Tears Fairy

Chapter 410 Escape

Chapter 410 Escape

In the space after daybreak, in the bloody thunderstorm blast furnace that destroys the world, the world returns to darkness, the mountains collapse and the ground sinks, and the space world of the space beast begins to be destroyed.

The body of Space Beast Xiongqi fell down, smoke was coming out of its seven orifices, and a faint flame flashed from the thick smoke rising from its seven orifices.

The firelight made the sound of beeping, beeping, burning the air.Its internal world began to tilt, a blood thunderstorm of defeat.

The explosion of the Mieshiwei power did not explode.space subject to the belly.But in his world.There was a tornado.

The sky is dark and the blood is different from people and various creatures in the space.On the edge of space destruction.Make a miserable cry.

Bloody corpses can be seen everywhere.

Feng Tianyu failed at the moment when the blood thunderstorm exploded.Jinpeng Jinyuxiang automatically initiated the fusion.

With the addition of gray mist, Huang Yu instantly enveloped Feng Tianyu.

Along with the earth-shattering explosion, driven by Huang Yu's escort, in the bloody thunderstorm of failure, the huge fryer exploded.

At the moment when the mountain exploded and shattered, she felt as if the mountain was blown and shattered.It was blown up to thousands of miles into the sky.

Windy and rainy, she escaped from the center of the explosion.

The sky was dark and the wind was surging, the world of space began to tilt, causing countless deaths and injuries.The endless mountain peaks are collapsing.The ground began to crack and collapse.

The breath of death spread in the space.

Feng Tianyu was blown up into the sky, spouting a few big mouthfuls of blood and floating in the dark sky, she was injured, not lightly.

The pores had been hit by the explosive force, shaking out a layer of blood.Huang Yu's radiance has also weakened a lot, it seems that it will take a lot of time to recover.

In the dark and stormy sky, she quickly swallowed a god-level golden fragrant fruit to repair her seriously injured body. The gray mist automatically catalyzed the medicinal power, and the injured body was recovering rapidly.


Amidst the howling wind, she was swept up by a tornado that rose high in the sky.Frightened, he hurriedly assimilated into a gray mist.

When the dragon-shaped tornado roared and spun.She has become a whirlwind into the mainstream.

"Master, how are you?" Jin Yuxiang asked worriedly after he withdrew from the fusion.

Feng Tianyu smiled, and thanked very comfortingly: "Ayu, thank you! I'm fine, don't worry!"

Jin Yuxiang was worried for a while, "But you were injured, and the injury was serious."

It secretly felt ruthless in its heart, its own cultivation was still not enough, not enough to protect the safety of its master.It must work harder to cultivate.

Feng Tianyu chuckled, "Ah Yu is the best, I'm really fine, it doesn't matter if I get hurt.

Because I have a god-level golden fragrant fruit, and I am recovering rapidly now!Don't worry, Ayu!

Ayu, I am still in the world of the space beast's belly, I have to find a way out of the space beast's space while the space beast's body is injured.

Ah Yu is not busy practicing, you have to be ready to support me in battle at any time. "Feng Tianyu confessed to Jin Yuxiang.

"Okay master, as long as you are fine, I am always ready for master's call." Jin Yuxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

The space beast panted heavily, in the sound of wheezing.Mixed with the sound of beeping fire and burning air.

The Ruthless Adventure Group received a report from members of the Ruthless Adventure Group that there is a peak in Chuanyun Mountain that is billowing thick smoke and seems to be burning.

Ruthlessly ignored it, he had already left Cloud Piercer.He doesn't want to take care of everything there.The Relentless Adventurers have left there.

He just wanted to bring the Ruthless Adventure Group together and rely on his master.Strength determines everything, he must be the leader of Yan Qingdi.

For his master's trust in him, he wanted to give his master a perfect answer.

She didn't misread him, he would be her support and her most loyal subordinate.

Wuqing didn't go to the Cloud Piercer because he didn't know the wind and rain went to the Cloud Piercer.So the following situation, the ruthless adventure group completely staggered.

After the tornado swept through the entire space, Feng Tianyu finally completed its mission of destroying the world.

The space world of the space beast is in a mess, more than half of the million blood aliens have been killed or injured, and the endless mountain peaks are no longer mountains.

She was caught by a gust of wind as the tornado dissipated.The shift in wind direction is strange.Just as the east wind blew past, the northwest wind swirled back from space.

This must be a space beast, the breath after the injury brought the wind direction of space to reverse, Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes flashed, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

The smoky mist has become invisible after the space beast was injured.At this time, she assimilated the invisible mist like smoke.

Already drifting into this strange wind, she looked for the source and starting point in the strange wind blowing back and forth.

Finally she figured it out, Feng Tianyu grasped the source of the wind, the whistling airflow was from the east, and the whistling airflow was from the northwest direction.

After she grasped the important point, when the east wind was whistling, she had rushed to the bottom, "Plop!"

After she made a plop, she fell into a huge black hole.

Black, really black!A gust of wind blew past, Feng Tianyu had recovered her body, and her body was rooted in the black hole.

She lowered her eyebrows and thought about the location of the black hole, and she was also waiting for the whirling wind to send her away again.She believed that this place must be an underworld that gave birth to space.

In her mind, she had assimilated into the invisible mist like smoke, and was sent thousands of miles away from the mouth of the black hole under the swirling wind.

When she stopped, she regained her body and took root on the edge of the bottomless black hole.

Sure enough, another storm hit. After the storm passed, she once again assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke, waiting for the next precession wind to send her off.

The wind comes and the wind goes, the wind, the rain, and the wind keep moving forward and stopping steadily in the black hole.In this way, in the black hole, it has been going on for more than six hours.

The precessing wind is very powerful, and it has allowed her to travel thousands of miles smoothly in the dark black hole. When the wind and rain are getting closer and closer to the huge pressure.

The corners of her mouth curled up, and a smile instantly climbed onto her clean and beautiful face.It seems that the exit is not far away.

Another gust of wind blew, and Feng Tianyu took advantage of the momentum to float into the sky at high speed. Finally, Feng Tianyu saw a ray of light, refracting white rays of light on an open ground.

She took root at the end of the underworld to wait and see, where is this?She frowned and thought deeply.

On this vast red land, there is a white stone mountain.A murderous atmosphere and coercion lingered in the Baishi Mountain.

Bursts of murderous and baleful aura emanating from the rampage criss-crossed across the vast red land.

Feng Tianyu frowned, this place must not be set foot in, once set foot in, it will be dead.

Hoo hoo hoo... Another gust of wind blew, and the wind and rain took root on the ground. She saw the Baishi mountain that was so high in the clouds that it was completely cracked from it.

A burst of light shone in from the interrupted White Rock Mountain.


Amidst the loud snorting and panting, another gust of wind swept past the crack of Baishi Mountain.

What is this place?Feng Tianyu suddenly understood.Her eyes lit up suddenly, and the smile on her face grew even wider.

She looked up at the wall above the black hole, hehe, sure enough, this is the only exit to avoid the dangerous exit.

The whistling wind in the black hole kept on, the breath was so powerful that it shook the sky, and the huge coercion shook the ground. Feng Tianyu frowned, and could only slide against the stone wall.

There are two red and black bumps on the top of the black hole that are hundreds of miles apart. She punched one of them with the strength of her body, "Boom!"

(End of this chapter)

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