Tears Fairy

Chapter 563 The fifth floor of Baiji Temple

Chapter 563 The Fifth Floor of Baiji Hall
Feng Tianyu looked at Jin Baobao speechlessly, and hurriedly waved to it and said: "Jin Baobao, hurry up and work!"

Amidst the windy and rainy greetings, the golden baby finally digested the shock brought by its master.It jumped up from the ground and jumped onto Feng Tianyu's shoulders.

Its golden pupils flashed with a golden light, and two golden rays of light had already shot towards the restriction on the third floor of the Baoguang Pagoda.


The Golden Treasure Hunting Rat, Jin Baobao, was born with the formation-breaking golden pupils, which broke through the blockade formation on the third floor of the Baoguang Pagoda.

After Jin Baobao broke through the formation on the third floor of Baoguang Pagoda, Feng Tianyu chuckled, and with a light leap, she entered the third floor of Baoguang Pagoda at the same time as Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse.

Under the guidance of Feng Tianyu, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, chose the three queens of the Baoguang ball with three chances.

Feng Tianyu was the same as the first and second floors. After she collected 280 five precious light balls accurately and quickly, all the precious light balls on the third floor were hidden in the void.

Feng Tianyu looked at Jin Baobao standing aside with a smile in his dark eyes.Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Jin Baobao, took action immediately.

Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse flying in the air, flashed his golden pupils, and two beams of golden light struck the formation nodes on the fourth floor of the Baoguang Pagoda.


When the pagoda door on the fourth floor was wide open, Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, did not stop and continued to fly to the fifth floor of Baoguang Pagoda.


After the formation on the fifth floor of Baoguang Pagoda was broken, Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, continued to fly to the sixth floor under the admiring eyes of its master.


After the formation on the sixth floor of Baoguang Pagoda was broken, Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, continued to fly to the top floor.


The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, broke through the formation on the seventh and last floor of the Baoguang Pagoda, and flew towards its master's shoulder.

Feng Tianyu is waiting for Jin Baobao to choose the treasure light ball. Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, has three chances to choose a treasure on each floor of the pagoda.

It was only when she was on the second floor of the Baoguang Pagoda that the established order of the Baoguang Pagoda was disrupted because of her treasure-taking process.

In the end, it fell to Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunter, whose third chance to choose a baby was accidentally blocked.

In view of this, in the subsequent treasure hunting process, Feng Tianyu would first let the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, use up its three treasure-picking opportunities.

Every time under the advice of Feng Tianyu, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, can accurately select the three-point truth among the thousands of precious light spheres floating in the void.

Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse Golden Baby went from blind obedience at the beginning to complete trust afterwards.

In the end, Golden Treasure Mouse, Golden Baby, finally decided on one thing.The precious light balls that the owner puts into the creation pearl are all precious light balls with real fairy treasures.

Under the guidance of Feng Tianyu, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, never felt disappointed.When the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Golden Baby, is full of harvests, it is also the time when wind, weather and rain wantonly collect treasures.

Feng Tianyu accompanies Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse. In the remaining pagodas of Baoguang Pagoda, she helps Jin Baobao, who has three chances to choose a treasure freely.

After successfully collecting three precious light balls on each floor, she carried out the final treasure-gathering operation.

In the end, all the treasures on the seventh floor of the Baoguang Pagoda were hidden in the void of the Baoguang Pagoda when the wind and rain did not play their cards according to the game.

Feng Tianyu, who had a full harvest, and Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, stopped on the seventh floor of the Baoguang Pagoda.

When she was watching intently, she found that she was no longer in the Baoguang Pagoda, nor in the ancient city.She was already in the noisy and bustling street.

Where is this?

Amidst the crowd, Feng Tianyu, confused, stretched out his hand and pulled the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao off his shoulder.

Feng Tianyu supported the golden-threaded treasure mouse Jin Baobao with one hand, and gently smoothed the hair of the golden-threaded treasure mouse Jin Baobao with the other hand.

Feng Tianyu stood on the street with people coming and going, she was dazed for only a few breaths, and she spoke after regaining her composure.

"Baby Jin, this shouldn't be the fifth floor of Baiji Temple!"

Gold Treasure Hunter Jin Baobao grinned and replied: "Hee hee! The master is smart, and he hits the nail on the head!"

Feng Tianyu shook his head, it really is the fifth floor of Baiji Hall!
Feng Tianyu asked the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao suspiciously:
"Baby Jin, I see that the people and things here are all alive. Could it be that there are descendants of ancient immortals here?"

Golden Treasure Hunter Jin Baobao grinned and replied: "Master, this fifth floor is not a gathering place for descendants of ancient immortals.

This is the fifth floor of the White Pole Tower. According to the feedback from my treasure hunting inheritance, this is the bridge between the White Pole Tower and the Outer Continent.

This is a real continent. Jin Baobao has no way of knowing what the master can get on this continent.

Master understands matters between people better than Jin Bao.This place is no longer in the category of Golden Baby Treasure Hunting.

How to get out next, Jin Baobao has no way of knowing!
However, fortunately, this is the Secret Realm of Asking Heart, even if we can't find a way out in the end, it will exclude us when the secret realm of Asking Heart is closed. "

Feng Tianyu nodded thoughtfully and raised her eyes to look at the noisy downtown area. She was holding the golden silk treasure mouse Jin Baobao in one hand.

With one hand, he gently caressed the small head of the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Jin Baobao.When she caressed the little head of Golden Treasure Mouse, the little head of Golden Treasure Mouse, and left the little head of Golden Treasure Mouse.

Golden Treasure Mouse, Golden Baby, is not what it used to be.Jin Baobao has already become a black-gold-haired little cat in Feng Tianyu's Promise Law Transformation Art.

Feng Tianyu looked at his masterpiece and smiled, but Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, buried his small head in Feng Tianyu's palm wearily.

Jin Baobao is ashamed to see people!
Feng Tianyu chuckled lightly, stroked the little head of the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, and said to it apologetically:

"Strange world, strange people, I don't want you to have any accidents here, Baby Jin.

Changing your appearance is only temporary.After we leave here, you will still be the most handsome and most beautiful gold-threaded treasure mouse. "

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, nodded in understanding, before Feng Tianyu walked towards the crowded downtown area.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, is lying obediently in Feng Tianyu's palm.Next, it just needs to be the owner's pet cat!

Windy and rainy, walk and watch, there are endless crowds of people on the street, and the traffic on the roadway is busy.

Feng Tianyu strolled into the surging crowd, and she followed the mainstream of the crowd to the downtown area.

Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse Jin Baobao plays the role of a good kitten, lazily lying on the owner's soft little hand.

It squinted its cat's eyes to see the world, and the noise of people's voices was mixed with endless joys and sorrows. It frowned, but felt that the human world was too difficult to understand.

Feng Tianyu felt the instant stiffness of the golden-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao, and reached out to stroke the small head of the golden-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao.

The golden treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, comfortably changed his posture again, and fell into a lazily light sleep in a posture overlooking the earth.

Feng Tianyu walked into the downtown area with the mainstream, she walked silently in the crowd, listening to the conversation between passers-by.

(End of this chapter)

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