart, as long as the master didn't attack and expose them, what did other people's life and death have to do with them?
Through Black and White Wuchang's eyes, Feng Tianyu saw the expressions of a crowd of people and ghost corpses. What surprised her the most was the green pen judge in Black and White Wuchang's eyes.

She felt that she had never seen the handsome and handsome Qingbi judge before, so why did she have a feeling of deja vu?

"There is no enemy attack, and no unknown person enters. These abnormal appearances only prove one thing. Our extremely powerful Yan Jun has been successfully promoted, and he is about to enter the Yuanli Realm."

Judge Qingbi swept across the ghost corpses in the palace with his indifferent and stern eyes, and continued to announce:
"Yan Jun has been promoted, not only broke through the confinement set by Yan Lord, but also successfully took the first step to ascend to the fairy world.

Yan Jun is no longer limited to this world, he finally broke the shackles of the zombies, unable to break through the void!
Congratulations, my king, and you too! "

Judge Qingbi glanced coldly at the zombie ghost officials in the palace, and his gaze flicked back and forth on the black and white impermanent face for a moment.

Black and white are impermanent, a perfect example of a zombie, his heart is hot, but his face is still calm and indifferent.

Black and white impermanence stood quietly, with the stiff face that zombies should have. They didn't care what happened in front of them, so what if the King of Hades wants to ascend to the next level?

They only hope that the master can get the information she wants from the big event in the hall and Judge Qingbi.

"Yan Jun is about to leave here, we all have to congratulate and bless you! Now, I will take you to the place where Yan Jun transformed and sublimated!"

With a wave of his hand, the judge rolled up a group of human and ghost corpses. After a ripple in the air, the judge with the green pen had disappeared into the air in the Hall of Hades.

Windy and rainy, but feel that the picture changes, and at the end of the deep corridor, there is a black palace full of ghosts, and it has the image of the palace of the legendary hell king.

What you see here is the real ghost prison undead. There are millions of ghosts and undead lined up outside the black palace.

They are outside the burning black palace, one after another rushing towards the burning black palace.

Because the flames of the black palace are filled with countless ghosts and undead, the flames have broken through the confinement of the formation.

The tens of thousands of feet of ground began to turn into solution ash in the flames.The ground began to crumble and collapse.

As Judge Qingbi waved his hand, a crowd of ghost corpses had been scattered on the vast ground of the black palace following Judge Qingbi's gesture.

Judge Qingbi knelt down as he watched the flames rising from the palace.A group of people and ghost corpses also knelt down.

The black palace has become a magnificent and boundless sea of ​​flames, and the palace is burning blazingly.

What the Living Hades wants is to be reborn from the ashes, to transform from a zombie into an adult.

The handwritten judge spent ten thousand years researching out the cremation method for it.

He just wants to regain his own freedom. He is the Dzogchen cultivation base of the Mahayana period, as long as the living hell king turns into a real person, breaks the shackles of heaven and earth and enters the Yuanli Realm.

His hard work of tens of thousands of years was not in vain.

Now, at last, he was about to succeed.His freedom was at hand.In the future, Tianyuan Continent will be ruled by his Xing clan.

He will be the only god in Tianyuan, and he will also be the first person to ascend to the fairy world after tens of thousands of years. The fate of his Xing clan will be changed because of him.

He knelt on the ground piously, and the mission of the Xing clan as a lifelong slave could finally be ended in his hands. He laughed silently, but tears flowed down his face.

Hei Wuchang knelt on the ground, Hei Wuchang's eyes flashed, and Feng Tianyu's deep eyes were directly in sync with Hei Wuchang.

In a flash of light, she saw ghosts and undead flying all over the sky, and those were the incarnations of Yuanshen beads and soul beads.

Feng Tianyu finally understood.It turns out that the Yuanshen Orb and the Soul Orb have the effect on the Living Hades.

Those innocent sect disciples, as well as the casual cultivators who were secretly arrested, all became resources for living the king of Hades and becoming a god.

