Tears Fairy

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

In the darkness, Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood-foreign clan, crossed mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground, for nearly an hour.

It finally arrived at its destination, the sky was still dark, but inside its cave, it was as bright as day.

His secret cave.It was actually built in a top-quality spiritual stone mountain, and the light of the top-quality spiritual stone in the cave made the entire secret cave as bright as day.

Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, arrived at his destination smoothly, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.Spent a thousand years of life.It only has a hundred years left.

It took a hundred years to refine the pure blood of the eighteen elders, and their cultivation with their vast energy like the sea, it has no bottom in its mind whether it will be successful or not.

There are only a hundred years, and there are too many unknowns. If there are thousands of years, it will definitely succeed. It has turned into a pool of blood again, and its blood eyes have become fanatical again.

It looked at the female cultivator's blood food that it threw aside in the cave, and made a decision in its heart. Time is limited, so it doesn't tease her anymore, and it is serious to eat her directly.

Feng Tianyu felt a chill in her heart, and under the stare of the naked blood eyes of Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, she had a feeling that she had become food, a piece of fat fresh meat.

She didn't like this feeling very much, but she didn't move, she was waiting for it to open the blood sacrifice cage.


Feng Tianyu flew up from the ground, and in the pool of blood, among the surging waves of blood, Chang Khan, the head of the blood alien clan, appeared in front of her.

"Now I'm going to send you into my womb, you should hurry up and go to reincarnation while it's dark.

Hehehe.Remember, I let you go from hell to heaven, and you can go to the human world to reincarnate after you go to heaven.

Hehehe... Hahaha... My blood food, success will always belong to Changhan, the young patriarch of my blood race hahaha..."

Laughing wildly.Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, waved his hand to untie the blood sacrifice cage, and waved away the Qiankun Net on Feng Tianyu's body.

In his mind, he bound Feng Tianyu with the energy and blood lines of the blood pool, so he wouldn't be dazzled by the victory.

Its body wavered for a moment, and its human form was instantly hidden in the pool of blood, leaving only a big bloody mouth in the mist of blood.

When Feng Tianyu was revealed, it opened its bloody mouth wide, and an unparalleled suction instantly enveloped Feng Tianyu.

Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, was ecstatic in his heart.Its delicious feast is about to come to its mouth.

Before eating, it is still thinking happily in its heart, what a delicious meal this is.

Its bloody mouth was wide open, waiting for the expected delicious food to fly into its mouth.It narrowed its eyes happily, however, at the moment it narrowed its eyes.

Feng Tianyu acted, and the power of her law instantly enveloped the entire blood pool.The golden thunder sword flew into the bloody mouth of Chang Khan, the head of the blood alien clan.


Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, let out a miserable cry that echoed in the deep cave, causing Feng Tianyu to frown involuntarily.

It's a bit miserable!The joy of this thunder sword is better than it swallowing her alive!It can't go to heaven if it screams so badly, it seems that it can only go to hell.

Want to eat her?Don't think about it!

Feng Tianyu killed the unsuspecting patriarch Chang Khan with a sword, and it became a real pool of blood.

Its body turned into a pool of blood, and its blood was mixed with the blood of eighteen elders.

Chang Khan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, died, and there was still a lingering sound except for its miserable scream, in the deep cave of the cave.It is colorless.

It failed, and the failure was in the hands of its persistent blood eater. Until death, it had no chance to reflect on the reasons for the failure, and was cursed by Feng Tianyu to go to hell.

Feng Tianyu's cold eyes stared at the boiling blood that set off the three-foot wave, and the color in his eyes turned into an illusion.

Suddenly she moved, and under the gray mist, layers of seals formed on her hands, and a law seal was formed in her hands.

In her mind, an ancient jade bottle flew out of the creation bead, and she raised the middle and middle fingers of her right hand in parallel, and tapped on the ancient jade bottle floating in front of her.

In an instant, a beam of law light lit up, and a trace of gray mist within it covered the ancient jade bottle.

The ancient jade bottle flew above the blood pool, the mouth of the bottle tilted towards the blood pool, "Take it!"

With Feng Tianyu's low drink, the boiling blood in the blood pool buzzed with endless power, and the blood turned into nineteen red blood dragons, each of which passed through the ancient jade bottle.

The ancient jade bottle shook for a while, and the ancient jade bottle was extremely solid under the escort of the gray mist. Under the confinement of the power of law, the nineteen blood dragons were completely at peace.

Feng Tianyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, the sky was already bright at this time, the secret cave of Changhan, the patriarch of the blood alien clan, was quite hidden, and she liked it very much.

The cave is located in the abyss under the rugged and dangerous peak, and under a top-quality Lingshi mountain in the mountain outside the mountain.

Now Feng Tianyu is equivalent to sitting on the entire top-grade Lingshi Mountain.

She can no longer count the spirit stones, but this top-quality spirit stone mountain is still in her eyes, and before she leaves, she will definitely move it into the creation pearl.

After she collected nineteen blood dragons, Law Skynet had already taken them into her body, but after dawn, she began to fall asleep soundly.

The daylight is not suitable for her to work, and only at night is when she works hard. What she wants is to be safe, not to die like a bloody alien patriarch with long sweat.

She has never underestimated the space beast. Its power is no longer something her weak self can contend with.

Her survival in danger lies in the space beast's contempt for her. In its eyes, Feng Tianyu is so weak that she doesn't even have the qualifications to be an ant.

The space beast didn't pay much attention to the creatures in its internal body, until the wind and rain exceeded it, and gray mist appeared within its tolerance range.

It shocked!

However, her weakness makes it less interesting, but fortunately she is weak.Courage is big enough.

Only then did it have the idea of ​​teasing her, it wanted to use a golden bowl to accept Xiaowa who was not respectful or afraid of him.

The arrogant and conceited little baby is as bold as the sky, and he said that he likes its golden bowl, which can't help but arouse great interest in the lonely one.

Isn't she going to escape from the world in its stomach?
Didn't she want to tear its belly open and leave?
It gives her a chance to play, in order to see, audaciously, she has fled for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

The hopeless expression of leaving this place at the end, is it despair?Still bold and arrogant.

At dawn, it woke up, just glanced at Feng Tianyu, who was soundly asleep, and then stopped paying attention, giving her a chance to slowly despair, and letting her spend her life in its world.

He was able to escape the blood food of being a blood alien, but he lived on the run all his life.Such a delicious and tempting blood food, she thought it would be difficult for her to survive for a while!
The space beast no longer pays attention to Feng Tianyu, this is the result that Feng Tianyu dreams of. Only when the space beast despises her can she have the possibility of success.

And she can only succeed, not fail!Because she is not the only one here, but also her sister is here.

She slept soundly in the secret cave, abandoned by the blood of the outside world.But it has been fried, chasing day and night.

Chang Khan, the young patriarch of the blood race, and eighteen elders including the Great Elder.They are all missing.

Changhao, the patriarch of the Xueyi clan, was furious, and he gave a death order.We must find out the young patriarch Chang Khan and the eighteen elders.

The world of space beasts boiled up.Thousands of blood aliens were dispatched.They received the death order from the patriarch.

Chang Khan, the head of the young patriarch, cannot be found, and the eighteen elders cannot be found.They don't have to come back, only until the sent people find the blood alien patriarch Chang Khan and them.

(End of this chapter)

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