Tears Fairy

Chapter 409 Failed Blood Thunderstorm

Chapter 409 Failed Blood Thunderstorm
Feng Tianqing flew all the way to the cave where Feng Tianyu was located, the closer he was to the terrifying power oppression, the closer he was.

She finally saw her sister, who fell to the ground.The whole person is like being fished out of the water.

The younger sister, who was all wet, suddenly shocked her.He couldn't help but yelled out timidly, "Sister."

Feng Tianqing's loud cry disturbed the exhausted Feng Tingyu.She raised her head and smiled at her sister, "I'm fine, sister, don't worry about me."

While speaking, Feng Tianyu, who had been sitting on the ground, stood up.She smiled at her sister.

An ancient jade box was taken out from the Genesis Bead.She carefully put the blood thunderstorm in the ancient jade box, and then sealed it.

The power of this blood thunderstorm is too great.The breath-suppressing rune placed in it couldn't hide all his aura at all.

Seeing that her sister was fine, Feng Tianqing must be happy again, her gentle words and inspiring words sounded in Feng Tianyu's ears like a spring breeze blowing on her face.

"Sister, you really succeeded. We can really escape! This blood thunderstorm is enough to make space beasts tremble with fear."

Feng Tianyu smiled back with her sister: "That's necessary, I still need to use that blood thunderstorm to break open its stomach. Can it not be frightened?"

Feng Tianqing's eyes lit up when she heard the words, her sister's awesome words were so shocking and shocking.

It made her heart still pounding.This is the rhythm of blowing up the space beast.The space beast is going to be sad.

While Feng Tianyu was talking to her sister, she had already put away the Skynet.

"Sister, I've wronged you to continue living in the Genesis Orb. When you get out of the space beast's space, you can move around freely."

Feng Tianyu let her elder sister still enter the Genesis Orb with the beasts. Now is the critical time, and the space beasts can't let the space beasts discover their secrets.

Feng Tianqing smiled softly, and waved her hand to her sister, saying that she doesn't care, as long as she can be with her sister, she doesn't care where she lives.

Eating and sleeping are her daily life.Even if it's black and white now.However, it did not affect her falling into a sound sleep.

In the constant alternation of day and night, time flies by.When the wind and rain are in full swing to create blood thunderstorms.

Another 20 days passed in a flash.

The huge amount of top-quality spirit stones on Lingshi Mountain, after more than 20 days of digging hard under the leadership of the beasts and beasts.

90.00% of the entire top grade Lingshi Mountain has been developed.The whole mountain has almost become an empty shell.

On this day, after night fell, Feng Tianqing brought Beast and the others.It's time to start and finish.

Feng Tianyu has vacated the place where she refines her weapons, so that her sister and the beasts can continue to dig and move the spirit stones.

They are continuing to excavate the place vacated by Feng Tianyu, thousands of large pieces of top-grade spirit stones are collected into the storage rings held by Feng Tianqing and the beasts.

Feng Tianyu moved to the empty cave that had been dug out, and eighteen blood dragons that had aged and grown,
After more than 20 days of intensive refining by her, seventeen mighty blood thunderstorms have been refined.

When the day is gone and the night is approaching, Feng Tianyu's cultivation is also in the process of her intensive refining, constantly consuming and fully recovering.

Unknowingly, it has been a matter of course and has been promoted by a small level, successfully entering the fifth level from the fourth level of the God Transformation.

The improvement in her cultivation this time made her extremely happy.Her cultivation has been stagnant for a long time.

The improvement in cultivation this time allowed her to refine the last blood thunderstorm, giving her a glimmer of hope out of thin air.The success rate is also higher.

The last refined blood thunderstorm is a blood dragon grown by the elders of the blood alien race.He was at the peak of the Mahayana period.

She has no idea whether the blood thunderstorm refinement will be successful this time, and the difficulty is not ordinary.

