Tears Fairy

Chapter 403 Shouyuan Sacrifice

Chapter 403 Shouyuan Sacrifice
In her consciousness, Feng Tianyu saw a pair of blood-red eyes appearing in the blood-colored mist, and she was secretly startled, but she didn't seem to notice it on the surface.

She was bound in the Qiankun net with peace of mind, and she had no intention of resisting, but in the depths of her lowered eyes, there was a solemnity hidden.

Although, the Qiankun net that caught her had already been sacrificed by her tyrannical soul at the moment when the great elder of the blood alien race disappeared, imprinting her soul brand on it.

What she is worried about now is the forbidden technique in the mouths of the great elders of the blood difference, the power of the blood-sucking method, how defiant is it?
Can she take it?
And how will her fantasy come true?
The destructive power in front of her eyes filled her Skynet.She couldn't help but lose her peace of mind.This is definitely a tyrannical power that can threaten her life.

Obviously, it is easy for the patriarch Chang Khan of the blood race to absorb and fuse blood, but it is not an easy task to refine energy beyond one's own cultivation.

Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien race, wanted to refine 18 people including the Great Elder with a weak cultivation base. It was like a hodgepodge of mixed, almost violent energy that was about to explode. This is the rhythm of courting death.

Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien race, wants to refine them, but if he doesn't want to explode and die, it will take a long time to straighten out the cultivation energy from the eighteen elders.

Until the eighteen strands of energy are straightened out and no longer tyrannical to mutually exclusive.It can take time to slowly refine, devour and fuse, which is enough to accumulate it to the peak of the late Mahayana, and even the energy of the Dzogchen in the Mahayana period.

However, the night will pass, and after dawn, there will be countless clansmen chasing after it, if it is exposed that it used the forbidden technique of the clan to suck up the eighteen elders with the blood-sucking method.

It will be the public enemy of the tribe, and will be locked into the Hundred-Eyed Sky Urn by the tribe, for the tribe to suck blood for thousands of generations without getting out of the urn.

Living in the dark without hope, this punishment is too terrible.Thinking about it, I can't help feeling cold all over my body.

But the arrow has been wound and has to be fired, it must find a way to take the eighteen strands of powerful blood in the body with the blood as a guide.

Take the blood food that makes it desperate to eat alone, and quickly evacuate here.

In the blood aura rising from the boiling blood in the blood pool, its blood-red eyes with a terrifying aura were greedily looking at the blood food not far away.

After thinking about it, when it was unthinkable, its adventurous spirit once again broke through its rationality.

When Feng Tianyu saw the madness of the blood-colored mist in the pool of blood, the blood-red eyes flashed past, and she was alerted that this was the madness of a gambler.

She absolutely couldn't give it a chance to go crazy, she wanted to give it a fatal blow at the critical moment, so in desperation, she showed weakness, her eyes were timid and flustered.

However, Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, would not give her a chance to kill with one blow.Because it knows the dangers of the human race.

In the process of its blood-sucking refinement.At a critical moment, any kind of creature can give it a fatal blow, not to mention that this is definitely not a place for it to cultivate.

It must leave here before dawn, and it will go to its secret cave to refine the blood essence and cultivation of eighteen elders.

Feng Tianyu's weak gaze made Chang Khan, the head of the blood alien clan, feel a sense of victory. It was about to swallow her crazy idea first, so it put it aside.

She almost let it roll off the throne of the young patriarch, so she must stay and play for a few days to get revenge.

It wants to see the fear of being timid and waiting to be eaten by it one by one, but anyone who offends it will end badly.

The emotion leaked from its blood-colored eyes made Feng Tianyu's tense heart relax.

However, a blood-colored cage suddenly flew up from the blood pool and suddenly covered Feng Tianyu. This was the blood-sacrificing cage.

Only it can use blood to lure the opened blood sacrifice cage with its own hands, even if she has been caught in the net of heaven and earth to eat blood.

There is no possibility of harming it at all, and it must be kept out of the way.Never give her the slightest chance of hurting herself.

In the depths of Feng Tianyu's deep black pupils, dark lights flickered one after another, and his timid eyes met the blood-red eyes.

She could feel his thoughts, it was a determination not to leave her a chance.

The bloody patriarch Chang Khan's eyes were full of ecstasy, it turned into a pool of blood, melting and attracting each other.He sucked in the blood and cultivation of the Great Elder and the Seventeen Elders.

He just needs to refine and absorb their cultivation base and blood smoothly.He will definitely be able to advance to the peak of the Mahayana period, or even the Dzogchen period of the Mahayana period.

If he devoured the blood food in front of him, it would no longer be a fantasy to break out of the shackles of this world.

The blood sacrifice cage sealed Qiankunwang and her.It was finally relieved, the blood-sucking refinement couldn't be done here, and its bloody eyes flashed with ecstasy and cruelty.

The female nun's blood food has been taken into its blood pool by it, but she is anxious and thinking, still unable to think about it.

He had no safe way to evacuate here when the blood of the 18 people had not been refined and the energy of his cultivation was violently boiling.

It couldn't be imagined, and suddenly its heart broke, how could it be bound by such a thing, it is the head of the blood alien patriarch Chang Khan, isn't it?
It, the wealth of Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien race, has always been seeking in danger.Only when it is not afraid of life and death, it climbs to the position of the young patriarch by stepping on the corpses of many brothers and sisters.

Now it has a chance, a chance that will skyrocket, and it is willing to bet.Isn't it just a little more dangerous?

It always likes to take risks and accomplish things. Since it is impossible to imagine, today it will take another risk.The adventurers who seek big gains in this kind of crisis are the real patriarch Chang Khan.

A cold light flashed in the depths of Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes.She has lost her edge.

The patriarch of the blood alien clan was sweating, its blood eyes disappeared, and a big mouth melted into the blood mist and rose above the blood pool. It suddenly opened its mouth and shouted:
"Taboo Dafa, sacrifice to God, I will sacrifice a thousand years of life in exchange for an hour of half-immortal body! Sacrifice!"

A pool of blood is calm, and in the pool of blood, Feng Tianyu only feels refreshed for a while, and the power of life grows infinitely.

Her law of infinity captured this world, and she was forced to accept the sacrifice of Chang Khan, the head of the blood alien clan.

It gave back Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, a layer of law power to protect him.

Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, did not check the real energy obtained after adding a layer of law power.

Only by trusting God can there be taboo offerings. After the blood mouth is hidden, the blood pool disappears, and it has returned to its real body.

The eighteen strands of blood essence energy from the eighteen elders formed a cloud of bright red blood mist, covering Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan.

Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, smiled wildly, and a flash of cruelty to himself flashed in his blood eyes.

In the dark night, holding the blood sacrifice cage in one hand, it galloped away in the dark, and it had to arrive at the destination within an hour.

One hour is very short, its cultivation is limited, it is unable to sacrifice more, and the life energy of a thousand years is lost, and it is used for ten thousand years or even 10 years of life energy.

No matter how it is calculated, it is profitable. Of course, the premise is that its risky behavior can be successful. If it fails, it will only die, not just a thousand years of life.

It is in the prime of life, after the sacrifice, it is close to the sprint year of a hundred years, if the refining fails, it will die without life.

But it gambled, practiced the forbidden method of blood-sucking and the great method, isn't it for this kind of opportunity to soar into the sky?
Feng Tianyu is not worried at all in Qiankun Net, the destination it wants to return to is also the place where she moves.

The secret cave is the place she prepares with peace of mind. If it exists, she will let it take her there.Just get to the place.

It was when she made full preparations to get out of this living body space.

(End of this chapter)

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