Tears Fairy

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Feng Tianyu took out a golden wooden sword from the bag of things and held it in his hand. This golden wooden sword was made by himself in Jinlin Peak from a thousand-year-old golden thunder wood!The golden light of the Golden Thunder Sword shone with a hint of thunder.

Feng Tianyu absorbed the power of thunder refined by the gray mist when he crossed the catastrophe!The golden thunder sword was held in Feng Tianyu's hand, the current on the sword had no effect on Feng Tianyu!The absorbed thunder power is actually very close to the golden thunder sword.

Since Feng Tianyu absorbed the power of thunder when he formed the pill to cross the thunder calamity, the five-color golden elixir has already added a little more power of thunder!The golden thunder sword and the power of thunder are close, attracting each other and benefiting each other!
"Black Flood Dragon! You shouldn't bother me to miss my mother. Now that you are still so brazen, let my Golden Thunder Sword turn you into my refining material!"

"Little girl is really brave! Master Hei will definitely eat you today!" Heijiao spun around in the lake, and its huge body jumped out of Qingshui Lake and flew into the air. The sharp teeth of the big mouth gleamed coldly, and a tongue like a snake letter came with a storm!

"Hmph!" Feng Tianyu snorted coldly! "Aw..." the golden thunder sword turned into a thunderous roar while Feng Tianyu pinched the sword art, and a thunder dragon greeted the black flood dragon, and grabbed the black flood dragon's tongue that rolled wildly with one claw!A claw with the power of thunder just touched the tongue of the black flood dragon! "Aw!"

The black dragon immediately screamed, and retracted its tongue that was stunned by the electric shock!The flood dragon's tail swung fiercely and swept towards Thunder Dragon!With a change in Feng Tianlei's hand formula, a giant sword of ten thousand feet slashed at the tail of the black flood dragon.

Hei Jiao felt a chill in his heart!Fuck!How could this be the energy possessed by the little monk of knotting alchemy? Could it be that some old hag pretending to be young came to deceive the beast!

Hei Jiao was anxious, desperately dodging the slashing giant sword, but was still cut off by Feng Tianyu's Wan Zhang golden sword.

"Aw!" Hei Jiao let out a scream!Frightened, he fled into the lake to escape.Feng Tianyu picked up the three-foot dragon's tail and put it into the creation bead, and turned to look at the fleeing black dragon!

The black flood dragon quickly fled to the distance, but a burst of overwhelming coercion swept over!The black flood dragon opened its huge lantern-like pupils in shock!It saw two crystal clear teardrops on the little girl's face sliding down her cheeks, reflecting a burst of colorful halos in the sun and dripping down to the ground!

On the black dragon's seven-inch reverse scale, a golden thunder sword was inserted into the black dragon's seven-inch reverse scale with incomparable precision!The last bit of consciousness of the black dragon also fell to the ground with the tears of Feng Tianyu!

Feng Tianyu waved the black flood dragon's body into the Genesis Orb, watching the calm lake slowly calm down!

The boundless forest is huge, and the Zhongwei area is a paradise for monks to explore!Because of Feng Tianyu's powerful soul, when he first entered the boundless forest, Feng Tianyu deliberately avoided it and met the monks and mercenaries who were adventuring in the boundless forest, so there was no intersection with the monks in the boundless forest.

At this time, Feng Tianyu has the power to protect himself!You need to experience it on the return trip, so that your mood can be greatly improved!Feng Tianyu's primordial spirit is already at the peak of the second level of Huashen, as long as the state of mind is raised, it will be easy for the primordial spirit to enter the Huashen!

Feng Tianyu packed up his mood, took a look at his own face reflected in Qingshui Lake, Feng Tianyu was thinking!He mobilized a wisp of gray mist to cover his face, kneaded for a while facing Qingshui Lake, and a thin and handsome boy was reflected on the surface of Qingshui Lake.

Feng Tianyu found in the storage bag the attendant uniforms that were a few sizes larger than the ones she had taken in the clothes room in order to sneak out of Feng's house, and put them on.After checking it again, he adjusted his alchemy cultivation base to the Qi training period of Dzogchen, and then walked out of the forest by the lake and walked towards the outer direction!
"Open up, aren't you afraid that my Liu family will question your Zhang family?" A clear and loud girl's voice came into the ears of Feng Tianyu who was strolling over!

