Tears Fairy

Chapter 384 Abyssal World

Chapter 384 Abyssal World
"Hehehe! My spirit stones are piled up like a mountain, and there are countless treasures and artifacts. If you beat us to the ground first, all of them will be yours!"

As soon as Ji Xiaojie finished speaking, "Boom~boom~clang! clang! clang!"

There was another sound of gold and iron clashing among the explosions outside the tent, and then there was a burst of wails of ghosts and wolves.

There were loud noises outside the tent, spells colliding and exploding, clang clang clang clanging of metal and iron, still could not stop Feng Tianyu from sleeping soundly.

Brothers will take care of it outside the tent, the daughter's family should be pampered properly, she sleeps soundly, with a sense of peace of mind.

Feng Tianqing, Fang Xiaocui, and Liu Qingqing swept away their spiritual senses, but the group of men in black they saw was too weak to be scum.

It's just relying on a ruthless force to do evil, there are a few elder brothers who take action, and they don't need to do it at all.

In an instant, amidst the wails outside the tent, Feng Tianlei coldly pointed his sword at the rolling robbers who were wailing all over the ground and said in hatred:

"The criminal guards of the two countries have never had time to hunt down you diehards who are vicious and stubborn.

Unexpectedly, when Skynet was restored, it would automatically come forward, and today I will eliminate a group of scourges for the country and the people.

I hope that after you are reincarnated, you can retain a sliver of humanity. People who have lost their humanity will have no way out in the new Tianyuan. "

When the words fell, the howling outside the tent stopped abruptly.A gust of wind blew past, and the moonlight was still like water outside the tent, shedding bursts of silver light.

A good night's sleep in wind and rain.

After dawn, she slept until she woke up naturally. When the sun rose, she was refreshed and greeted her sister's smiling face, and got up from the warm bed.

On the wasteland outside the tent, Fang Xiaocui had already prepared the food for the morning, Feng Tianyu was full of smiles, "Good morning, aunt!".

"Yu'er is up, breakfast is ready!" She smiled warmly at Feng Tianyu, then greeted Feng Tianlei and others who were packing up the tent:

"Everyone, stop what you're doing and eat first!" Fang Xiaocui was their elder and the oldest among them.

This time, she undertook the catering tasks for everyone, Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing fought in the main battle, Feng Tianxing and Ji Xiaojie assisted in the battle, Feng Tianyu took care of the logistics, Liu Qingqing did miscellaneous work in the team, wherever he was busy.

Feng Tianyu is of course in charge of the overall situation.

Now she is the most leisurely, but it is only in front of her eyes.

Once she stepped into the ancient battlefield, it was the time to really test her. The team leader must carry the hope of the team's life.

She has the responsibility to protect her teammates well.

It's a daunting task, all the more so in dangerous places.This team of eight people, including Ji Xiaojie who followed her, were all people she cared about to the extreme.

She is willing to take on this arduous task, and she is also willing to shoulder this responsibility. As long as she successfully brings them into the ancient battlefield, she will definitely bring them out safely.

The Cangwu Mountain is vast, the wasteland is desolate, and the autumn wind howls past.With bursts of mist churning, the wasteland seems to be vast and endless low and flat barren hills, but the undercurrents often come from the plain below.

That is the abyss under the natural formation, or the bottomless dark world.

At this time, Feng Tianyu and his party fell into the abyss with great precision.

"Damn, this ancient battlefield is so deep and unpredictable, it seems that it really lives up to its reputation as a dangerous place!"

When Feng Tianyu fell into the abyss, she said with emotion, when she looked up at the top of the abyss, she found that the abyss has no top, but the top is vast, with few moon stars.

When several people approached each other at the bottom of the abyss, they realized that they were in a silver-gray world, which was the starlight sprinkled by the bright moon.

Feng Tianyu looked at the place where his group was, and found that he and his group were standing on the willow bank of the Qinghe River under the night moon.

The abyss becomes the world, and it really has its own universe.

