Tears Fairy

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

After the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao broke through the formation of the stone mountain with his golden eyes, Feng Tianyu looked at the knife-cut rock, but saw that the two stone gates had retracted to both sides.

While there was a surge of white air inside the door, a white mist-like mist had surged out from the wide open stone door.

When Feng Tianyu held his sword and was about to step forward, "Master, please wait a moment!"

Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, stopped Feng Tianyu with his voice.Its small body suddenly soared to the sky in front of the stone gate.

The little gold-threaded treasure hunter, Jin Baobao, floated in the sky in front of the stone gate, stretching out its claws and pointing between its eyebrows.

Immediately, streaks of golden-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao's golden pupils flashed, breaking through all the complicated runes of formations, and the runes flashed in the wide-open stone door.


After a roar in the wide-open stone gate, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, flew from the air to Feng Tianyu standing at the stone gate.

After Feng Tianyu reached out to catch the golden-threaded treasure mouse Jin Baobao, her deep and dark eyes looked at the wide-open stone door again.

The whirling white mist has disappeared, but there is an invisible black stone passage in the stone gate.

Feng Tianyu put the golden baby in his palm on his shoulder.Her deep black eyes looked at the black stone passage in the stone gate, and she strode towards the stone gate without hesitation, holding a sword in one hand.

After Feng Tianyu stepped into the stone gate, he stepped into the spacious and seemingly endless black stone passage in the stone gate.

After the owner stepped into the stone gate, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse Jin Baobao measured the black stone passage with no end in sight.

The golden baby pointed between the eyebrows, its golden pupils shone with golden light, and mysterious golden runes shot out from the golden pupils, forming two solid golden swords.

When Feng Tianyu was striding forward, the golden light sword shot out of Jin Baobao's eyes had already shot towards the seemingly endless black stone passage.


When Feng Tianyu shot a golden light sword out of Jin Baobao's eyes, she had already stopped on the spot.

After the golden lightsaber shot into the depths of the Black Stone Passage, there were two booming sounds from the depths of the Black Stone Passage.

In the seemingly endless black stone passage, amidst the sound of the golden lightsaber's rapid fire and explosion.Under the gaze of Feng Tianyu, the Black Stone Passage is no longer an endless Black Stone Passage.

The original seemingly endless black stone passage has been replaced by a white light door.The corner of Feng Tianyu's mouth curled into a pleasant smile, her dark eyes flashed, and she stopped and walked forward again.

Feng Tianyu walked into the white light gate step by step, but inside the white light gate was a nine-nine-eighty-one-step white jade staircase.

Feng Tianyu climbed up the steps, and there was a ridge every nine steps, and the formation on each ridge only needed a golden light from the golden eyes of the golden treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.

Nine-nine 81 steps, counting nine steps and one formation, the nine formations on the white jade steps are like nothing in front of the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao.

With the help of the beast pet Jin Baobao, Feng Tianyu easily climbed up the 81 [-] white jade stairs.

Feng Tianyu climbed the last step of the ladder.Her black eyes, which were as black as ink, looked at the black jade square connected to the white jade steps.

In the middle of Heiyu Square, there is a white jade avenue connected with white jade stairs.At the end of Baiyu Avenue is a nine-story black and white palace made of black and white jade.

There are nine steps at the entrance of the Black and White Palace. The steps are connected to the Baiyu Avenue in the square. To enter the palace, you must first climb the nine steps.

Feng Tianyu stared at the relief sculpture on the magnificent black and white palace gate. The word 'Baiji Palace' instantly caught Feng Tianyu's eyes.

When Feng Tianyu started, Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, jumped from Feng Tianyu's shoulder to the white jade avenue at Feng Tianyu's feet with a "咻~".

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..." Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, took the lead and leaped towards the Baiyu Avenue. Every trap on the Baiyu Avenue was broken by the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.

The White Jade Avenue after the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Jin Baobao, has been restored to the same Black and White Avenue as the Black and White Palace.

Feng Tianyu walked on the restored black and white avenue, like a fake formation all the way, allowing her to easily walk to the black and white jade steps under the palace gate.

After Golden Treasure Mouse jumps up the nine steps.There was a warm smile on Feng Tianyu's beautiful face.

Jin Baobao's awesomeness completely pleased Feng Tianyu.The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and when the golden light from Jin Baobao's golden pupils shot towards the closed gate of Baiji Palace, "Boom~"

The closed gates of the Baiji palace, shot by the golden eyes of the golden treasure mouse Jin Baobao, made a loud bang, and the two closed palace gates opened wide.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, jumped happily onto Feng Tianyu's shoulder after the palace gate was wide open.

Holding the Fengtianyu Jinlei Sword in her hand, she stepped into the unknown Baiji Palace with a solemn heart.

Feng Tianyu stepped into the gate of Baiji Palace.The first floor of Baiji Palace is an endless desert, just as soon as the wind and rain enter the desert.

A sandstorm had already slammed down on her.Feng Tianyu frowned, as she retreated violently, she had already charged forward while Feng Chenfeng was weak.

With a swing of the sword, "Boom~" In the thunder and lightning, the tens of thousands of red-headed scorpions brought by the sandstorm have been blasted into scum by Feng Tianyu's sword.

Feng Tianyu looked back at the golden baby on her shoulder and asked:
"Baby Jin, is there a formation here?"

Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse Jin Baobao shook his head and said affirmatively:

"Master, this is a desert, created from a grain of golden sand. Master just needs to break into the center of the desert, and you can get that grain of gold sand."

When Feng Tianyu heard the words of Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, he was overjoyed, one sand, one world!It really is a good baby.

Since Feng Tianyu entered Baoshan, how could she return empty-handed, she continued to go deep with her sword, as long as there was no formation in the sandy desert.

She must be able to walk into the center of a sand, and she has decided to take this grain of gold sand.

The wind and rain had just stepped forward, and suddenly, the wind was surging, and tornadoes and sandstorms had been set off in the vast desert.

In the blocking of one after another salon, Feng Tianyu is already unable to move an inch.Feng Tianyu's sword is like the wind, and a sword blows away a Sharon.

When countless salons formed and roared, Feng Tianyu had already turned his sword against the dragon.

Long Ni strikes with one sword, three swords reverse, three swords rise nine swords, nine swords rise, 27 swords rise, swords rise and swords rise steeply, Feng Tianyu shouted loudly, "Explosion!"


Under the sound of wind and rain, there was a loud noise in the desert.In the sand and dust, Feng Tianyu's body has turned into an invisible mist like smoke with a thought.

In a swirling sandstorm, the wind, rain and wind turned into an invisible mist like smoke, which was attached to a grain of sand.

Feng Tianyu's invisible mist danced with the sand grains in the wind, and finally landed on the steps of a golden sand palace.

The corner of Feng Tianyu's mouth suddenly raised a beautiful arc.She reached out and pushed open the closed door of Jinsha Palace.

Jinsha Palace, Baiyu Terrace, a grain of golden sand appears!Feng Tianyu chuckled, and walked into the Jinsha Palace in a few steps.

(End of this chapter)

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