"Hey! Liu Qingqing, do you think you can go back to New Moon City? As long as you have your last breath, let the beasts in the forest share it! Will the Liu family go to the Zhang family?" The male cultivator opened his eyes, hehe Said with a sinister smile!

"You, you are despicable! You must die!"

The girl Liu Qingqing gritted her teeth in hatred and stamped her feet!
With a wave of his hand, thirty Foundation Establishment cultivators immediately surrounded Liu Qingqing's twenty or so people!
Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at a thirteen or fourteen-year-old thin boy who suddenly appeared on the hillside. He sharpened his eyes and shouted loudly: "Boy, since you have been unlucky to bump into it! Don't blame Master Zhang for being cruel, so I have to let you go!" You are on the road with them!"

Feng Tianyu came out of the lakeside forest of Qingshui Lake, not paying attention to the voices coming from ahead, and walked along the winding mountain road to a sloping hillside, the goal of which was the scene where the two sides were at war.

A young man in his twenties with a yellow complexion and a blue cassock, holding a big knife in his hand, stopped in front of Feng Tianyu, and yelled at her arrogantly!
"Really?" Feng Tianyu calmly looked at the yellow-faced cultivator in Tsing Yi who blocked her way, and asked for confirmation.
"A boy in the Qi training period can be so arrogant! Hehe... The master makes you crazy, makes you..." The yellow-faced cultivator in Tsing Yi opened his big knife and had already slashed at Feng Tianyu. Landing one foot above Feng Tianyu's head, Feng Tianyu exited the knife screen at an incredible speed!A golden wooden sword has been drawn across the neck!His gaze finally stopped in horror on Feng Tianyu's two crystal clear tears!He felt the breath of sadness! "Bang! Bang!" After two sounds, the head fell to the ground in an instant, and the body fell down immediately!

"Master Zhang! Boss!" Two figures sprang out crazily, and the two swift and violent attacks were already attacking Feng Tianyu's back. .

"Hehehe! Sure enough, power is king!" The golden thunder sword in Feng Tianyu's hand followed Feng Tianyu gently back to his body, and cut the necks of the two of them first. It was the tears from the head falling to the ground after the sound of "Bang! Bang!" at the same time!

Feng Tianyu looked at the gang, and a sense of sadness filled the air!Don't force me to kill again!
"Boy, you are ruthless! Brothers! Let's go together and avenge Big Brother Zhang!" A frowning monk in red shouted, brandishing the mountain ax with all his strength, and smashing the mountains with all his strength!The mountain-opening ax is good at facing the wind, and a giant ax with a height of 21 feet fell across the sky. At the same time, the remaining [-] or so people were intercepted by Liu Qingqing and others, [-] people, and five people rushed towards Feng Tianyu, who was enveloped by the giant axe.

"Hey!" Feng Tianyu sighed softly, her eyes narrowed, two tears overflowed her eyes, the five monks rushing towards her had already attacked her from five directions with their strongest attacks.The golden thunder sword, facing the giant ax that enveloped him, pierced the sky!
Simultaneously, the five wisps of sword energy from the Golden Thunder Sword are countered by attacks from five directions!The five wisps of sword energy rose against the storm and turned into five giant dragons of five elements, golden dragon, wooden dragon, water dragon, fire dragon, and earth dragon. It was the strongest blow to break through the five foundation-building monks with the power of destroying and raku!
The five foundation-building cultivators suddenly faced the mighty dragon who was fighting against them, and their hearts were shattered!Where is the power possessed by a monk in the Qi training period!Forcibly fighting this person as an enemy, this is clearly the rhythm of myself waiting for others to seek death!
In their minds, under the power of the mighty dragon, they could only look at the young man standing upright with a hint of silence under the berserk power from different angles!The two crystal clear tears on the young man's indifferent face became the final stop of the five foundation-building monks.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator wielding the mountain ax only had time to look at his companion who had the same fate as him!In guilt, he was bombarded into dust by the Golden Thunder Sword!From the corner of his eyes, he seemed to see two crystal beads falling into the dust!This is the last memory of his life!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The five roars seemed to be a heroic farewell for his fall!

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(End of this chapter)

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