Tears Fairy

Chapter 46

Chapter 46
"Boom!" The ninth thunderbolt exploded in the clouds, and the thunderbolt as thick as a bucket fell from the clouds!Feng Tianyu was burned by the lightning in the Genesis Pearl to sea of ​​consciousness! "Boom!" Feng Tianyu caressed his forehead and watched in horror as the ninth thunderbolt as thick as a bucket struck towards him!Exclaimed, "God is going to kill me!"

However, at this moment, the gray mist in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly became violent, covering the Creation Orb in an instant, and the burning pain in the Sea of ​​Consciousness disappeared immediately. The Creation Orb began to rotate under the cover of the gray mist, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness instantly repaired. The bridge of heaven, earth and human is activated instantly, and the bridge of heaven and earth is automatically erected. The gray mist splits from the dantian into two and connects with the body to the bridge of adulthood, and the gray mist spreads all over the body in an instant.

"Boom" the thunder fell on Feng Tianyu's body, a layer of gray mist quickly absorbed the power of the sizzling thunder, quickly refining the power of thunder.

The refined power of thunder is pure and docile. From the bridge of heaven, earth and man, enter the four meridians and eight meridians to refine the muscles, bones and fleshy body, strengthen the broadened meridians and the flexibility of the meridians!After Feng Tianyu was refined, the power of thunder entered the four meridians and eight meridians, and was shocked by the thunder, making his whole body numb and itchy.

A trace of impurities are expelled from the pores after being purified by the thunder, and the physical strength of the wind and rain reaches the Nascent Soul stage, and the widened meridians are more flexible and full of strength.

After the nine thunderbolts, the dark clouds dissipated, and the body, which was so numb and unbearably shocked by the power of the thunder, fell from heaven to give back to the monk who had successfully survived the catastrophe. After a burst of spiritual dew, the numb and unbearable body was repaired by the spiritual dew in an instant. After recovering as before, after the impurities in the body were discharged, the pores of Feng Tianyu's whole body were relaxed to receive the gift of heaven!

With the help of the gray mist, the Genesis Orb absorbed the power of thunder that invaded into the Genesis Orb when the Genesis Orb fought against the thunder.

"Boom!" In the Genesis Pearl, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and thunder exploded, like the first thunder in spring, and everything recovered!The ancient trees transplanted in the Genesis Pearl began to recover their aura, and the spiritual plants in the medicine field began to stretch their branches and leaves.

The low-level elixir that has degenerated into Fan Zhi can already be seen with a faint halo of aura, the inner vitality of the Genesis Orb began to recover, and even Yuan Mu Rong's body, who had been sleeping so deeply, shook his whole body.

Jin Yuxiang stood fifty miles away in the sky, looking at Feng Tianyu with anxiety and uneasiness, until Feng Tianyu survived the nine thunderbolts before finally letting go of his heart.

Feng Tianyu's discomfort from being bombarded by thunder disappeared quickly during the restoration of the spirit dew. Feng Tianyu stretched his body, his whole body was filled with infinite power, and the corners of Feng Tianyu's mouth curled up into a beautiful arc. It's great that the alchemy period is over!
During the alchemy stage, you can fly in the air, and you don't need to fly with the sword anymore. Thinking that all your magic weapons have been consumed, and consumed in this one-nine thunder calamity, Feng Tianyu couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, it's all money!

"Congratulations, master, for advancing to the alchemy stage!" Jin Yuxiang congratulated Feng Tianyu with a smile.

"Thank you, Ayu!" Feng Tianyu looked at his beast pet and smiled, stretched his arms and looked at the 50 mountains in Jin Yuxiang's [-]-mile territory.

"Ayu, I've been away from the family for more than four years! I'm planning to return to the family!" As he spoke, the creation beads floated out from between the eyebrows and entered Jin Yuxiang's! "Ayu, I'm afraid there will be very few chances to come here this time. You try to move the valuable plants, fruit trees, and rare items in this territory to the Genesis Pearl. The Genesis Pearl is barren, and these precious things are needed. resources to change the environment.

I will let Xiaoxi lead the beasts to collect spiritual plants and plant them in the Genesis Pearl. "

"Master, don't worry! Ah Yu knows, and I will definitely satisfy Master!" After the contract, the master's money-lovers character is difficult for him to know, and Feng Tianyu didn't shield her from this side.

