Tears Fairy

Chapter 383 Set sail

Chapter 383 Set sail
Feng Tianyu smiled playfully and said: "Yes, didn't you come here to eat? Well, take a look, which one of the dishes on this big table was cooked for you by your mother?"

Feng Tianyu let go of her mother and sister's hands, stepped forward and sat down in front of the table, she pointed to the hundreds of dishes on the table with her little hand and asked the three brothers.

Feng Tianqing held back her laughter, but her brother and younger brother were dumbfounded by her own joke. She smiled softly and helped her mother to sit down.

"Catch up, just catch up!"

Feng Mingzhi stepped into the Hall of Ninghe, with a relaxed and big smile flashing on his loyal face.

"Daddy, Daddy..."

Feng Tianyu called out, and in the voices of her brothers and sisters, she flew forward to meet her.

"Daddy, are you coming to be Xiao Yu'er's belly too?"

Feng Zhizhi was stunned. Amidst the laughter of his brothers and sisters, he looked at the hundreds of delicacies on the table.

"That's right, Xiao Yu eats too little, Daddy has to help Xiao Yu'er carry some more!" Feng Mingzhi finished speaking, Feng Tianyu smiled Qiaoxi, but the three Feng Tianlei brothers suddenly realized.

"Hehehe..." Feng Tianqing laughed coquettishly, and Liu Yun'er also smiled dotingly, she stepped forward to support Feng Zhizhi and sat on the first seat together.

"We will all be Xiao Yu'er's stomach today, but I don't know, mother, are you prepared enough?"

Feng Tianlei changed his usual calm temperament, glanced at Xiao Yuer who was smiling like a flower, and turned to ask his gentle mother.

"Enough, enough, just open your mouth and eat!" Liu Yun'er replied with a smile on her face.

There are too few days when the family loves each other, and she cherishes every reunion dinner with her children.

It is her great happiness that her children eat and drink happily.

Feng Zhiming looked at his gentle wife, and then at the lively five young children at the banquet.His eye sockets were moist.

He was moved and grateful. All these happiness were bestowed by God. Now that he has the opportunity to repay, he must make Tianyuan Continent flourish.

"Xiao Yu'er, let me help you solve this dish?"

"Okay, after I grab a chopstick, the rest will be yours."

"Little Rain..."



A thousand cups of fine wine will never get drunk, and the family talk is homely.

Three days later, at the gate of Kunning Palace, Liu Yun'er pulled her five children with great reluctance, exhorting left and right, and the space between mother and child was filled with sadness for a while.

Feng Zhi seldom talks, but everyone can feel his deep farewell. He is a loyal gentleman and a loving father.

His reluctance to his children is no less than that of his wife, but he is a man, and men's feelings seem to be stronger than women's.

Today's reunion is because of tomorrow's parting, and tomorrow's parting is because of future reunion and reunion.

Gathering and dispersing are the most common things, and it is human nature to be inseparable. People must be people. Even monks in the world of cultivating immortals have not yet ascended to immortality, but are just mortals.

I can't let go of the softness in my heart.

Feng Tianyu withdrew from mother's arms, and threw herself into father's arms again, "Daddy take good care of mother, don't make her sad!"

Feng Tianyu said so in his father's ear, when Feng Tianyu hugged him for a while and withdrew from his arms, Feng Zhizhi nodded solemnly and said: "Okay!"

"Little princess, mother's little princess, you must be well, you know?"

When Feng Tianyu stepped on the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, Liu Yun'er's eyes were full of endless reluctance and distress.

"Mother, don't worry, Xiao Yu'er will be fine, brothers and sisters will be fine, and sister Qingqing and Ji Xiaojie will be fine too!"

Feng Tianyu promised loudly, she took a deep look at her parents, waved her hands and said:
"Father, mother, you must also take care of yourself, you must take care of yourself, and wait for us to get it back!"

"Father! Mother! Take care!"


