Tears Fairy

Chapter 558 One Golden Sand

Chapter 558 A Grain of Golden Sand

Feng Tianyu stepped into the Golden Sand Palace, when she was walking towards the White Jade Palace where a grain of golden sand was placed.

A grain of golden sand suddenly flew up, over the top of Feng Tianyu's head, and fled to the gate of Jinsha Palace at high speed.

When Feng Tianyu tried to catch up, the Jinsha Palace collapsed when a grain of sand flew out of the gate of the Jinsha Palace.

Between the wind and the rain, people have assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke and fog.

Her invisible mist, like smoke, rises with the wind.In the wind caused by the golden sands flying away, the route of a grain of golden sands flying away is tightly grasped.

A grain of golden sand flies away in the wind, and the wind, rain and rain assimilate into an invisible mist like smoke, which is quickly pulled by the wind caused by the golden sand, covering the golden sand.

After Feng Tianyu returned to his body, he held a grain of gold sand in his left hand.Feng Tianyu curled his lips into a smile, and put a grain of gold sand into the jade box, the moment he pasted the prohibition talisman on it.

Feng Tianyu flashed into the creation bead, and when Feng Tianyu came out of the creation bead again.

The endless desert has disappeared, and wind, weather and rain have appeared on a sea island.Feng Tianyu looked at the blue sea with the same color of sea and sky in the distance.

She asked in a deep voice to the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Golden Baby, on her shoulder:
"Baby Jin, is this the second floor of Baiji Palace? What treasures are there on this island?"

Gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao happily explained to Feng Tianyu when the owner asked about it:
"Master, there is a Dragon King Temple on the island, and there is a dragon ball in the Dragon King Temple. If the master wants to get this dragon ball, he must go to the center of the sea to find the dragon soul."

"Dragon Ball!" Feng Tianyu murmured softly, and the appearance of Dragon Ball is also an incredible treasure.

The energy of a single dragon ball is enough to make her cultivation reach the middle stage of Mahayana.

For the sake of Dragon Ball, how about exploring the center of this sea?

It was windy and rainy, and she sacrificed her portable artifact, the Phoenix Feather.Huang Yu turned into a wandering dragon in Feng Tianyu's mind.

Under the leadership of Huang Yu, Feng Tianyu easily used the coercion of the dragon clan to suppress the creatures in the sea world.

Feng Tianyu easily entered the Dragon Palace in the center of the seabed.Feng Tianyu ransacked the Dragon Palace for a while before heading towards the Dragon Soul Palace.

"Humans, don't step into my Dragon Temple. The Dragon Soul Hall is where our heroic spirits are stored. Leave quickly!"

Just as Feng Tianyu pushed open the door of the Dragon Soul Hall, Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, stopped Feng Tianyu in the Dragon Soul Hall and wanted Feng Tianyu to leave. temple.

Feng Tianyu saw Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse.Rushing towards the Soul Cultivation Platform of the Dragon Soul Hall, she was shocked at the moment when a vast dragon power attacked the golden silk treasure hunter Jin Baobao.

The golden thunder sword in Feng Tianyu's hand had already slashed towards the place where Longwei rose instantly.


When the Golden Thunder Sword slashed at Long Wei with a thunderous sound.The gold-threaded treasure hunter, Jin Baobao, has reached out and grabbed a soul-raising stone.

Seeing this, Feng Tianyu swung two swords amidst the intimidating voice of Dragon Soul Hall.The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, jumped onto Feng Tianyu's shoulder before his master blocked Longwei's attack with his two swords.

As soon as Feng Tianyu saw the dragon soul in his hands, he didn't stop, in his mind, Feng Tianyu had already left the Dragon Palace under the leadership of Youlong transformed into Huang Yu.

The sea is the home of the dragon, and the dragon is also the overlord of the sea. After Huang Yu transformed into a wandering dragon, he has been out of the sea without hindrance.

As soon as Feng Tianyu came out of the sea, she immediately sacrificed her five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft stands on the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, happily handed over the soul-cultivating stone held in its paws to its master.

It can help the master, great!
Gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao smiled happily, and Feng Tianyu took the golden-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao and handed her the soul-nourishing stone.While her heart was warm.

When she looked at Jin Baobao, her eyes were full of pampering.A warm current surged in the heart of the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.

The owner has always been the one who loves it the most, for the sake of the owner, there are many treasures.It must find more treasures for the owner.

Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure-hunting mouse, secretly encouraged himself, and Feng Tianyu drove the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft to fly to the Dragon King Temple on the island.

With one hand, she supported the golden-threaded treasure mouse, Jin Baobao, and with the other hand, she gently smoothed the hair of the golden-threaded treasure mouse, Jin Baobao.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, narrowed his eyes comfortably. After enjoying a stretch, he changed his posture slightly and continued to enjoy his master's pampering.

The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft pierced through the clouds and fog above the sea.Soon it flew into the sky above the island.

As soon as Feng Tianyu entered the sky above the island, the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft had already landed on the ground.

Dragon King Temple, without monks, is full of cigarettes.After Feng Tianyu stepped into the Dragon King Temple, he immediately saw a golden bead on the main hall of the Dragon King Temple under the guidance of the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao.

When Feng Tianyu saw the Dragon Ball, he immediately went to get it.

Just as Feng Tianyu grabbed the dragon ball placed in front of the incense table, the Dragon King Temple collapsed with a bang.

The moment Feng Tianyu collapsed at the Dragon King Temple, his body had already assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke.

In the dust and smoke from the collapse of the Dragon King Temple, the wind, rain and rain assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke, has been blown by the sea breeze, and flew out of the collapsed Dragon King Temple.

The smoke-like invisible mist formed by the assimilation of wind, sky and rain flew out of the Dragon King Temple, and put the dragon ball in her hand behind the creation pearl.

The man of wind and rain has appeared on the grassy grassland.

Wolves howled on the grassland, boom boom boom!Countless wind wolves came running from afar, Feng Tianyu didn't have time to think about it.

It is serious to run away with one thought.

Her invisible mist, which was like smoke, began to drift with the wind, and it didn't care about the groups of wolves on the grassland.


The wolves on the prairie were on the prairie, looking up and howling continuously towards the invisible mist like smoke floating in the air.

Feng Tianyu's invisible mist like smoke and mist floated in the wind. After the danger was relieved, Feng Tianyu asked the golden silk treasure hunter Jin Baobao aloud:
"Baby Jin, what kind of treasure is this third floor of the Baiji Palace!"

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse Jin Baobao, who was walking around in the Genesis Pearl, hurriedly reminded Feng Tianyu when his master asked about the treasure on the third floor of Baiji Palace:
"Master, the treasure on the third floor is the soul of the beast!

If the master wants to obtain the soul of the beast, he must obtain it through battle.The beasts on the grassland are the soul crystals that the master wants to harvest.

The owner only needs to obtain [-] soul crystals from the grassland to restore the soul of the beast.

After the master has the beast soul, it is equivalent to having the most loyal beast soul force! "

The words of Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, made Feng Tianyu's heart warm, and she immediately recovered from the invisible mist that was assimilated into smoke.

Fight!She is never afraid of wind and rain, as long as it is necessary to fight, she will fight!When Feng Tianyu attacked the wolves with his sword.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, also flashed out from the Genesis Orb. Since the owner wants to fight, it, Jin Baobao, also wants to join in. Fighting with the master is also the wish of its golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao!

When the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse Jin Baobao grabbed a soul crystal with one paw, it suddenly felt the joy of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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