Tears Fairy

Chapter 564

Chapter 564
Wind, weather and rain follow the mainstream of the crowd on the noisy street to the more lively and prosperous downtown area.

She held the light-sleeping Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse Jin Baobao in one hand, and gently caressed the small body of the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse Jin Baobao with the other hand.

She walked silently all the way, quietly listening to the dialogue between pedestrians.

"Ms. Zhang, this is going to Zhenbao Pavilion to exchange for Xiaojun's soul crystal!"

"Yes, Master Nian! My Xiaojun has opened his mind. I was thinking, if I go to Zhenbao Pavilion to exchange a few soul crystals.

My Xiaojun may be able to enter the first level of Nianli when Wannianzong opened the gate and recruited disciples widely, and reached the standard for Wannianzong to recruit disciples. "

"Xiaojun is a good boy, he will definitely have a great future. Mrs. Zhang, Guan San is here to congratulate you first!"

"Borrowing the teacher's auspicious words!"

"You're welcome!"

Feng Tianyu was stunned when he heard it, but he listened very attentively.

Mindfulness?One level of thought power?Miss Master?

Feng Tianyu's mind flashed, and he continued to listen. However, the previous conversation between the two ended here and there was no more words.

Feng Tianyu continued to listen in a wider range, and soon she filtered out some helpful conversations from the crowd.

"Master Nianzong, is this going home to visit relatives?"

"That's right, in three months' time, it will be time for Wannianzong, the largest sect in Nianli Continent, to open its doors and recruit disciples.

For the prosperity of the family, I have to come back to supervise the schoolwork of the children in the family! "

"Well, the Tian family has Master Nianzong here, so why worry that the Tian family is not prosperous."

"Master Zuo Nian, that's too much!"

Feng Tianyu carefully captured some key and useful information from multiple languages, and she finally knew from this population that this is Nianli Continent.

She is unfamiliar with everything here, and she wants to live well in this strange and ignorant place.

She can only understand this continent from the words and phrases of these people, so that she can truly know it well.

After entering the downtown area, the crowded mainstream has begun to flow into their respective destinations.

Feng Tianyu had no goal at all, and she stepped into the underground trading market with a stream of diverted people.

Feng Tianyu wandered around several relatively large underground shops in the underground trading market with a lot of traffic.

During her careful observation, she discovered that the mainstream currency here turned out to be wild beast crystals.

After Feng Tianyu learned that the mainstream currency traded here is the wild beast spar, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She has millions of wild beast crystals, so as long as she has money, she will not panic.The million wild beast crystals on her body are enough for her to spend a lot of money here.

It's just that these desolate beast crystals are not willing to use them, and even want to make a fortune here in other ways.

Because the desolate beast spar is not only the spar for her to practice the power of the infinite law, but also the necessary spar for her to practice soul power and Yin finger skills.

The desolate beast spar is indispensable to Feng Tianyu, just like the top-grade spirit stone for monks to practice spiritual power.

Feng Tianyu was extremely reluctant to consume the desolate beast spar.So she continued to wander around the underground trading market.

Hopefully, she can find a way to make a fortune during this wandering.

Feng Tianyu was walking around, suddenly his eyes lit up.

God!what did she see
At a booth not far away, a middle-aged monk in a samurai uniform pointed to the most conspicuous orange spar on the booth and asked:
"Boss, how do you sell your orange soul crystal?"

"Soul crystals are priceless, 130 crystals."

"This is 130 crystals, I want this soul crystal!"

The stall owner collected 130 spars, and handed the soul crystals together with the wooden box containing them to the middle-aged male cultivator in samurai attire.

The wind and rain are so cute and cute for a while, I don't know what night it is?
Why not sell at the second price, the orange soul crystals of 130 desolate beast spar, isn't it the countless orange spar she obtained by breaking into the orange independent space and beheading phantom beasts and humans?
It's hard not to get rich!
However, with such an overnight fortune, she couldn't doubt her life.

Although the orange spar can also enhance her power of the infinite law, it is slightly weaker than the wild beast spar.

And the probability is 130:[-], if she doesn't make this windfall, she will be an out-and-out fool.

In the midst of people coming and going on the street, Feng Tianyu began to think excitedly from her stupidity, while she was walking and pausing, suddenly she stared at the advertisement of a shop with deep eyes in a daze.

Shopkeeper's celebration: soul crystals are sold in friendship, and a soul crystal is only priced at 120 spars.It lasts for one day, so hurry up if you want to buy!
Tiancheng store?That's it!
Feng Tianyu strolled in and stopped at the counter where the orange soul crystal was placed.

When a clerk at the counter saw Feng Tianyu approaching, he smiled and asked politely: "Guest, do you want to buy a soul crystal?"

Feng Tianyu shook his head, the shop clerk was stunned, and then continued to ask politely: "Do you have any other needs? I am willing to help you!"

Feng Tianyu was satisfied with the shop assistant's polite attitude, she calmly said to the shop assistant with her dark eyes, "I don't buy anything, I just want to sell it!"

When the store clerk heard that Feng Tianyu was here to sell items, he politely said to Feng Tianyu: "Valentine guests, please follow me to the appraising room and wait.

I'm going to invite the shopkeeper to discuss with the distinguished guests in detail! "The shop assistant turned out from the counter.

Feng Tianyu nodded and said: "Okay, thank you!"

The store clerk smiled and stretched out his hand to greet him: "Don't dare! It's my duty, the distinguished guest, please come with me!"

Feng Tianyu followed the store clerk from the corner of the store to the appraising room on the second arm of the store.

After making a cup of spirit tea for Feng Tianyu, the store clerk said goodbye to Feng Tianyu: "Your honored guest, please wait here for a while, and I'll invite the shopkeeper here!"

Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "Okay!"

The store clerk went to look for the shopkeeper. At this point, Jin Baobao, who was lying on Feng Tianyu's palm, stretched for a while before waking up from his light sleep.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, poked his head around interestingly, looking at the fairly well-decorated treasure room.

"Master, have you decided to sell orange crystals here? There is a lot of treasure here, it seems that the owner of this shop is quite strong!"

"It's not natural! Only a powerful store can complete a large transaction with me, the owner. Only this one transaction can be exchanged for the corresponding peace in the future."

While Feng Tianyu was speaking, he had already placed the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, which he was holding in his heart, on the table beside him.

After that, he put another plate of refreshments in front of Jin Baobao in front of him.

After Feng Tianyu finished all these things slowly, she picked up a cup of spiritual tea specially brewed for her by the shop assistant.

This is the tea that she has been exposed to since she entered the Secret Realm of Questioning Heart, which can really satisfy her cravings.

The tea is fragrant, and the refreshments also have a novel taste.The wind and rain suddenly felt that the taste buds were wide open.

After Feng Tianyu filled his stomach for a long time without eating, the sound of footsteps came from the stairway at the right time.

Feng Tianyu knew that it must be the shopkeeper of the shop here.Feng Tianyu's doting eyes looked at Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, licked the little paw that had grabbed the refreshments, and jumped from the table to Feng Tianyu's shoulder very eye-catchingly and cleverly.

When the shopkeeper stepped into the treasure appraisal room, he looked around with deep eyes, but saw a completely cold girl in blue looking at him.

Feng Tianyu got up and saluted the shopkeeper with fists, "Little girl has seen shopkeeper Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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