Tears Fairy

Chapter 64 Seven Colored City

Chapter 64 Colorful City

Feng Wuxin guarded Feng Tianyu, followed the young master's carriage with the other two guardians, and galloped forward with the large army.

The three thousand core disciples of the Feng family set off from the Fengcheng City Lord's Mansion, and the two long-horse convoys galloped in the direction of the colorful sky.

Feng Tianyu lay on his soft couch, and fell into a sweet dreamland like a mortal. The monk's soul is powerful. Generally, when it comes to the foundation building period, the monk seldom sleeps like a mortal.A monk only needs to practice to restore his energy and spirit, and sleeping is just a waste of time in the eyes of a monk.

This is not the case for Feng Tianyu. Whenever he is free, he will take a good night's sleep and experience the daily life of ordinary people in nature.

At this time, the master is like a cloud, Feng Tianyu dare not do anything, the long road is a good time to fall asleep sweetly, Feng Tianyu does not need to worry about safety, the master is like a cloud and Feng Wuxin is guarding him What is there to worry about!
After half a month's journey, in the sweet sleep of the wind and rain, the team has already entered the colorful sky, and amidst the loud exclamation and praise of many disciples on the team, Feng Tianyu woke up from his sleep full of energy!
Looking outside from the rear window, the colorful sky really lived up to its reputation of being colorful, a rainbow of seven colors hangs among the blue sky and white clouds reflected by the seven colors!The whole piece of white clouds reflects colorful rays of light!The sky is full of rays of light covering thousands of miles of city, colorful city!

Under the cover of the colorful sky, the colorful city is full of brilliance!No wonder all the disciples let out the sound of exclamation and praise, such a natural beauty, Feng Tianyu couldn't help but picture it in his mind, a natural landscape painting of a colorful sky.

After the two dragon carriages showed their family tokens to Mr. Yuanfei and Wufei, the team entered the Colorful City smoothly.

Fengqilou, the residence of Fengjia, is located in the northern district of Colorful City. On the [-]th floor of Fengqilou, a colorful Fengyun logo hangs on the top of the majestic Fengqilou. Its dazzling streamer is highlighted in the colorful clouds all over the sky!
Feng Tianyu got off the dragon carriage in the huge square in front of the gate of Fengqilou, accompanied by Feng Wuxin, followed the crowd and walked towards the main entrance of Fengqilou. Steward Lou led the five deacon disciples respectively, and began to register and distribute the house numbers for the core disciples who came from Fengcheng.

Feng Tianyu's dragon carriage was closer to the front, and soon Feng Tianyu registered, and took the house numbers of the master and servant. The floors and numbers displayed on the two house numbers were No. 75 and No. 76 on the first floor.

Feng Tianyu and Feng Wuxin entered the gate on the first floor. At the front desk on the first floor, a servant immediately came forward to lead the way for the two of them. Feng Tianyu showed the house number to the servant, and the servant saw clearly the floor and the room number. , bowed to Feng Tianyu and said: "Young master, please come with the servant!"

"Thanks for your hard work!" Feng Tianyu didn't underestimate the other party because of his status, and said thank you to the attendant with a smile. The attendant was surprised, and a warm current rose in his heart.He has been working in Fengqilou for 12 years, and he has always been the favorite of these days. Today is an exception.

"Here, young master, the servant is Yang Yuan, the servant serving on the first floor. If the young master has any orders, you can find the servant at the front desk on the first floor!" The servant Yang Yuan respectfully bowed to Feng Tianyu and bowed to leave.

"it is good!"

Feng Tianyu glanced at the attendant with a smile and nodded, watching the attendant take a step back before turning back to the front desk, Feng Tianyu brushed the No. 76 door plate against the pattern on the door, and the door opened in response.

"Uncle Feng, there are still five days before the college recruits students. This is the Primordial Spirit Pill I exchanged in the Hall of Merit. You should retreat for five days first. I won't go out these few days." Feng Tianyu took out a bottle of the Great Master Yipin Yuanshen Pill was handed to Feng Wuxin.

Feng Wuxin suppressed the shock and emotion in his heart, and took the Primordial Spirit Pill bestowed by the young master with both hands. The gratitude in his eyes revealed the excitement and determination under his calm appearance. He would protect the young master with his own life.

