Tears Fairy

Chapter 49 Liu Qingqing's Invitation

Chapter 49 Liu Qingqing's Invitation

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" There were five loud bombing sounds, and the entire hillside was shaken by the huge power!

The people from Liu and Zhang who were fighting each other also looked at the place where the roaring sound came from, but they saw that the foundation-builder cultivator holding the mountain ax was bombarded into dust by the golden thunder sword, and the other five foundation-builder cultivators were also bombarded by five transformation dragons Became scum!Everyone couldn't help but jump wildly in their hearts!There is no contempt for this thin and handsome boy of thirteen or fourteen!Instead, awe grows in my heart!

The trees and vegetation around the wind and rain all turned into coke, splashing everywhere in the mountains and forests, and the hillsides were also razed to the ground by huge energy!Feng Tianyu shook his sleeves, patted the non-existent dust on his body, and walked towards the two groups of people who stopped fighting step by step.

"In Xiafengtian, I met all the seniors! I dare to ask all the seniors, but is there anyone who wants to stop me from returning?"

"No, no! Little brother can come and go freely!" A strong man in his 50s walked out of Zhang Kai's team and said to Feng Tianyu with a smile on his face!
"It's so good!" Feng Tianyu nodded and glanced at the strong man and stepped forward.The strong man clasped his fists and bowed to send him off!
While walking, Feng Tianyu looked up at Liu Qingqing who was looking at her with big bright eyes.Feng Tianyu looked at the delicate and sweet Liu Qingqing, feeling a little fond in his heart and couldn't help asking: "Miss, what's the matter?"

"Brother Fengtian, I am the granddaughter of Liu Yanzhong, the head of the Liu family in the southern district of Blackstone City! I would like to invite Brother Fengtian to visit Blackstone City as a guest!
Because of Brother Fengtian, I was able to survive this catastrophe!Brother Fengtian's life-saving grace, Liu Qingqing dare not forget each other!I would like to invite Brother Fengtian to live in Black Rock City for a while! "

Feng Tianyu is a little bit petrified, it is really different in life!As soon as he came out, he accidentally saved his cousin!This is too funny!
Looking at the uncle's only daughter, cousin Qingqing!Wind and rain caress the forehead!Got it!I can't go back alone along the way, and I can't let Cousin Qingqing suffer any losses!
"Okay! It just so happens that I'm going to Black Rock City too, so I'll go with you all the way!" Feng Tianyu looked at his cousin who was eagerly looking forward to her promise and nodded with a smile in agreement!
"Really? That's great! Brother Fengtian, let me tell you! I also left immediately after receiving a letter from my father! It's my grandfather's [-]th birthday!"

It's my grandfather's eightieth birthday!So you have to prepare a big gift!While thinking about it, Feng Tianyu heard Liu Qingqing complain: "I don't know what the Zhang family's plan is, but they want to kill us here!

That's right, my grandfather sent more than [-] elders to protect me. If we are all wiped out by Zhang Kai!Not only did my grandfather have to face the censure of my grandfather, but the foundation of the Wang family also suffered a loss!From now on, New Moon City will be dominated by the Zhang family!snort!Sure enough, the most insidious thing is nothing but the Zhang family! "

When Feng Tianyu heard that Cousin Qingqing had figured it out, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth!He glanced at Liu Qingqing admiringly, smiled and said, "Sister Qingqing, it's time for us to set off!"

When Liu Qingqing heard Feng Tianyu say that it was time to leave, she took another look at Zhang Kai's accomplices who were gone!He hurriedly greeted the second elder of the Wang family and said, "Second patriarch, let's set off!"

"Okay!" A middle-aged monk who was called the second grandfather by Liu Qingqing nodded and said good, and immediately ordered the royal family and elders to lead out spirit horses and beasts on the hillside!After the spirit horse beast was pulled out by the royal elders, everyone got on the spirit horse beast one after another. Feng Tianyu also rode on the back of a spirit horse beast thrown by his accomplices, and galloped towards the periphery!

Liu Qingqing took good care of Feng Tianyu along the way, even though she knew that Feng Tianyu was stronger than her!She still takes care of him as her brother.

