Tears Fairy

Chapter 50

Chapter 50
Black Rock City!
Feng Tianyu, along with her cousin Liu Qingqing and her party, rushed from Zhongwei for more than two months, and finally arrived at Black Rock City at the end of today.

Under the North City Gate, Feng Tianyu looked at the long-lost North City Gate of the Black Rock City. The three big characters of the Black Stone City gleamed with black light, refracting thousands of rays of light in the sun!Black Rock City!I'm back!Feng Tianyu endured the extremely excited mood.

Liu Qingqing took out an identity jade badge and handed it to the city guard, and entered the north city gate smoothly.Feng Tianyu glanced at the uniforms of the Feng family's servants on her body, and thought, let's go to the store to buy some ordinary cassocks!

"Sister Qingqing, wait here for a while, I'll go to the store opposite to buy a few changes of clothes." Feng Tianyu jumped off the spirit horse beast as soon as he finished speaking, and walked quickly to the opposite store, where he put clothes on After picking out a few sets of men's silkworm brocade uniforms in the area, and picking out a few top-quality magic robes, after hastily paying the bills, and changing into the unique attendant uniforms unique to the Feng family in the fitting room, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When Feng Tianyu returned to Cousin Qingqing's side, the group got on the Spirit Horse Beast again and rushed to the southern area of ​​Black Rock City.

In the southern part of Heishi City, Xinhe Lane is full of autumn colors of lotus ponds!On the Xinhe alleyway, a group of guards separated the two sides of the alleyway. Liu Yunlin and his wife Wang Feifei were waiting at the entrance of the alleyway, looking around for the way they came from.

Ever since she received the talisman from her daughter to go home yesterday, Faye Wong has been sleepless all night, waiting here early in the morning!At noon by now, she was still energetic and continued to look around.


There was a rush of horseshoes in the direction of the noisy Nancheng District, and a soft and warm smile flashed on Wang Feifei's beautiful face!Pulling Liu Yunlin's sleeve, he said excitedly, "Qing'er, it's Qing'er who's back!"

"Yes! After calculating the time, Qingqing should be back this time!" Liu Yunlin looked forward, and happily took Wang Feifei's little hand that was pulling his sleeve and said excitedly.

As soon as Liu Qingqing and his group entered Xinhe Lane, Wang Feifei and Liu Yunlin greeted Liu Qingqing who was rushing towards him.


Liu Qingqing jumped off the spirit horse beast, calling mother deeply in her mouth, and flew into Wang Feifei's arms like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Faye Wong hugged her excitedly and lovingly. Her daughter, who hadn't seen her face in six years, couldn't help but shed tears of longing!Maternal love is overflowing, and there are sorrows and joys in the tears!Now, father will not separate their mother and daughter because of the decline of the Liu family, and the Liu family is in full swing now!

"Qing'er!" Liu Yunlin's eyes couldn't help but heat up. Qing'er was brought up by his father-in-law Wang's family since he was a child, and he was unable to compete with the Yue's family, because the Liu family couldn't give Qing'er the best growth space and cultivation resources!
"Daddy!" Liu Qingqing withdrew from her mother's arms and threw herself into her father's arms again.She could feel the guilt of her father's group!

After Feng Tianyu got off the spirit horse beast with everyone, looking at the uncle's family, he felt deeply moved, because he was down and out!You have to make various concessions and even get points. Only when you are strong can you have your own say in this world!Only then can we grasp our own destiny!Protect the person you want to protect!This is the world of the strong!

"By the way! Father, mother! Let me introduce you!" Liu Qingqing thought of a group of people still watching their family on the street, so she hurriedly came out of her father's arms to introduce them.

"Fei'er pays respects to the second uncle! And all the uncles! Feifei Wang has already greeted everyone in the Wang family.

"Fei'er, are you angry with the Wang family?" The second uncle looked at his niece who had grown up and asked softly.

"Don't worry! I am the daughter of the Wang family! My parents and the Wang family treated me very well. Qing'er was taken back to the Wang family for training. At that time, it was the best for Qing'er. I am grateful for the kindness of my mother's family!" Wang Feifei replied seriously With the second uncle's questioning.

"So, Second Uncle can rest assured!" At this moment, Liu Qingqing led her father to introduce to everyone in the Wang family! "Daddy, this is..."

"My niece-in-law Yunlin pays respects to my second uncle!" Liu Yunlin bowed down when he saw Wang Jiaren without waiting for his daughter's introduction.

