Tears Fairy

Chapter 63 Heading to Seven Colored City

Chapter 63 Heading to Colorful City

Feng Tianyu stretched out his clenched right hand, and found that the strange feeling came from a ring, and his heart ached with joy, why did he look at the meeting gift from his ancestors!
Feng Tianyu's consciousness involuntarily penetrated into the storage ring, my dear!Feng Tianyu's heart was shocked, the old ancestor really had the style of an old ancestor.

In the storage ring, there are 1 top-grade spirit stones, each of which is packed in ten golden nanmu boxes, and each box is exactly [-] yuan of top-grade spirit stones.The mental transformation was completed in just one second.

In the following days, Feng Tianyu's mood was like a flower in full bloom, from the heart to the whole person, the beauty was flying, and the clear eyes were filled with happiness and joy!
In Feng Wuxin's astonishment, Feng Tianyu began to make regular arrangements for the days when he lived in Baiyun Tower.

According to Feng Wuxin's reminder, go to the training hall to watch the battle for three hours every other day in the morning!Every five days, I went to the Daofa Hall to listen to the lectures for a quarter of an hour. During the rest of the time, Feng Tianyu hid in the practice room on the fifth floor and began to make ten-level stacking symbols.

After learning from the ancestors that two years later, when the students of the academy had to enter the Void Secret Realm, Feng Tianyu planned to draw as many tenth-grade superposition symbols as possible. She had to prepare enough symbols for the three brothers and the second sister. , After entering the academy, I don't have so much time to make talismans.

The stacking talisman is easy to draw, but the talisman is not satisfactory. It took five animal skins to make a first-grade low-grade talisman, which made Feng Tianyu feel distressed for a long time. Successfully produced two first-rank and lower-rank talisman treasures.

The first-grade low-grade talisman is equivalent to the power of the first layer of the alchemy stage. Feng Tianyu sighed at the three first-grade low-grade talismans, and complained to himself as he looked at the holy talisman pen made of six-tailed fox hair: " How could this talisman be so difficult to make!"

The six-tailed fox hair talisman pen seemed to be aggrieved, and the tip of the brush was pulled down in one direction. Seeing this, Feng Tianyu was surprised, and hurriedly stroked the pen holder as if comforting, and said with a smile: "Six-tailed fox brush, You will be called Liuliu Shun from now on, it’s good and smooth, Liuliu Dashun! What an auspicious name!"

After Feng Tianyu regained his composure, he continued to work hard to make talismans. Although he couldn't rely too much on external forces, no matter how powerful he was, he would be exhausted, not to mention that the world of cultivating immortals was full of pits!

In her opinion, strength does not differ from her own strength and various external assistance, as long as she is the one who lives in the end, as a monk walking in the world of cultivating immortals, although it is said that she should not rely too much on external forces, but when her own strength is weak , who doesn't pay attention to external forces?
Feng Tianyu, after 31 days in the Baiyun Building of the City Lord's Mansion regularly, Feng Tianyu finally produced thirty second-grade top-quality talisman treasures, which are quite powerful in the early stage of the third layer of alchemy.

Feng Tianyu continued to make treasure talismans vigorously, and another three days passed. After Feng Tianyu made 55 second-grade top-grade talisman treasures in succession, he finally succeeded after scrapping ten animal skins during the production. Made a third-rank low-rank talisman.

So Feng Tianyu continued to make talisman treasures, and the time was windy and rainy again. After a day of concentrating on making talisman treasures, after ten pieces of animal skins were wasted during the production process, ten third-rank low-grade talisman treasures were finally successfully produced. .

At this time, someone outside the gate rang the doorbell. You don't need to think about Feng Tianyu to know that Feng Wuxin has something to report to him, so the gate opened in his mind, and Feng Tianyu packed up the superimposed talismans and treasures that he had made, and classified them After entering the Tianyu Palace of the Genesis Pearl, he opened the door of the practice room and left the hall from the practice room.