If the refining blood thunderstorm fails this time, it means that the ultimate ultimate move has nowhere to go.Fortunately, she has successfully refined the Eighteen Blood Thunderstorm.

The blood thunderstorm refining this time is full of dangers. If the fryer fails, it is probably enough for the space beast to drink a pot.

Feng Tianyu quietly waited for her sister and the beasts to empty out the top-grade spirit stones on Lingshi Mountain.Another thorough sweep.

After the spirit stones on the top-quality spirit stone mountain have been completely cleared away.

A night as dark as ink.The wind and rain have finally begun, crafting one last blood thunderstorm.

For safety reasons.Her sister and the beasts moved into the Genesis Bead.

Chi himself should bear the danger of the blood refining storm this time.She was determined not to allow her sister to suffer any harm.

Even if she herself is unfortunately killed by the bomb, they can still live in the Creator.It's better than being bombed outside with no bones left.

When my sister's cultivation base is strong enough, it is also possible to walk out of the Genesis Orb.Start her journey from scratch.

The wind and rain are on the mountain wall, and a few moonstones are inlaid.Inside the cave, the empty mountainside was suddenly as bright as day.

After finishing the preparations, she sat down and meditated for a while, calming down her nervous mood.

After calming down, a solemn light flashed in his black eyes, and the cannon was ready to fire.

Make or break it.This is a big killing move.As long as it works.Don't say it's a half-immortal space beast.Even a real fairy has to get down.

Time became extremely dignified at this moment.You exhale windy and rainy.He took out the ancient jade bottle containing the blood dragon.

The shell carrying the blood dragon is also ready to meet the blood dragon.

The blood dragon flew out of the ancient jade bottle, under the powerful guidance of the law of wind, sky and rain.While buzzing, it was smoothly sent into the shell of the blood thunderstorm.

The power of the soul, in the carrying shell of the blood dragon and the blood thunderstorm, when it is transformed into energy blood, perfectly draws the formation runes.

After finishing the drawing of the formation and sealing it into the furnace, the refining of blood thunderstorms began.While the fists were flipping and the fingers were being pinched, the smelting furnace finally rose with a fiery purple fire.

Feng Tianyu's fingertips were flying, and the power of the law was connected to a violent blood storm.Start to suppress and stabilize the array node.

She was focused on her whole body, and a tyrannical air filled the shaking furnace.

Violence raged in the refining furnace.Feng Tianyu, please move your hands together, with the force of laws at your fingertips, forming a rune to suppress it with all your strength.

Feng Tianyu's black eyes were deep, and with a dignified expression, the refining was in the final stage.

Whether it is successful or not depends on the final receiver. "Buzz buzz~" The blood thunderstorm in the refining furnace is still short of the last step.

The refining furnace hummed loudly, Feng Tianyu's spirit power, the formation symbols drawn in the blood dragon, from the melted energy and blood essence, completed the formation method pattern drawing.

The years are quiet!A faint light flashed across Feng Tianyu's black eyes, and time began to freeze.

In the seal of the law, in Feng Tianyu's hand-holding formula, the power of the law instantly became a magic net array, Feng Tianyu sweated like rain, and instantly completed the seal of Blood Thunderstorm.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

God.What exactly did it see?The space beast suddenly fell asleep and was awakened by a sense of potential crisis.

He stared at a part of his own space with wide eyes, which had been blocked by the laws of others.Its heart trembled, and its whole body was terrified.

It was startled, and the humanoid beast roared to the sky, "Oh~ no!" A pair of giant claws had been torn off towards the sky net.

However, Feng Tianyu was disturbed by it at the last moment of the device's completion, and as a result of failure, the power of the fryer became the only one in the sky and the earth, and became a world-destructive explosion that no one could replicate.

"Boom, boom, boom~".

It roared in anger and shock.Therefore, it was completely submerged in the earth-shattering, rumbling explosion.

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(End of this chapter)

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