Tears Fairy

Chapter 559 Fighting with Master 1

Chapter 559 Fighting with the Master

The gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao, who is determined to fight with its master, claws like lightning, and grabs a wind wolf with one claw. In an instant, a wind wolf soul crystal has been caught in its claws.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, who is dedicated to fighting, when it grabbed a soul crystal with one claw, the joy of victory and the thrill of fighting suddenly surged in its heart.

Looking back during Feng Tianyu's battle, she saw Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse who had always been bad at fighting, helping her out, and her heart suddenly softened into a mess.

There is a beast who treats her so sincerely, and eventually makes the road ahead difficult and difficult, so she can take it lightly.A moving look back by Feng Tianyu made Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunter, even more courageous.

fighting!Fight again!

Golden Treasure Hunter Golden Baby gains experience in battle.Its fighting has changed from being blunt to proficient, and it has harvested more and more soul crystals.

The wind wolf in the prairie, under the wind and rain, one man and one beast show their power.Except for the thousand wind wolves who turned into soul crystals in the battle.

The wind wolves that haven't turned into soul crystals have started to flee in all directions on the grassland!
The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, was happy, holding 150 three soul crystals and walking towards Feng Tianyu.

"Master, the golden baby is ready to fight with the master. This is the golden baby's trophy!"

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, held a group of spiritual power larger than it in its paws and dedicated it to Feng Tianyu.Inside the spiritual group is the soul crystal harvested by Jin Baobao.

Feng Tianyu was touched and accepted the spoils presented to her by Jin Baobao.This is the sincerity of Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunter.

Feng Tianyu stretched out a hand to Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, and Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, jumped up happily.

In order to obtain the soul of the beast, Feng Tianyu, a man and a beast, had to continue to go deep after the wind wolves scattered and fled.


The wind knows the strength of the grass, in the clumps of jasper and iron bone grass, a rhino raised its head and mooed.


dong dong dong...

The ground began to tremble, and Feng Tianyu looked at the herd of rhinos rushing towards him.

The rushing rhinoceros have already launched an attack on Feng Tianyu.The two horns of the rhino shot water arrows.

This kicked off the battle.

Feng Tianyu holds the Golden Thunder Sword, and the sword is ruthless.Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse Jin Baobao's small body is as fast as lightning, and his sharp claws rise and fall instantly, and his claws are omnipotent.

Amid the thunder and lightning of the Golden Thunder Sword, Feng Tianyu swung his sword and composed a hymn of victory on the grassland.

Countless rhinoceros fell down, and countless soul crystals merged into a crystal galaxy, all pouring down into the wind, sky and rain.Feng Tianyu collected the soul crystals that fell towards him.

The happy gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, once again dedicated his spoils to his master, Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu checked the total number of soul crystals, seven thousand six hundred and twenty four.It is still 620 six away from the tens of thousands.

Feng Tianyu looked at the green grassland without a single rhinoceros, so she had no choice but to take the gold-threaded treasure mouse, Jin Baobao, to go deeper.

Feng Tianyu, a man and a beast, continued to walk forward, the sky suddenly darkened, Feng Tianyu had already soared into the sky, and raised his sword to stab into the air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was thunder, and the wind and rain pierced the sky!A huge hole has been pierced in the sky covered by the eagle.

When countless soul crystals fell into the air, all of them were taken into the claws of the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, and they were collected into its space in a blink of an eye.

Feng Tianyu rushed out of the sky above the grassland covered by eagles through the huge hole pierced.The Golden Thunder Sword was already at the time when she rushed out of the huge opening.

When the eagle's huge mouth closed, a circle was drawn in the sky above the eagles.


The high-pitched voice of the eagle swept across the entire grassland. When the eagles spread their wings and spread out, the wind and rain had already harvested gratifying results.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, gave the eagle soul crystal it had ingested to the queen of wind and rain after the flock of eagles had dispersed.

All soul crystals add up to exactly [-] soul crystals.When Feng Tianyu gathered ten thousand soul crystals together.

The dazzling light emitted by the soul crystal began to merge under Feng Tianyu's gaze.In the end, it turned into a beast soul that made people lose their senses just by looking at it.

The moment the ten thousand soul crystals melted into the soul of the beast, he felt that the green grassland in front of him was rippling with the wind and had disappeared from his eyes.

When she took a closer look again, she was already in an uninhabited city.

Feng Tianyu stood alone on the street of the uninhabited city, Feng Tianyu asked the golden silk treasure hunter Jin Baobao:

"Baby Jin, is this the fourth floor of the Baiji Hall? In this uninhabited city, what kind of treasure is there?"

Golden Treasure Mouse, Jin Baobao, is holding a golden whisker on its sharp beak with its little paw.

When it heard the master's question, it cracked its sharp beak and said with a smile:
"Hehe, master, this is an ancient city! As for what treasures are in the city, it is up to the master and Jin Baobao to distinguish.

The ancient city was a city that collapsed during the battle in the fairy world. Three parts of the things in the city were true and seven parts were false.

Because of the seal of the immortal, even if the baby has eyes that can see through falsehood, it cannot see through three parts of truth. "

When Feng Tianyu heard that the treasures in the ancient city were sealed by immortals, it was really difficult to tell whether three parts of the real treasures were real or seven parts were fake.

Feng Tian Yu Kong has a pair of purple pupils that can see through emptiness, but it has no effect on the ancient city.

Feng Tianyu thought that when Jin Baobao mentioned the ancient city, it was the ancient city that collapsed due to the war in the fairy world and fell into the void.

Her heart became very hot for a moment.A city in ancient times is a city in the fairyland.Aren't all the treasures in the city probably fairy treasures?

When Feng Tianyu thought of the fairy treasure, he became very nervous again, because three parts of the true and seven parts of the false were banned by the immortal law.How much truth can she gain in the ancient city?
The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, looked at the expression of the master's joy and sorrow, and after thinking about it, he knew what the master was worried about.
So it comforted Feng Tianyu and said:
"Master, Mo Chou, immortal treasures are most concerned with destiny. The treasures of the ancient city are all immortals who wandered outside the immortal world in the ancient city.

After tens of thousands of years of time, Shi sits and transforms the natal fairy treasures and various auxiliary fairy treasures left over from the city!

Immortal treasures have always had their own consciousness of recognizing their masters, as long as the master patronizes them, there will be destined immortal treasures to come to recognize their masters. "

The words of Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, instantly made Feng Tianyu's frown loosen. Since that was the case, she didn't need to worry.

Feng Tianyu's dark eyes were as bright as stars.She glanced at the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Golden Baby, with her warm and shining eyes. She seemed to have overlooked something?
Feng Tianyu lowered her eyes and thought for a while, and finally raised her eyes to look at the golden baby who was lying in her hands and was carefully arranging her golden hair.

Feng Tianyu asked Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse:

"Baby Jin, how do you know these ancient deeds in the ancient fairy world?"

Feng Tianyu finally asked what she had neglected all the way.Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, grinned at Feng Tianyu, and then explained to Feng Tianyu:

"Master, during the evolution of the Golden Baby, he obtained the inheritance of the Golden Silk Treasure Hunting Mouse Clan.

During the treasure hunting process of the golden baby, whenever a treasure is found, there will be information feedback related to the treasure in the inheritance! "

(End of this chapter)

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