"Okay! Okay! Yunlin get up quickly!" Wang Jiaren said hello twice, and hurriedly helped Liu Yunlin who was holding the salute.As long as the Liu family can understand the kindness of the Wang family!Only the Wang family and the Liu family can support each other!

"Father, mother! This is my savior, Fengtian!" After seeing her father and mother greet everyone in the Wang family, Liu Qingqing pointed to Feng Tianyu and introduced her to her parents!


"Yes, we almost couldn't come back this time! Thanks to brother Fengtian's help, we were able to escape this calamity!"

"Thank you, Mr. Fengtian, for saving the little girl, and please accept Wang Feifei's bow!" Wang Feifei hurriedly bowed to Fengtianyu to thank Fengtianyu in shock!Liu Yunlin also quickly thanked Feng Tianyu: "Liu Yunlin, thank you for saving my life! If you have something to do, please send me, Liu Yunlin will do my best!"

Feng Tianyu sighed in his heart!What's the matter!After hurriedly helping the eldest aunt, he helped the eldest uncle and said, "You two elders are welcome, I am just protecting myself, not to mention the kindness of saving my life!"

"Father and mother! Let's go home first!" Liu Qingqing reminded her parents to kiss her!
"Yes, yes! Please hurry up!" All of a sudden, the guards stepped forward to take away the spirit horse beasts. A group of people entered the tall gate wall of Liu's house at the invitation of Liu Yunlin's family, and then entered the living room and Liu Yan. After seeing the ceremony, Liu Qingqing and the housekeeper personally sent Feng Tianyu to Liu's Guest House!
Feng Tianyu lives in the Green Bamboo Garden!Fresh and elegant!Wind and rain like it very much!So live in peace!After Feng Tianyu lived in peace.

The first thing is to understand the big and small things that have happened in the Feng family in recent years!In the end, I didn't find out anything. It is said that apart from a year ago, the Feng family held another big competition, and nothing major happened!

Feng Tianyu thought of her parents who would not be able to leave the customs for two years, and her elder brother and second sister who would not be able to come out until two years later!There was a smile on the corner of his mouth!
Thinking of my grandfather's birthday in three days, Feng Tianyu put on the isolation magic circle in the practice room of the Green Bamboo Garden, and planned to choose some spiritual fruits to give to my grandfather.

In the Genesis Pearl, all the beasts chose to practice in seclusion. Jin Yuxiang opened his eyes and communicated with his consciousness and asked, "Master! Can you help me with something?"

"No need to help, I'll get some fruits to give away!" Hearing this, Jin Yuxiang closed his eyes and continued to practice.Feng Tianyu chose a jade box of holy-level spiritual fruit in the warehouse, and pasted it with a prohibition talisman to prevent the loss of spiritual energy.He also took a medium-sized storage bag containing spiritual fruit and tied it around his waist, ready to eat it as a fruit to satisfy his cravings!
When Feng Tianyu came out of the Genesis Orb!It's getting dark!Feng Tian ate some holy fruits in the Genesis Pearl, and he didn't intend to go out after he came out, so he just practiced in the practice room!

In the middle of the night, Feng Tianyu withdrew from cultivation, because in her consciousness, she discovered that a group of men in black were attacking a group of guards in a dark alley, and the guards were obviously the guards of the Feng family patrolling the North City. .

Who is so bold!Dare to touch people from the Feng family at the door of the Feng family?Feng Tianyu felt something was wrong, she moved the gray mist floating all over her body, and quietly left Liu's house.He rushed to Beicheng and followed the man in black who had changed his clothes.

After the men in black changed into their bodyguard outfits, there were 13 people in a group, all with strong auras, and the leader was definitely the cultivator of Huashen!Although he has tried his best to suppress his powerful aura!Feng Tianyu's super senses and the second-level soul of Huashen himself!It's useless for him to cover up in front of Feng Tianyu, as for the other 12 people, they are all at the peak of Nascent Soul!
Soon a group of 13 people and the 13 people who were changing shifts hurriedly handed over the tasks on the street, and then swaggered into the gate of Feng's house.

With a thought, Feng Tianyu entered a small courtyard in Fengfu, quickly changed into a suit of attendants, and quickly followed the 13 people forward!

The leading cultivator who transformed the spirit did not dare to use his spiritual sense to investigate in Fengfu.If you want to go where you want to go, the only way is to find someone to lead the way!
Finally, in the dark of night, he found under a big tree with lush branches and leaves, a little attendant was sitting on the big bluestone under the big tree, sobbing softly, wiping his tears from time to time!God help me too!
(End of this chapter)

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