Tears Fairy

Chapter 528 Breaking into the Orange Independent Space

Chapter 528 Breaking into the Orange Independent Space ([-])
After Feng Tianyu arranged her ancient exploration team, she practiced with peace of mind at the center of more than 6 monks.

She didn't join the cultivation team, but stepped out of the range of the monks' cultivation.

Waiting outside, Saxing, Dong Guoyuan, Ah Shui, and the other three saw Feng Tianyu coming out of it, and they hurried to her.

Feng Tianyu took a look at Dong Guoyuan and said, "Dong Guo and Ah Shui protect the Dharma for everyone! Saturn and I went to the independent space to collect a batch of strange energy."


After Ah Shui and Dong Guoyuan with a puzzled face agreed, Dong Guoyuan, whose doubts disappeared as soon as Feng Tianyu's voice fell behind, looked at Saturn enviously.

Saturn's eyes lit up suddenly when he heard the words, Huan replied loudly, "Yes!"

Ah Shui smiled, he had always followed Feng Tianyu's arrangement, so he could do whatever she asked him to do!Because he believes that no matter how Young Master Feng Wu arranges, she has reason.

Under Dong Guoyuan's envious eyes, Saturn followed Feng Tianyu into the water ripple door of the orange independent space.

Saturn and Feng Tianyu have cooperated in the Red War Zone before, and they have a certain basis of tacit understanding with each other.

It's just that this time it's different from the independent space in the red war zone.Because of the wind and rain, the home field of the battle was handed over to Saturn.

Saturn has switched from the position of collecting strange energy gas to the home field of the battle.Feng Tianyu retreated from the home court to the second line.

As soon as Saturn entered the independent space, when Feng Tianyu dodged and hid behind him, he knew Feng Tianyu's mind.

As a result, Saturn greeted countless giant beasts that rushed towards them.The battle for Saturn begins.

Saturn's current combat strength is by no means something that the Phantom Beasts in the orange independent space can bear. At least in a short period of time, Saturn swept the group of phantom beasts in the orange independent space with an overwhelming battle.

Feng Tianyu hid behind Saturn relaxed and freehand, and charged the strange energy of the independent space at an extremely fast speed.

When Saturn swept across the Phantom Beasts and Phantom Warriors in the independent space with great power, Feng Tianyu simply sacrificed the Genesis Orb.

After Jin Yuxiang swiftly arranged a formation to accommodate the space, Feng Tianyu opened the channel of the creation bead, and the strange energy of the independent space suddenly rushed into the creation bead crazily.

Under the guidance of Jin Yuxiang, the Qi of strange energy quickly entered the containing space in the formation.

Feng Tianyu threw dozens of massive containers collected before into the Genesis Orb.She began to sweep Saturn across a large area of ​​Eudemons and collected a large area.

Feng Tianyu looked at the collection of Eudemons.So she greeted Saturn, who was killing all directions.

"Saturn, the Qi of strange energy has been absorbed enough, quickly withdraw from the independent space!"


With Saturn's palm pressing down on the mountains and rivers, he quickly retreated from the battle field to Feng Tianyu's side.Feng Tianyu and Saturn were in front of each other, and before the phantom beast was regenerated, they had withdrawn from the independent space.

After Feng Tianyu and Saturn came out, when Ah Shui and Dong Guoyuan were in front, Feng Tianyu waved his hands, and three super large containers filled with strange energy were found.

Fly to them respectively.These strange energy qi, after being compressed into strange energy light clusters, are enough to keep the fairy plants they planted in the space.

The three of them knew what Feng Tianyu wanted, so they accepted the strange energy that Feng Tianyu threw at them without hesitation.

Feng Tianyu saw that the sky was still early, so she sacrificed her space house, and she sent an invitation to Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan:

"Saturn, Ah Shui, Dong Guo, before compressing the strange energy light cluster, have an afternoon tea with me first!"

"Thank you Fifth Young Master!"

The three were overjoyed and said, how many people can usually drink the tea of ​​the Fifth Young Master Feng?Now they are lucky.

