Tears Fairy

Chapter 47

Chapter 47
After the wind, rain and rain superimposed talisman experiment, he flew down to the top of the golden cloud!I started investing a lot in making superimposed talismans, and didn't stop until all the talisman paper in the storage bag was used up!
"Master, we are back!"

Jin Yuxiang and Turtle Xiaoxi appeared outside the Golden Gangmu Building!The tortoise Xiaoxi called happily, and Jin Yuxiang also smiled and waited for the master to come out.

Feng Tianyu walked down from the second floor after hearing the sound!Looking at the expressions of the two beast pets, one knew that the two beasts had completed the task. The brows and eyes were curved with joy on their elegant and elegant faces, and the corners of their mouths curled into a visible arc.

"Master, go in and have a look!"

After Jin Yuxiang finished speaking, a stream of light shot out from the center of his eyebrows and flew towards Feng Tianyu's eyebrows.

"Okay! Let's go in and have a look!" Feng Tianyu nodded and smiled, thinking!One person and two beasts appeared in the Genesis Bead.

The entrance to the Genesis Pearl is surrounded by verdant greenery, and the mountains are layered with clouds and mist. The desolate mountains, rivers, and ravines have become green mountains, and the vertical and horizontal ravines have become a spectacular spectacle!Along the dense forest under the high mountain peaks, there are more than a dozen spiritual fruit peaks, which are obviously rare spiritual fruit forests in Jin Yuxiang's territory, but they have all been moved to the Genesis Pearl at this time.

Feng Tianyu looked at the dozens of mountain peaks that were fruitful, and looked at the medicine garden that had added 10,000+ acres, and the golden palace built of gold, steel and wood on the square. Gong' three elegant characters full of Dao rhyme!
On the entire Cunling Grass in the square, there were [-] beasts standing, and four king beasts stood in front of the [-] beasts.

Feng Tianyu glanced at Jin Yuxiang approvingly with a smile, Jin Yuxiang returned it with a smile, Feng Tianyu looked at the turtle Xiaoxi with a smile again.

"Hey!" Turtle Xiaoxi saw her master looking at her, turned around with her small mung bean eyes and said with a smile, "Master, I think more than 5000 beasts are too weak, so, so Xiaoxi thought about it." Help the master, find a few beasts that can be used by the master!"

"Very good! Xiaoxi is really smart! Not only helped the master train the beasts, but also found a few king beasts as helpers for the master. Yes! Xiaoxi's cultivation base has also been promoted to the eighth level of king beasts, not bad! Xiaoxi Xi really didn't disappoint me." Feng Tianyu praised Xiaoxi without hesitation in his heart.

Feng Tianyu was overjoyed!Turtle Xiaoxi gave her a big gift!Two of the four king beasts are already third-tier king beasts, two first-tier peak king beasts, [-] of the [-] beasts are second-tier holy beasts, and [-] beasts are tenth-tier beasts. celestial beast.

This is a powerful force that belongs to oneself alone, and only one's own strength is a big boss in the world of cultivating immortals!Feng Tianyu happily looked at the tortoise Xiaoxi, with deep admiration in his eyes!
Wind and rain into the square!The four king beasts imitated Feng Tianyu immediately: "Flame Lion, Flying Tiger, Qing Cui, Pangolin, pay homage to the master, please make a contract with us!"

"Okay! Flame Lion, you will change your name to Huoyuan from now on! Flying Tiger will be called Feitian from now on, Green Snake will be called Qingcui from now on, and Pangolin will be called Wangjia from now on!" Name the beast!
"Huoyuan, Feitian, Qingcui, Wangjia, thank you master for giving me the names!"

"Okay, I will sign a master-slave contract with you now! Don't resist now, try to relax as much as possible!"

Feng Tianyu separated four wisps of the power of the primordial spirit and drew a contract amulet on the crystal nucleus of the four beasts, branding it with his own power of the primordial spirit!After completing the contract, there was a strong sense of intimacy among the four beasts.

"Okay! The contract is completed! This place is the owner's small world in the creation pearl! You can find a room you like in the palace, or you can find another place to live! You can practice here with peace of mind in the future! Advancement is king!"

"Yes, thank you master!" The four beasts were overjoyed and hurriedly thanked.

"Xiaoxi, you have made a lot of contributions, but Feitian and the others are also very helpful in helping you train the beasts. You will lead the [-] beasts to do the rest of the work!"

"Okay master, Xiaoxi listens to master! What does master want Xiaoxi to do?" Turtle Xiaoxi said cheerfully looking at the smiling master.

"Okay! Xiaoxi is the best! Ayu moved all the rare spiritual fruit forests in the territory into the creation pearl.