The ding-dong sound of the rushing and orderly running water is even more melodious under the silent moonlight.Under the reflection of the moonlight, the turbulent flowing water reflects the tranquil sparkling light.

But is this outside the ancient battlefield, or inside the ancient battlefield?

Wind and rain, she asked the sky speechlessly?
"Xiao Yuer is this?" Feng Tianqing asked.

"Abyss world! Stay here first, and see if the sun shines after the moon disappears!"

Feng Tianyu replied to her sister, and comforted everyone.

On the willow bank of the Qinghe River, Feng Tianyu chose an open place. She didn't let Feng Tianyu set up a tent, and directly took out her travel space house.

For the sake of being careful and making no big mistakes, everyone lives together, which is conducive to the safety of emergencies.

This place is full of mystery, and she dare not take risks, so she can only try her best to master the method that is beneficial to herself.

The space house that has been sacrificed is connected with her soul, if something is wrong, she can take the space house with her, and everyone's safety is in her hands.

After a long wait, the rainy time displayed on Fengzi No. [-] passed twelve o'clock in the morning, and it was close to one o'clock.

The moon was hidden and the stars were scattered. After a period of darkness, Feng Tianyu and others ushered in the expected sunshine.

The river jingled and the wind swayed the willows, and a burst of chirping birds and insects came from the mountains on the other side of the river.

The weeping willow branches are green, the river water is crystal clear, occasionally fish jump out of the water, the wind is sunny and warm, and the winding mountain roads are full of flowers blooming.

A few people walked along the winding path along the river bank, stepping on the green grass all the way forward.They almost forgot that this was an underground abyss, and thought they had come to a fairyland on earth!
Wind and rain move forward, and there is a village in a valley thousands of miles away.There are a group of urchins playing on the drying ground in the village.

The quiet mountain village is peaceful, and the simple and innocent children are innocent.

Feng Tianyu has a beautiful longing for returning to nature in his heart.She shook her head, this is not what she wants, what is she wanting!

The forward pace did not stop, she was in deep thinking, the mist dispersed to both sides with the colorful clouds.

She walked into a path of questioning.

Feng Tianlei's calm eyes warmed up with the small mountain village in the valley he saw with his spiritual sense. A family in the village was decorating lights and festoons, and they were beaming with joy.

He was walking with a smile in his eyes!
He thought of Dongfang Yan from Xuanyuan Continent, every moment of looking back at her made him feel emotional ups and downs, with every smile in his heart.

He misses her!

In the small village in Fang Xiaocui's consciousness, there are only a group of urchins, and she suddenly thought of Xiao Fangming.

Her little Fang Ming said, "Mother, where have you been, I miss you so much tomorrow!" She seemed to hear her son's coquettish voice in her ears.

She smiled dotingly!There is tenderness in the eyes.

"Xiao Qing'er, you really have the heart, you won't come back once you leave, and you won't miss my heart at all, your heart is already broken for Qing'er?"

In Feng Tianqing's consciousness, she was preaching in the small village, and she was dragged into the guilt towards Yuan Ye by Yuan Ye's injury.

She really didn't think about him, she thought.

Feng Tianyu only saw a man in Tsing Yi forging a sword in a small mountain village, and he had a unique thought for a while, and was immersed in it.

What Feng Tianxing saw was a young couple hugging the full moon Jiaoer and receiving blessings from relatives and friends.

"Long Xing? Long Ruo?" He murmured, his eyes filled with joy.

Ji Xiaojie saw a sea of ​​blood in the setting sun in the small mountain village, he seemed to feel his own blood burning, secret technique!
"No! No! No! I don't want to be a waste, I'll rehabilitate~" He yelled as he walked, leaped into the sky, and stabbed the sky with his sword.


Ji Xiaojie disappeared.

Feng Tianyu's body trembled, and with a wave of his hand, a burst of Dao rhyme passed across the altar of the crowd from his fingers, and a white light flashed.

She has pushed aside the clouds in the avenue, and has stepped into her path of sentient beings.

(End of this chapter)

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