Feng Tianyu placed some exquisite decorations under the flower pavilion in the space house, and filled a cup of spirit tea brewed earlier for the three of them.

The fragrance of tea is quiet and refreshing.This is the century-old Mingwu tea produced in her Genesis Pearl.

Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guo Yuan are all eye-catching, this is definitely a masterpiece in heaven and earth.Their cultivation has reached the peak.

Facing the best of the best, I don't feel excited because I can taste this best spiritual tea.

The fifth young master of the wind is indeed as rumored by the outside world. It is no wonder that the former black-clothed monk conspired to make a whole mobile treasure.

Feng Tianyu smiled, she knew that the more rare things she exposed, the greater danger and trouble.

However, Feng Tianyu trusts the three of them and doesn't mind what they think.Isn't it just a mobile treasure?
Her resources are innumerable, and she possesses wealth that no one in the world even dared to imagine for several lifetimes.

The coveting heart of others will only inspire one's self-improvement.I am strong enough, no matter how many other people's conspiracy, it will be a dream.

Feng Tianyu and the three of them drank tea comfortably, reveling in the emptiness brought by Mingwu tea.The doubts in the four people's hearts were also solved in their Tao Ran.

"Fifth Young Master, Saturn is extremely grateful. I am lucky enough to have one product in my life, Mingwu tea that has disappeared in this world.

The young master's favor cannot be described by Saturn's words.

In his life, Saturn wishes only to follow the five young masters forever in the sky and on the earth! "After Saturn tasted Mingwu tea, his gratitude will last forever.

Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan, when he heard that what he was drinking turned out to be Mingwu tea, he immediately left his seat and bowed down in gratitude to Feng Tianyu.

Ah Shui sincerely bowed to Feng Tianyu: "Ah Shui, use your whole life to repay the five young masters' unworldly kindness!"

Dong Guoyuan finally confirmed how advanced and real his sixth sense power is, and it is his greatest luck to follow the fifth young master Feng who has great luck.

It will also be the only way to reach the pinnacle of life.Only by following the Fifth Young Master Feng can he truly realize his dream of ascension.

As long as you follow the five young masters of the wind, ascension is definitely not a dream, but the most real reality.After Dong Guoyuan's incident, he believed even more in the power of his mind.

Dong Guoyuan said to Feng Tianyu with the same feeling when Ah Shui spoke extraordinary words in a calm tone:

"Dong Guoyuan, I don't know how to say high-sounding big words. However, Dong Guoyuan also borrowed this sentence from Ah Shui. Dong Guoyuan is also willing to use his life to repay the five young masters for your unworldly kindness!"

Feng Tianyu did not expect that he simply wanted to invite them to have a cup of tea together.

Unexpectedly, it made the three of them swore that they would follow her forever from heaven to earth.

Feng Tianyu was inexplicably moved to help the three of them up. She knew they were sincere, so she didn't reject their sincerity.

Feng Tianyu has always been the same, and will not make people who sincerely follow her regret it.They gave sincerely, and she also paid back the same, or even exceeded.

After Feng Tianyu got the oath from Saxing and the other three, he couldn't help thinking with emotion in his heart that changing people's hearts is the long-lasting way in the world.

Feng Tianyu joined the practice team, and Saxing, Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan, and the other three, besides protecting the Fa for Feng Tianyu and the others who practiced, are also doing their best to lend Feng Tianyu to their third brother. Compression furnace, compressing strange energy light clusters.

For a cultivating monk, a year is a snap of his fingers.

When Feng Tianyu opened his dark and deep eyes, it also indicated that it was time to break through.

After Feng Tianyu finished his work, he saw Saxing and the other three coming forward with smiles.She finally summoned more than 6 practitioners!

"It's time to break through! Everyone stop practicing immediately. The aura in the yellow battle zone is far better than that in the orange battle zone.

To cultivate, let's go to the yellow war zone.Everyone, now, get ready to go! "

(End of this chapter)

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