Feng Tianyu waved to Feng Wuxin with a smile on his face, and entered his room. After Feng Tianyu closed the door, a tear flashed in Feng Wuxin's eyes!
Grandmaster-level elixir has always been strictly controlled in the big family, and monks like them can't get it by themselves except for the rewards from their masters, even if there are occasional auctions for grandmaster-level talisman arrays!It's not their turn, any one of the 57 families makes a move, and they have nothing to do.

The guarding master will not spend a huge amount of money for them, buying pills and giving them to them. What's more, the master will exploit them just because they are the master's loyal servants.

He was lucky, because his master illuminated the road ahead for him, and prepared him a bottle of Yuanshen Pill, which is hard to find in a lifetime.With Yuanshen Pill, he can successfully advance to the seventh level of the late stage of Huashen within three days.

Feng Tianyu returned to her room, the room was luxurious and magnificent, without the name of a big fallen family, Feng Tianyu put a high-grade spirit stone on the isolation formation in the room, after the formation was opened, Feng Tianyu thought Entered the Genesis Pearl.

As soon as Feng Tianyu entered the Genesis Orb, Jin Yuxiang withdrew from the training state and stood up to face Feng Tianyu, "Master, you are here!"

"Well! Come in and have a look! How is it? Is Ah Yu's training going well?"

"Thank you, Master, for your concern. Ah Yu has lived up to Master's expectations and successfully promoted to the first level. Ah Yu is already a fifth-level beast!" The corner of Jin Yuxiang's mouth traced a beautiful arc, showing his joy after being promoted to the first level!
"Really? That's great!" Feng Tianyu waved his little hand ecstatically and patted Jin Yuxiang's shoulder, because the height determined the little hand that patted on the shoulder and finally patted Jin Yuxiang's chest. Feng Tianyu took a look at the little hand he had patted in the wrong place, "Hey! Ah Yu, why are you so tall?"

A look of color flashed across Jin Yuxiang's handsome and handsome face, Jin Yuxiang was the representative of handsome and handsome.

"Master, you are here! Let's go out and go shopping!" After the turtle Xiaoxi sensed the breath of the master coming in, she immediately stopped training, hurriedly came here from her training room, following the induction of the contract, Happily suggested to Feng Tianyu!
Jin Yuxiang heard the suggestion made by the turtle Xiaoxi to his master, and looked at Feng Tianyu expectantly. Jin Yuxiang, who has been in existence for tens of thousands of years, only found out by chance that there is such a place for human beings to cultivate elites. I have no chance to see you!
With such an opportunity today, he also wants to see what kind of existence this space world, which has been passed down for 5 years, is like!
"Okay! This colorful city in the colorful sky is worth going out for a stroll!" Feng Tianyu was very interested, and smiled and agreed to the suggestion of the turtle Xiaoxi.One person and three beasts came out of Fengqilou's room from the Genesis Bead, and Jin Baobao was in Fengtianyu's mind for a moment!Bounced and jumped onto Feng Tianyu's pretty shoulders, and followed Feng Tianyu with the other two beasts to create a creation bead.

Feng Tianyu dotingly pulled down the golden baby on his shoulders, gently stroked the golden baby's variegated fur, held back the laughter that was about to escape, and said, "Golden baby, why did you come out too?"

Squeak, squeak, squeak! "Master, the baby also wants to go shopping, and the baby wants to go out and choose a treasure for the master!" said the golden treasure mouse Jin Baobao proudly.

Jin Baobao yelled in animal language, and because of the contract, Feng Tianyu could understand its words. Hearing Jin Baobao's talk about finding a baby, he became very interested. He touched Jin Baobao's hand Also subconsciously more gentle.Jin Baobao narrowed his golden eyes comfortably.

Jin Yuxiang smiled, while the tortoise Xiaoxi stared at Mung Bean and looked Jin Baobao up and down.

Jin Baobao felt the tortoise Xiaoxi's sizing gaze, and was startled suddenly. He opened his closed golden eyes, and saw that the tortoise Xiaoxi was stalking it with ulterior motives. The body trembled!Shouted sharply! "Squeak!" Ah!Indecent!

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(End of this chapter)

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