Tears Fairy

Chapter 527 Flying across the Milky Way

Chapter 527 Flying across the Milky Way
Feng Tianyu is flying at full speed with a five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.Seeing her brothers and sisters working so hard, she felt extremely proud.

In Xu Binger's master's special care for her, she has three Yuanshen beads that help her cross the Milky Way.

With a low cultivation level, she finally has the confidence to endure the pain of refining gods together with tens of thousands of great monks.

When Xu Binger took the first Yuanshen Orb and practiced to resist the water vapor of the Tianhe River to refine the spirit.

In her sea of ​​consciousness, there was suddenly no wind and waves. When she absorbed the primordial spirit pearl to condense her own primordial spirit, the waves of her consciousness began to enter orderly oscillations.

After the turmoil in the sea of ​​consciousness, it began to return to calm as if the wind had passed without a trace.

When Xu Binger condensed and strengthened her primordial spirit, the water vapor of Tianhe water was also violent, each wave becoming more violent, refining her primordial spirit inch by inch.

Xu Binger's primordial spirit is not strong enough, with the help of the three primordial spirit beads bestowed on her by Feng Tianyu.

Xu Bing'er gritted her teeth and endured wave after wave of pain in refining the gods.

When Xu Binger was struggling to take the second Yuanshen Orb, when the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft entered the middle of Tianhe.

Xu Bing'er couldn't help it anymore, two bean-sized teardrops overflowed from the corners of her closed eyes.

well!Feng Tianyu sighed softly in her heart, she finally couldn't bear to sigh secretly, and then began to open her mind to find a solution.

Finally, Feng Tianyu thought of the condensed divine soul song he had comprehended during the family competition, so Feng Tianyu began to play Qin in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Afterwards, Feng Tianyu's powerful power of consciousness enveloped Xu Bing'er, whose cheeks were rolling down with tears.

Xu Binger is enduring the water of the Tianhe River, the powerful and powerful water vapor refining the spirit.She gritted her teeth and stood firm, but stubbornly she was in the pain of cultivating God.She gritted her teeth and kept from humming.

However, the tear line swelled uncontrollably at this time.Tears finally spilled from the corners of her closed eyes.

In the heart-wrenching torment of refining the gods, she was extremely annoyed.

What about her strength?How could she show weakness and shed tears in front of others while cultivating gods together with all the monks?

Xu Binger was in the midst of heart-wrenching torment and annoyance, when a burst of beautiful and ethereal celestial music suddenly rang in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Her burning soul began to relax for a moment, when she was enduring another wave of more intense energy and water vapor training from the Milky Way.

Feng Tianyu implanted her condensed divine soul song into Xu Binger's primordial soul at the moment Xu Binger listened to it.

Feng Tianyu continued to play the condensed divine soul song in the sea of ​​consciousness.After Xu Bing'er resisted this wave of soul refining pain.

She finally agrees with her heart, and concentrates on interpreting Feng Tianyu's condensed divine soul song implanted in her primordial spirit.

Under the guidance of Feng Tianyu playing over and over again, the condensed divine soul song.Xu Binger quickly analyzed it, and after that, she was addicted to the beautiful and ethereal melody of the condensed divine soul song.

Her sea of ​​consciousness set off a three-foot wave again, when the three-foot wave in her sea of ​​consciousness flattened.

When a breeze blew across her vast and boundless consciousness, a wave of water rippled.

Under Feng Tianyu's patient guidance, Xu Bing'er finally became obsessed, and she began to play the condensed divine soul song in her own sea of ​​consciousness.

Xu Binger finally reached the state of ecstasy. The energy vapor of Tianhe Water, no matter how raging it was, could never pull her back into the abyss of pain.

Seeing that Xu Binger's expression had returned to calm, Feng Tianyu finally let out a sigh of relief.As long as Xiao Bing'er can survive the Tianhe's refining god.

In the future, when she goes through the inner demon tribulation of the fusion stage in the cultivation stage, she can easily break through.Don't worry about the magic calamity.

