Tears Fairy

Chapter 66: The Land of Heavenly Punishment

Chapter 66: The Land of Heavenly Punishment
Under the pressure of the tyrannical primordial spirit, just after Feng Tianyu stepped into a narrow alley, he was immediately locked in the narrow alley by the white-faced monk, unable to move an inch!In an instant, the figure of the white-faced monk appeared in the sight of Feng Tianyu who was looking back.

"Ayu, fit together!"

With a low shout from Feng Tianyu's consciousness, Jin Yuxiang immediately turned into a streamer and entered into Feng Tianyu's consciousness, and instantly merged with his master. It was taken into the Genesis Bead by Feng Tianyu.

The golden silk treasure hunter that Huang Yu transformed into immediately transformed into a golden hairpin, which was inserted into Feng Tianyu's bun.

So far away!

When Feng Tianyu stepped forward, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge palm condensed by the white-faced monk had been slapped down from the air, and the huge power made the air shudder!
The phoenix feather golden hairpin emitted a soft halo and spread outward, and the turtle Xiaoxi automatically partially armored when the crisis came, and resisted together with the owner.

When the big palm was slapped, Feng Tianyu who took a step only withstood three-tenths of the power. With the help of Huang Yu and the tortoise Xiaoxi, Feng Tianyu appeared thousands of miles away safe and sound!
The Colorful City, thousands of miles away, is no longer on the territory of the Feng family in Beicheng, and Feng Tianyu appears in the DC area.

When Feng Tianyu just landed in the bustling urban area of ​​DC, the coercion behind him reappeared, sweeping the entire bustling urban area, Feng Tianyu was stunned!One step at a time, one step at a time, two steps in a row, and the man of wind and rain has already left the gate of the east city.

However, the coercion came in hot pursuit, Feng Tianyu was anxious, and took two steps forward, she could feel that the white-faced monk who was chasing him was definitely a power in the distraction period.

On the steep mountain peak two thousand miles away, Feng Tianyu looked at the white-faced monk in front of him in shock!This is one of the great powers in the boundless forest that snatched her phoenix feather cloak.He was also one of the people who hurt her in the boundless forest.

Feng Tianyu knew that the fusion time between herself and Jin Yuxiang was only four hours, and she had no chance of winning against the powerful Feng Tianyu in front of her, as long as she couldn't kill the white-faced power within four hours, only Feng Tianyu would die up.

"Hand over the baby, and I will let you die more happily!" The white-faced monk said expressionlessly.

Feng Tianyu sneered, no matter how happy the death is, it is a dead word, and I need to live, a trace of space fluctuations were covered by the gray mist, and did not leak out, and a golden thunder sword appeared in my hand. Partial armoring has also been completed, let the beast pets fight with her!

When the white-faced monk saw Feng Tianyu holding the sword in his hand, he sneered in his heart, a huge power rose when he pinched the hand formula, and Feng Tianyu's golden thunder sword had already attacked the white-faced monk holding the hand formula.

Piercing the sky, the superimposed power suddenly soared, "Boom!" The power and thunder light shone and turned into thousands of sword lights, bombarding the white-faced monk with the force of tearing the space.

The sky filled with sword light, the huge power is no longer something he can resist, the white-faced monk is terrified, this is the power of the late stage of distraction.With a thought, a stream of light appeared, and a piece of divine tortoise shell quickly enlarged and surrounded the white-faced monk, and the powerful sword glow of Wan Dao's power immediately bombarded the divine tortoise shell, and the divine tortoise shell was immediately blasted into pieces.

"Shattering the void!" Two crystal clear teardrops flew down to the ground, Feng Tianyu let out a low cry, and clasped his hands together, "Boom! Boom!" After two loud noises, cracks in the space in front of him covered the flesh and blood of the white-faced monk. Flying body!The white-faced monk yelled "Explosion!"

"Boom!" An explosion that shook the sky and the earth resounded through the sky within a thousand miles. On the steep mountain peak, a huge mushroom cloud exploded and rose in the broken void, and the dangerous peak and mountain were instantly razed to the ground!It became a huge pit full of scorched earth and dead trees, and a ten thousand zhang crack was torn in the space. Feng Tianyu was blasted into the torn space crack by the tyrannical power.

Under the superimposed bombardment of Shattered Space and Distraction Power, the superimposed power of Fengtianyu is not enough to see. The four king beasts were stunned to death in their local space by the energy of the explosion.

After Feng Tianyu's eyes dimmed, Jin Yuxiang spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into Feng Tianyu's five-color consciousness sea. In the darkness before his eyes, the person has fallen into a crack in the ten thousand zhang space.

On the beach, a young man in ragged clothes and a dark face was lying on his back covered in blood on the beach. At this moment, he moved his fingers slightly.