"I believe in Ayu!" Feng Tian nodded and smiled affirmatively.

"Master, I'm off to work!" Jin Yuxiang bid farewell to Feng Tianyu, Jin Yuxiang knew everything in his territory like the back of his hand, and now the master is just changing the valuable things in his territory!His life is the master's, not to mention these things.

"Go!" Feng Tianyu nodded and looked at Jin Yuxiang who was going away. The power of the soul was covered in the 50 mountains. Xi said: "Xiaoxi, you will lead the beasts to collect the spiritual plants immediately, we are leaving here, try not to hurt the spiritual plants, Ah Yu will come to you when he is done with work!"

"Master, you have successfully promoted! Great! Congratulations, master!" Little Turtle happily congratulated the master.

"Thank you Xiaoxi, it's over! Hurry up and go!" Feng Tianyu also thanked her beast pet happily.

"Master, Xiaoxi found out, so I'll go right away!" The turtle Xiaoxi acted immediately.

After Feng Tianyu gave Xiaoxi instructions, he turned around and entered the two-story golden wooden building that Jin Yuxiang built for her with gold, steel and wood!Start preparing to draw some talismans for emergency.

The tortoise Xiaoxi immediately carried out the master's order, and let the four king beasts start to lead the beasts under them to collect spiritual plants in the [-] big ones they chose for training!She herself joined the collection of spiritual plants.

Wind and rain, I have no time to draw talismans for four years!The level of the talisman making technique still stops at the first-grade talisman teacher. Feng Tianyu painted the first-grade top-grade talisman all morning, and drew 220 pieces of talisman.

But first-grade talismans are only suitable for low-level qi practitioners!It's useless to her now!So I started to draw the second grade talisman.

In the afternoon, Feng Tianyu began to draw the second-grade talisman carefully!One afternoon, the wind and rain started from the success of the second-rank low-grade talismans, and the drawing talismans continued to improve the grade!
Three days later, Feng Tianyu's level was raised from the second-grade low-grade talisman to the fifth-grade top-grade talisman.

But this kind of talisman is still too weak for the wind and rain in the alchemy period, how to improve the power of the talisman!The fifth-grade top-grade talisman is only suitable for monks in the late stage of Qi training.

Feng Tianyu fell into deep thought!

I can't make a talisman suitable for my own use in a short time!Overlay?Feng Tianyu's eyes lit up!Do you think it can be superimposed?
As soon as he thought of it, Feng Tianyu began to experiment with drawing superimposed talismans on the talisman paper. "Boom!" The first talisman failed with a bang when the superposition was about to be completed. Feng Tianyu used spiritual power to prop up the protective cover during the explosion of the talisman, but he was also scared by the explosion of his own talisman. He jumped and stroked his chest for a while.

After calming down the frightened emotions, the excitement became frenzied again!The superimposed self power is really extraordinary, it is definitely not the power of one plus one equals two!

After Feng Tianlei began to paint tirelessly for two hours in failure after failure, the wooden building began to roar continuously!Feng Tianyu kept looking for the source of failure amidst the bombing!Finally found that the problem lies in the talisman paper.

The talisman paper can't bear the superimposed power!How to do?Feng Tianyu finally thought of her gray mist!So she mobilized a wisp of gray mist to combine colorful spiritual power!Refined all the talisman papers.

After Feng Tianyu took it and refined it, the denser talisman paper began to be superimposed and drawn again, and finally completed the first first-grade superimposed talisman!
A day later, the second-grade talisman, the third-grade talisman, the fourth-grade talisman, and the fifth-grade talisman were successfully produced one after another.

When Feng Tianyu left the wooden building, it was already the tenth day. After sensing that the beast pets were still collecting spiritual herbs and other spiritual plants, Feng Tianyu went to Jinyunding and began to test the power of the superimposed talismans!

This is a superimposed talisman of the first grade, which is equivalent to the power of the late stage of Qi training!


Feng Tianyu continued to test and detonate the second-grade superposition talisman!The second-grade superimposed talisman is equivalent to the power of the middle stage of foundation establishment!

Three grades of superimposed talismans are equivalent to the power of foundation establishment Dzogchen!


Four-tier superposition talisman!It is equivalent to the power of the early stage of alchemy!


Five-rank superimposed talismans are equivalent to the power of the middle stage of alchemy!This kind of power can barely be used by Feng Tianyu.

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(End of this chapter)

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