The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft continued to quickly travel through the undercurrents of the Tianhe River.

In the undercurrent of the Tianhe River, the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft includes Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan, and the three formed a tripartite stand.Still flying smoothly and quickly to the center of the orange theater.

Independent space!

The [-] monks of the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, in addition to Feng Tianyu's trump card forces, the ruthless adventure group and the Zhenfeng gang.All of them endured in Tianhe's water vapor refinement.

The heartache is only for a better tomorrow, and the limit is only for the fairyland.To give birth to the ancient battlefield, experiencing the suffering of Tianhe is not the end.

There will be more difficulties and obstacles in the future. On the way of cultivating immortals, if you don't advance, you will retreat!Back off today, tomorrow you will never dare to take another step forward.

Because today's retreat is the beginning of human cowardice, and tomorrow, the future will only magnify infinitely.

The old and dead ancient battlefield is the only end!
Cultivator, cultivating the Tao lies in self-cultivation, in cultivating the mind, in cultivating the nature!
Monks practice the Tao, and the Tao has three thousand. Cultivate the body and strengthen the will, cultivate the mind and get the original intention without changing, and the Tao will be firm!Character determines achievement.

A monk's cultivation lies in self-improvement, and self-confidence is derived from self-improvement.

If a monk is weak in nature, it will be the end of the monk, and he can only watch others realize his good wishes.

Without a strong will of the self, there will be no upward spirit in the future.

There are tens of thousands of monks who entered the ancient battlefield, but how many people can walk out of the ancient battlefield?No one in a thousand?One in a million!
There are seven war zones in the ancient battlefield, and there are countless resources in the seven war zones.The cave of the ancient monks, the magic soldiers left behind in the war!Immortal plants everywhere.

However, the monks have lost their cultivation base due to lack of aura for a long time, and in the cruel reality after failing to break through the barrier.

They have worn away their human blood, and they have also changed from being strong to cowardly!He lost his strong fighting spirit and finally ended up in the ancient battlefield.

With the discovery of Feng Tianyu, a strange energy light group appeared.The monks in the ancient battlefield began to change, their blood was rejuvenated, and their fighting spirit was re-germinated.

Feng Tianyu is about to break through, and there are 22 monks joining Fengfu.However, among the 22 people, more than 700 people have recovered their blood, self-improvement, and fighting spirit.

Among them, 2000 people are new monks who have entered the orange theater from the red theater.

Strictly speaking, the monks in the red war zone awakened earlier than the monks in the orange war zone, and they were already one step ahead.

Feng Tianyu drives the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft to carry more than 6 monks who follow her.It rushed out of the Tianhe water from the Tianhe.

The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft rides the wind and waves to fly across the Tianhe River.During the flight of the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, everyone finally saw the center of the orange war zone shining orange light in front of Tianhe.

The independent space of the orange theater, the dazzling orange light connects the sky and the earth, forming an independent orange space.

In the center of the orange war zone, not only the horizon is orange, but even the clouds in the sky are dazzling orange.

Feng Tianyu landed the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft in the center of the orange theater.Cultivating in the center close to the independent space is like cultivating like a monk.

Feng Tianyu looked at the joyful smiles of tens of thousands of people who survived the catastrophe, and she said to everyone with a feeling:
"Everyone resumes practicing on the spot! One year later, break through!"

Cultivation makes people intoxicated, and they practice in the holy land of cultivation that seems to be open.Only let the monks be immersed in deep infatuation.

This is the cultivation place that monks dream of, and this is the fairy road to a carefree life!
Ah Shui, Saturn, and Dong Guoyuan didn't need to practice, and became the patron saints of tens of thousands of monks practicing in the center.

Feng Tianyu's ancient exploration team, because of the lowest level of cultivation, could not suffer any disturbance during cultivation, so they practiced at the center of tens of thousands of monks under Feng Tianyu's arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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