In the hall, Feng Wuxin squinted his eyes and sat quietly on the yellow pear wood chair, quietly waiting for the young master to come out. After the door of the training room creaked, Feng Tianyu just stepped out of the door of the training room , Feng Wuxin suddenly opened his slightly narrowed eyes!The smile pierced his eyes, "Young Master! Great Elder Yuan Zhong and Fifth Elder Yuan Fei are the team leader and deputy team leading the core disciples into the academy this time.

Just now a notice was issued to gather at the square in the city lord's mansion in an hour, young master, do you think we should clean up immediately and we go to the square to gather right away? "

"Well! All my things are here." Stretching out his right hand to show the storage ring that the ancestor gave her, Feng Tianyu smiled in a good mood, the ancestor treated her well!Throw her directly into the rich circle.

Seeing that the young master was in a good mood, Feng Wuxin was also happy in his heart, so he smiled and waited for the young master's wish.

"Uncle Feng, let's go! I would rather wait for others in the square than let others wait for me," Feng Tianyu smiled and beckoned Feng Wuxin to gather in the square now.

Feng Wuxin once again lamented his good luck, meeting a young master who was neither arrogant nor impatient about things, and treated him like an elder.

Guardians are cultivation geniuses excavated by the big family from all over the world. They are collected and cultivated in the family with all their strength. The family wants them to be loyal to the master designated for them!At the beginning of training, the family will let them swear a blood oath to the way of heaven!In the end of life, the master and son are alone. If they break the oath, the heaven will punish them and make them disappear in ashes.

The innocent teenagers at the beginning are like a blank sheet of paper with no experience. When they realize the conspiracy and injustice, their fate has been decided at the beginning.

Feng Wuxin was extremely thankful that his master regarded him as a human being. He felt that his life had come to an end. On the foggy avenue ahead, a ray of light illuminated the road in front of him, dispelling the thick fog on the avenue.His bottleneck that has not changed for 500 years seems to have begun to loosen a little because of the improvement of his mood!
Sitting in Feng Wuxin, Feng Tianyu drove the dragon carriage equipped with Baiyun Tower, and galloped towards the square quickly. Looking at Feng Wuxin whose mood had changed, a smile of expectation appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She is a stormy person, no matter what happens, she shouldn't stop here. A monk who is enslaved and oppressed, no matter how talented he is, can't cross the threshold of distraction. Only when the mental oppression is liberated can he achieve something.She, Feng Tianyu, is willing to let Feng Wuxin, who follows her, break free from the shackles of oppression and let him go further.

Feng Tianyu came to the square, but saw that the dragon carriages were lined up in two long queues under the command of the chief deacon's disciples. The fifth elder Yuan Fei, the great elder of Yuan Zhong, hadn't arrived at the square yet, so Feng Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief. The law enforcement disciple An An, who maintained order in the square, let Feng Tianyu get into the No. 30 nine dragon carriages on the left row in order.

A dragon carriage rides three core disciples respectively. The carriage is spacious, luxurious and comfortable. There is an aisle in the middle of the carriage. Four soft couches are placed on the left, right and rear sides of the carriage. There is a black brocade curtain, and in front of the black brocade curtain is a long coffee table.

When Feng Tianyu entered the carriage under the guidance of law enforcement disciples, there were already two disciples sitting in the carriage, Feng Tianyu looked at the settings in the carriage before getting into the carriage.

Both sides of the carriage were already occupied, so I had no choice but to go to the back seat of the carriage without putting down the brocade curtain.

After Feng Wuxin saw that the young master had settled down, he took the dragon horse beast brought by the law enforcement disciples and stood behind the left side of the dragon carriage, waiting for the departure, to escort the young master to the colorful city in the colorful sky.

A quarter of an hour passed quietly while Feng Tianyu was lying on the soft couch in the carriage with his eyes closed and recuperating, the sound in the square suddenly became noisy, and another quarter of an hour passed, and the noisy square became quiet.

"Let's go!" The deacon disciple shouted to set off, and then waved the flag with his right hand. When the dragon horse carriage that the five elders were riding in, the dragon horse beast lit up its strong black hooves and directed at the driver. Running forward steadily and quickly.

Great Elder Yuan Zhong sat on the last carriage and escorted the core disciples to the Colorful City of Colorful Sky together with Fifth Elder Yuan Fei!
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(End of this chapter)

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