Three days later, Feng Tianyu and his party were still galloping on the Zhongwei area, when the second grandfather of the Wang family suddenly strangled the spirit horse beast and stopped!The team of more than [-] people also stopped after the leading second grandfather!

"What happened to the second grandfather?" Liu Qingqing urged the spirit horse beast on her crotch to catch up and asked!

"There seems to be a problem ahead! I'll go and have a look first! You guys recover on the spot, and if there is a problem, you can deal with it!" After speaking, the second grandfather Wang jumped off the spirit horse beast, stepped on the flying sword and flew forward.

Feng Tianyu nodded secretly!Ginger is still old and spicy, and the world of cultivating immortals is also a different world!With a sweep of her consciousness, what happened before her eyes was in front of her eyes!At this moment, there are more than two hundred people fighting on the plain ahead!
Feng Tian sat quietly in his tent to practice!For safety reasons!The second grandfather of the Wang family will definitely rest here for a day, and then set off after the previous affairs are over.

"Brother Fengtian! This is today's lunch, hurry up and eat it while it's hot!" Liu Qingqing smiled and handed Feng Tianyu a roast chicken that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

Feng Tianyu smelled the fragrant roast chicken and happily took it and said with a smile: "Thank you, sister Qingqing!"

"You're welcome, as long as you like it!" Liu Qingqing looked at the young man who was younger than her and called Sister Qingqing, her heart softened, and a trace of pampering overflowed silently!Feng Tianyu's five senses are super strong, and she immediately felt the cousin, and the same pampering as the second sister burst out of her heart!
Feng Tianyu enjoys the long-lost pampering feeling!He lowered his head and took a small bite of the roast chicken and chewed it carefully. After being away alone for a long time, the more I miss home in my heart!At this time, a cousin who pampered me like the second sister suddenly appeared!The thoughts in my heart are even more eager!Suddenly Feng Tianyu's eyes became hot!Yu'er is really homesick!
Feng Tianyu lowered his head and continued to take a bite of the Ling chicken, forcing the heat back into his eyes. After calming down, the Ling roast chicken was finished!Liu Qingqing handed Feng Tianyu another cup of spiritual tea.He said warmly and softly: "Drinking a cup of spiritual tea is good for cultivation!"

"Thank you, Sister Qingqing!" Feng Tianyu took a sip of the spiritual tea, thought for a while, and then took out a jade box from the storage bag. The jade box contained a pound of top-quality spiritual tea, and she was going to give it to Cousin Qingqing .Seeing that Cousin Qingqing was about to leave, she called out, "Sister Qingqing! Wait!"

Feng Tianyu reached out and stuffed the jade box into the arms of his cousin who turned around and looked at her, and explained with a smile: "Sister Qingqing! This is the spirit tea I picked around in the boundless forest! It's better than yours!" After speaking, he raised the white jade teacup in one hand.

"Oh! Good! Sister Qingqing thanked Brother Fengtian!" Liu Qingqing happily accepted the spiritual tea from Fengtianyu.He returned to his tent with a happy face.It doesn't matter if the spirit tea is good or not, brother Fengtian's heart is enough!

Just as Feng Tianyu guessed, the second grandfather of the Wang family briefly described the situation on the plain!Then I chose to rest here for a day, and I will be on my way tomorrow.

The next day, Feng Tianyu followed Liu Qingqing and continued on his way.At this time, the battle on the plain is over, the vegetation on the plain is withered, and the ravines are criss-crossing!It can be seen that many alchemy cultivators participated in yesterday's melee.

Five hundred miles away from the plain, in a misty deep valley, in a natural cave within the invisible formation, four big men in black clothes stood quietly aside.A burly man in black with a red face looked at the young man in purple who was sitting on the jade throne in a panic and asked anxiously, "Young Master, what should we do? The old Patriarch is determined!"

"Hmph! As long as my father is not dead! One day I will rescue him! Rebellious? Hmph!
Immediately send a message to Heisha to let him secretly lead the dark pavilion formed by his father to join the Feilong Mercenary Corps! "

"Young master, I respect your life!" After the big man in black went out, the cold and ruthless face of the young man in purple showed a trace of bloodthirsty cruelty!snort!I will make you pay back everything!The deep eyes of the young man in purple are as deep and icy as a millennium cold pool!
(End of this chapter)

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