The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft began to rise slowly in front of the gate of Kunning Palace, and the seven people in the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft waved goodbye to Feng Zhiming and his wife.

Feng Mingzhi supported his delicate wife, waved his hands, and bid farewell to their children and relatives. The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft gradually flew away, and finally flew out of their sight.

"The children have grown up. They are birds soaring in the sky. It's time for them to learn how to fly. Yun'er bless them!"

"Brother Zhi, I understand all this, but I'm always worried about it, and I'm so bored."

"Well, I know, I know it all, and because I know it, I hope you can let it go, we must step up our practice, and we must not drag the children down.

What do you say!cloud? "

There was reluctance in Feng Zhiming's eyes, but more pride, he was proud of his five sons and daughters.

"Hey! Brother Zhi, I understand that the cultivation resources left by Yu'er are enough for us to cultivate to the stage of distraction.

From then on, I will work hard to cultivate, and now the situation in the Yuan Dynasty is good, as long as Xiao Yuer and the others can successfully break through the blockade of the Yuanli Realm.

After the seal is released, you and I also have to sprint for Ascension, and we must not disappoint the eager expectations of the five children. "

Feng Zhiming smiled with relief, Yuner's understanding is the blessing of the five sons and daughters!

From the beginning, Liu Yun'er raised her fighting spirit soaring to the sky, and she also wanted to advance on the road of ascension.

She retreated.

In addition to the three, six or nine days that Feng Zhizhi initially planned to govern, he also began to practice hard.With the help of Feng Tianyu's Ning Lian Chong divine soul song that was implanted in Feng Tianyu's mind when he was a child.

He is no longer the wind-wise man who had advanced every inch of his cultivation, and now he is also qualified for a certification of Dao.

When the sun was setting in the west, the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft flew over thousands of mountains and rivers, pierced through the clouds and fog, flew over the sky above Tongtianyan, and landed at the foot of the vast mountain a million miles away from Tongtianyan.

At the foot of the vast mountain shrouded in clouds and mists is a vast wasteland.

Under the setting sun, the clouds are dyed, and on the misty mountain foothills, on the vast and boundless wasteland, it reflects a sense of vicissitudes, sadness, and the strangeness of blood.

"Today, I will stay in the wasteland, and tomorrow I will investigate the entrance of the ancient battlefield!" Feng Tianyu put away the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, and looked at the various tents of different sizes in the distance.

"it is good!"

At Feng Tianlei's suggestion, Feng Tianyu will be the captain of the ancient battlefield exploration and experience trip this time, and all actions will be arranged by her.

After the unanimous vote was passed, wind and rain did not reject it. At any time, a team can only have one voice.

Especially in a dangerous place surrounded by danger and mysterious and unpredictable, such as the ancient battlefield, this is a place where life can be saved from desperation.

She hoped that they would all come back in full health during this trip of exploring ancient times and training, and the training was only to prepare for the ascension, not to die.

How precious is life?How can we be indifferent!

In order not to attract attention, Feng Tianyu just asked her brothers to set up two tents. She, her second sister Liu Qingqing, and Fang Xiaocui who moved out of the Genesis Pearl lived in the same tent.

The brothers live in the same room as Ji Xiaojie.

Night fell quickly, and at the foot of the mountain in the distance, there were roars of beasts from time to time, and the howling of low-level wind wolves on the wasteland.

The moon is as cold as water, and there are always people who are unwilling to be lonely. Under the moonlight, a group of men in black have already taken action on the wasteland.

The people living in the wasteland are all freely organized antiquity teams from various cities, and [-]% of the people flying under the moonlight are cruel and uneducated robbers who fled here to make a living by robbery.

"Brother, this is a very high-quality space tent. The person who lives here must be a big fat sheep. We really came to the right place tonight. We should be rich!"

Big fat sheep, as long as it's not a big fat pig, I like it!Feng Tianyu turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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