I see that many spirit fruits are fully ripe, and now Xiaoxi's task is to pick the spirit fruits and store them in the palace storage. "

"Hehe! Picking spirit fruits! Master, you can rest assured that Xiaoxi will complete the task!" Xiaoxi the turtle promised with a smile.

"Okay! Xiaoxi is the best! This is a thousand medium-sized storage bags." Feng Tianyu gave tortoise Xiaoxi a thousand storage bags, and by the way praised tortoise Xiaoxi, tortoise Xiaoxi liked the little mung bean My eyes are all squinted!

Jin Yuxiang saw the interaction between the master and the little turtle, and there was a doting smile on Junyi's face that he didn't realize.

"Xiaoxi! Come on!" Feng Tianyu waved at the turtle Xiaoxi, and released the Creation Bead with Jin Yuxiang.

Turtle Xiaoxi also woke up from the joy!The small eyes rolled around and looked at the four king beasts!The four king beasts immediately said: "Ouch! Master Xiaoxi, I have to quickly choose a room I like to practice!"

"Oh! Really? King-level spirit fruit! It's a pity!" The turtle Xiaoxi shook his head, looked at the four king beasts that stopped, and continued: "It turned out! I still want to take care of you! Let you keep some privacy in private. Ku! Hey! Make yourself sentimental!"

"Master Xiaoxi, we mean to choose a room to practice after helping to pick the spirit fruit! Master Xiaoxi, you misunderstood just now."

"Misunderstood?" Turtle Xiaoxi stared at Mung Bean's small eyes, watching the four king beasts retreating back to the square in a doggy manner and began to curry favor with herself!Heart joy!

"Yes! You misunderstood! Master Xiaoxi, you misunderstood," the four beasts hurriedly responded.

"Okay! If that's the case, let's go! Two hundred storage bags for each person, and each beast will get [-] beasts. Let's go immediately!" The turtle Xiaoxi waved his paws and took the lead with [-] beasts. .

Feitian, Huoyuan, Qingcui, Wangjia, and the four beasts hurriedly followed up and took their [-] beasts and set off towards the rare spiritual fruit forest.

Feng Tianyu and Jin Yuxiang produced the Creation Bead.Jin Yuxiang began to move the entire Jinlin Peak into the middle area inside the Genesis Pearl!

There is a high-grade spiritual vein on Jinlin Peak that surrounds the entire mountain!After Jin Yuxiang sealed the spirit vein, he moved all of the dozens of sub-peaks into the creation pearl.

Feng Tianyu thinks she is so happy!It would be nice to have a super pet animal!After Jin Yuxiang released the Genesis Orb, he and Feng Tianyu glanced at a flat land of [-] mu, and then turned into a golden roc carrying Feng Tianyu and flew towards the middle of the boundless forest!

20 days later, Jin Yuxiang flew out of the inner circle with wind and rain, and landed at the place where he first met the turtle Xiaoxi. At this time, Lushui Lake has become the largest lake in the boundless forest.

"Ayu, are you going to the creation pearl or the contract space?" Feng Tianyu looked at Jin Yuxiang who had turned into a human and asked.

"Let's go to the Chuangshizhu! If the master has something to do, just call Ayu!" Jin Yuxiang admired the strong and dedicated master very much!

The master wants to get out of it by himself, which is the best way to exercise himself. He fully supports it. Only when the master is strong can it truly feel at ease!Its life is tied to its master, the master lives it!Master dies it dies!

"Okay! Ayu, go in!" Feng Tianyu looked at the handsome and warm Jin Yuxiang and smiled, letting it enter the creation bead.

"Okay! Master, take care!"


In the response of Feng Tianyu, Jin Yuxiang turned into a stream of light and entered the creation bead from Feng Tianyu's eyebrows.

Sitting on a large protruding bluestone, Feng Tianyu looked at the sparkling lake, took out the last love steamed bun from the storage bag, and ate it in small bites, feeling the deep maternal love from his mother !
"Mother! Have you and Daddy left the seclusion? Yu'er misses you!" Feng Tianyu ate the last love steamed bun, and couldn't help thinking of her mother who was in seclusion in the clan!
"Hey! Fresh little girl, you are so courageous! Don't you know that Qingshui Lake is my territory? It's so tender! It's been a long time since I tasted such a tender human being! Tsk tsk tsk! Now you Just honestly fill your Grandpa Hei's belly!"

"Tenth-rank king beast?" Feng Tianyu coldly glanced at the gigantic black flood dragon that was making huge waves on the surface of the lake and chattering endlessly!Dare to scratch her and miss her mother, she should be damned!

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(End of this chapter)

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