Tears Fairy

Chapter 529 Breaking into the Orange Independent Space

Chapter 529 Breaking into the Orange Independent Space ([-])
Feng Tianyu's words of encouragement reached the ears of more than 6 monks, and more than 6 monks were mobilized by Feng Tianyu's words of encouragement.

All cheered up.Feng Tianyu finally led the crowd into the water ripple door of the orange independent space while everyone was getting ready to go.

As soon as Feng Tianyu entered the independent space, he handed over the first battle to the three top monks Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan.

Feng Tianyu and his brothers and sisters are in the middle.Saturn, Dong Guoyuan, and Ah Shui each led [-] monks to the peak.

Behind the ruthless adventure group, the Zhenfeng Gang followed closely behind the ancient exploration team.

Feng Tianyu Zaixing, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan led a group of monks to rush forward.She and her weak ancient exploration team began to chase after the front team.

Along the way, pick up the orange crystals that turned into phantom warriors and phantom beasts when they died.

The phantom beasts and phantoms in the orange independent space are close to reality. Strictly speaking, they are no longer phantom beasts and phantoms, but crystal beasts and phantoms generated on the basis of spar.

After picking up the first batch of spars, Feng Tianyu discovered that practicing with spars can enhance her power of the law of infinity.

This is a major discovery. During this pass, the monks in the battle picked up some of them without paying much attention.

Feng Tianyu organized her ancient exploration team, and under the support of the Zhenfeng Gang, she collected all the remaining crystals.

Feng Tianyu directly opened the Genesis Orb, and collected the spars all over the place into the Genesis Orb in the way that the autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves.

The members of the Exploring Team, Feng Tianlei, Feng Tianqing, Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing, Fang Xiaocui, Xu Binger, Ji Xiaojie, Liu Qingqing and others acted like this when they saw Feng Tianyu.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and they all laughed and followed suit!Seeing this, Feng Tianyu smiled heartily.

No matter how everyone moves, just make sure that the spar is not missed.She always firmly believes that any product of independent space must be a good treasure.

At least this spar is with her, it is the best resource to enhance the power of her infinite kung fu formula.

The members of the Ruthless Adventure Group at the back, and the Zhenfeng Gang who guarded the ancient exploration team, after they saw Feng Tianyu's behavior of paying attention to the spar.After they killed the crystal beasts, they tried their best to keep the crystals in their pockets.

Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan, who rushed to the front of the mountain, led the monk army to fight hard in the front. Five days later, they fought bravely and bravely.

Saturn, they have led the crowd to rush into the middle of the independent space, after they rushed into the middle of the independent space.

Saturn, Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan and others finally felt the pressure.The pace of their progress has changed from the speed of traveling thousands of miles per day to the speed of traveling hundreds of miles per hour.

Feng Tianyu's expression finally changed from the previous calm and calm expression to a dignified expression.

It seems that it is definitely not easy for them to break out of the orange battle zone!
They have only reached the middle of the independent space, and they have changed from traveling thousands of miles a day to hundreds of miles a day.

The speed has dropped by ten times, and in the following daily progress, the speed has been declining, as a basis for the coming of the turtle speed.

Feng Tianyu continued to lead the ancient exploration team, picking up every spar with great care.

When Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan led an army of monks to step into the interior of the independent space at the speed of a turtle.

After Feng Tianyu handed over the ancient exploration team to the Ruthless Adventure Group.She finally led the Zhenfeng Gang herself, and moved up from the center position to the front of the charge.

"Fifth young master!"

Ah Shui, Saturn, and Dong Guoyuan saw Feng Tianyu and led the Zhenfeng Gang to the forward.After the three of them used their big moves to kill a large group of beasts, they hurried forward to salute Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu waved his hands and said, "No courtesy!"

Feng Tianyu took a few steps forward, and had passed Ah Shui, Saturn, and Dong Guoyuan.

Feng Tianyu looked at the tide of beasts rushing towards them like a tide.Feng Tianyu ordered Saxing, Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan and the other three in a deep voice:

"Ah Shui, Saturn, Dong Guoyuan, immediately prepare to break through with the sharp cone battle formation!"

"Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

Ah Shui, Saturn, Dong Guoyuan and the other three agreed, and immediately waved the flag to direct the monk army to form a sharp cone battle formation, ready to charge with Feng Tianyu.

As soon as Feng Tianyu finished speaking, he immediately mobilized the members of the Zhenfeng Gang:

"The battle has reached the most critical moment, and now I want the Zhenfeng Gang to be the sharp edge of the cone array, and to be a sharp edge, one must have the courage to move forward.

Only the courage to go forward is worthy of being a sharp blade in the sharp cone formation.The cone formation has sharp blades, which is the most perfect battle formation for the cone formation.

Is the Zhenfeng Gang afraid?Those who are afraid immediately withdraw from the sharp blade.Charge with me without fear! "

"There are no cowards in the Zhenfeng Gang! We are not afraid!" 130 members of the Zhenfeng Gang shouted, waving their arms.

Feng Tianyu nodded happily and waved his sword: "Everyone follow me!"

Wind, weather and rain are like swords, and swords are like people. In her charge, she really achieved a sharp and sharp edge.

The golden thunder sword let out a roar, and the 130 members of the Zhenfeng gang were struck by lightning and thunder.

Under the guidance of Feng Tian Yu Jian Jian.They have rushed into the group of crystal beasts like a flood like a sharp cone.

The thunder of Feng Tianyu resounded through the interior of the independent space. Amidst the thunder and lightning, the tide of beasts, after Feng Tianyu transformed himself into a blade, the tip of the blade was wrapped in the power of law.

The sharp blade of the gigantic cone tore through the impenetrable beast tide, and the blade cut and sprinted down.Feng Tianyu broke out a channel for the beast tide.

When the tide of beasts turned into spars, Jin Yuxiang had already been ordered to open the creation pearl.In Jin Yuxiang's voice, "Take it, take it, take it..."

Countless crystals have merged into a river of starlight and flowed towards the creation pearl.

Feng Tianyu's sharp blade successfully tore a hole in the boundless sea of ​​beasts that gradually formed, and Feng Tianyu walked through the boundless sea of ​​beasts with a blade.

Ah Shui, Saturn, and Dong Guoyuan all cooperated with Feng Tianyu's sharp blade. Their previous slow speed was broken by Feng Tianyu's sharp cone array.

Traveling ten miles a day is no longer, traveling hundreds of miles a day is no longer, traveling thousands of miles a day is continuing, and the speed is still increasing.

Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan, and Saturn were once again shocked by wind and rain.No matter how strong their cultivation, strategy and courage, they will never be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the five young masters.

When they admired so much, they all thought in their hearts that the fifth young master of the wind is the fifth young master of the wind, and every action she makes shakes their hearts.

So the fifth young master Feng became the person they followed all their lives, instead of the fifth young master Feng looking up to them.

While Feng Tianyu had a great time rushing and killing, he was even more happy about the harvest of orange crystals.She thought that in this charge, the orange crystals won't be worth millions, but maybe 80!

The ancient exploration team guarded by the ruthless adventure group is in the sharp cone array. Under the protection of the ruthless adventure group, the orange spar they harvested is also gratifying.

The Ruthless Adventure Group also harvested countless orange spars as the situation allowed.

Saturn, Ah Shui, Dong Guoyuan and other three people, after they retreated from the main battlefield, they were under the influence of wind, weather and rain.They also harvested countless orange spars.

Under the influence of Saturn, Ah Shui, and Dong Guoyuan, all the monks began to pay more attention to the orange spar. During the charge, all the monks gained a lot.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Amid the thunder and lightning, "Puff Chi Chi..."

The sound of Feng Tianyu cutting the crystal beast during the charge rang in the ears of all the monks, no less than the most beautiful charge.

In front of the wind and rain, with the seamless cooperation of all the monks.The time for the charge was running out, after the golden thunder sword returned to its body, after Feng Tianyu swept three swords in a row.

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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