Feng Tianyu felt his mouth dry, as if fire was about to burst from his throat, the word "water" came out weakly in a hoarse voice, and then he entered the boundless darkness again.

"Mother, will big brother die?" A child's soft and cute voice resounded in the depths of Feng Tian's soul, and Feng Tianyu's consciousness kept approaching the source of the sound from the boundless darkness.

"Don't worry tomorrow, big brother won't die, he will recover!" A woman's warm and gentle voice drifted into Feng Tianyu's ears, and Feng Tianyu tried hard to open his heavy eyelids, The goal was that under the dim candlelight, a mother and son looked at her kindly and warmly.

"Thank you madam for saving my life!" Feng Tianyu remembered his fight with the white-faced monk on the dangerous peak, struggling to get up from the wooden bed, and thanked the beautiful and gentle woman in yellow in front of him!
"Just wake up, you're welcome, get hungry! Come, have a bowl of rice porridge first!" The woman in yellow said with a smile when she saw Feng Tianyu woke up.

Seeing Feng Tianyu struggling to get up, he stretched out his hand to help Feng Tianyu who was struggling to sit up, and then took a bowl of rice porridge from the low table and slowly fed it into Feng Tianyu's mouth.

Feng Tianyu's gratitude is beyond words!There was a hint of warmth in her heart, and she, who was weak all over, accepted the woman's kindness calmly, without saying thank you for her kindness, just keep this kindness in her heart.

"Get a good night's rest first. Tomorrow, I will take you outside for a walk. First, let's get to know the environment here. You are still young. My name is Fang Xiaocui. I am 45 years old and I am much older than you. From now on, you can call me aunt." !" After feeding a bowl of rice porridge, the woman in yellow smiled gently to Feng Tianyu!

"Okay, aunt!" Feng Tianyu sincerely agreed, and kindly called Fang Xiaocui aunt.

"Mom, can I still call him big brother?" The four-year-old boy pointed to Feng Tianyu lying on the wooden bed and asked Fang Xiaocui seriously.

"Minger, you will still call Big Brother Big Brother from now on!" Fang Xiaocui reached out and touched the little boy's head, then took the little boy's hand lovingly and continued gently: "Now let's go back and let Big Brother have a good rest."

"Okay, big brother, see you tomorrow!" The little boy promised, turned his head and waved his fat little hand to Feng Tianyu, and then went back to rest with his mother.

"Auntie, what is this place?"

Fang Xiaocui had just stepped over the threshold when she heard the boy's slightly hoarse voice asking!Fang Xiaocui sighed, and replied without turning her head: This is the land of heaven's punishment. "After that, Fang Xiaocui led the little boy out of Fengtianyu's room.

Feng Tianyu was stunned for a moment, the land of punishment?how is this possible?Isn't the Land of Heaven's Punishment in the Valley of Heaven's Punishment?How did it fall from the small world in space to the land of punishment?

The Land of Heaven's Punishment is extremely profound to Feng Tianyu. She has carefully checked the detailed records of the Land of Heaven's Punishment in the library of Fengyuan. died.Sentencing Feng Tiangang to death according to family rules and laws is definitely the punishment of exile from the Valley of Punishment.

Afterwards, Feng Shibo was alarmed to come out of the retreat, and used Wanqing's lineage, one year of training resources to plead with his grandfather, and the original sentence of exile was changed to three years of mine punishment.This shows the horror of the Valley of Punishment.

The Land of Heaven's Punishment is also the Valley of Heaven's Punishment. According to the records on the jade slips, the Land of Heaven's Punishment used to be 50 years ago. On the battlefield of hundreds of races, the monks of the human race punished the rebellious heaven prison. The pinnacle powerhouses work together to create a world-shattering dungeon with great supernatural powers.

The Land of Heaven's Punishment has no aura, except for the wild forest and countless islands, wild beasts and sea beasts launch beast hordes everywhere, and the monks who are imprisoned in the Valley of Heaven's Punishment, the moment they enter the Land of Heaven's Punishment, their whole body's spiritual power is exhausted. Will be imprisoned and sealed, and the monks must use their bodies like mortals to fight against the beast tide!To eat, drink, and scatter like ordinary people, the monks imprisoned in the heavenly prison almost escaped death.

Feng Tian was stunned for a moment!Thinking of the information she had learned from the jade slips, she was shocked. She contacted the beast pet with her spiritual sense, and found that all the passages of the beast pet were closed, only Jin Peng and Jin Yuxiang of the soul deed passage!The weak breath is closely connected with himself!With pain in Feng Tianyu's heart, he couldn't help calling Jin Peng and Jin Yuxiang: "Ah Yu!"

 Lai Nv Xian looks forward to your support and recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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