The majestic and magnificent black palace was completely engulfed by the sea of ​​flames.

Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes suddenly flashed a purple awn, through the sea of ​​fire, she saw the scene of the Living Hades being reborn in the sea of ​​fire.

The two bodies lying side by side melted and burned in the purple flames.

They were transformed 49 times in the process of rebirth and ashes.


A high-pitched phoenix cry resounded through the sky.

The next moment, a figure stood up, and she saw another person who turned into flying ash in an instant.

There was a pain in her heart, a sweetness in her throat, her eyes suddenly went dark, a mouthful of blood sprayed in the bedroom, she fell down, on the bed in Tianyu Palace.

In the last moment of her memory, what came into her sight was a flying figure with burning flames.

That is the living King of Hades in the eighteenth floor of the underground palace.

Black and white Wuchang was shocked, but they didn't dare to move. They looked at the living Hades rising from the sea of ​​fire.

But in his heart he was extremely puzzled, what happened to the master, why did she pass out as soon as the living Hades appeared?

"Hahaha! Hahaha..."

After a burst of laughter, the King of Hades, naked, put on his favorite scarlet robe when the flames were extinguished.

"Xing Qingbi, you are free, and your Xing clan is also completely free. In order to reward you, I gave you the eighteen underground palaces. Including everything in the underground palace!"

With a wave of his hand, the king of hell, the soul-controlling ball that controls everything in the underground palace, flew into the eyebrows of Judge Qingbi. From then on, Xing Qingbi is the master of the underground palace.

"Thank you Lord for the gift!"

Judge Qingbi knelt down respectfully and thanked Xing Qingbi.He is free!
Living Hades looked at the Qi Nu who had served him for tens of thousands of years, and smiled with a very humane emotion in his eyes: "Hehehe, Qingbi, this is what you deserve. You can do it yourself, and I will go." !"

"Qing Bi respectfully sent the Lord off, congratulations to the Lord on the great road!" Xing Qingbi shouted and knelt down to see him off again.

A golden cloud road rises under the feet of the living Hades, which is the golden cloud road leading to Tongtianyan.The Living Hades, who was drifting away, left a happy voice flying in the air.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, thank you, my lord!"

The Living Hades left, and he was really reborn from the ashes. He found the memory of his corpse, and recovered the emotions and desires that a human should have.

He completely abandoned his body and reborn his body, a brand new carrier. He has successfully become a human being, and everything about zombies has gone away from him.

His new life will begin in the Yuanli Realm, and his immortal journey is within reach.

The burning of the palace began to fall back after the loss of the metamorphosis of the Yuanshen orb and the soul orb, and it only collapsed deep in the underground palace, completely burying the sea of ​​fire in the underground palace.

Judge Xing Qing and Bi Qingbi have become the new masters of the Eighteenth Palace of the Underground Palace, and the world of cultivating immortals is about to come again.

Heiwuchang continued to stay in the [-]th floor of the underground palace as an undercover agent. Three days later, when Feng Tianyu woke up, he received the memory scene of Heiwuchang's day.

She grieved what happened to Xu Yunfei in her heart. Although she knew Xu Yunfei's secret, she still felt distressed and couldn't hold it back. The shocking visual experience really drove her crazy.

When Tianyuan encounters wind and rain again, she must work hard to recover as soon as possible. This dangerous battle will be led by her personally.

In Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes, a faint light flashed, and she had made a decision in her heart, and she decisively clicked on Fengzi No. [-]:
"Brother, Tianfeng Nation immediately enters the first level of combat alert!"

"Second sister, the danger is coming, immediately return to the Kingdom of Heaven to lead the battle, and the whole country enters the first level of combat alert!"

Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes flashed, she didn't have time to recover slowly, and in her thoughts, she waved her hands and set up a gathering array in front of and behind her.

With a wave of one hundred yuan divine beads and one hundred soul slays placed on the spirit gathering array, cultivation and recovery are imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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