Tears Fairy

Chapter 67 Invincible City

Chapter 67 Invincible City


Feng Tianyu felt Jin Yuxiang's weak breath, and cried out with pain in his heart. At the moment when the white-faced monk blew himself up, Ayu used all his strength to win the initiative, and tried his best to protect Feng Tianyu Weak body.

However, he violated the rules of the master-slave contract, was backlashed by the rules of the contract, and resisted the bombardment of distraction and self-destruction!Both Jin Yuxiang's soul and body were severely traumatized.

Feng Tianyu felt that his spiritual power was imprisoned in his body, and the power of the primordial spirit and the power of the sea of ​​consciousness were also imprisoned in the sea of ​​consciousness. Fortunately, Jin Yuxiang nourished his wounded body in the five-color sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time, he would not It was sealed because of the land of punishment!It will not affect Jin Yuxiang's restoration of his injured soul and body.

Feng Tianyu sighed, lying on the plank bed, closed his sleepy eyes, the pain in his body could not stop the drowsiness coming, Feng Tianyu fell into a deep sleep like ordinary people.

The next morning, Feng Tianyu woke up from the dream, drank a bowl of rice porridge last night, and after another night of recovery, the pain in his body dissipated a lot.

Feng Tianyu looked at the simple wooden window, and the fresh morning air drifted into the wooden window. Feng Tianyu exhaled deeply, took a deep breath, turned over and sat up, and looked at the blood-stained rags. The robe frowned in disgust.

Feng Tianyu tried to mobilize his spiritual sense, but he couldn't use it at all. He looked at the ring on his ring finger sadly, sighed, got up and got off the wooden bed, and walked out of the room.

"Big brother, good morning! Here! These are the new clothes that mother made for you!" The little boy Fang Ming cheerfully handed a stack of clothes to Feng Tianyu.

"Thank you, Brother Ming!" Feng Tianyu was grateful to Fang Xiaocui for her care. She recognized this aunt, and she would treat her as her own aunt.

Feng Tianyu returned to the room from outside the room with her clothes in her arms. After changing into the off-white underwear that Xia Cui sewed for her, she put on a gray robe and tied an inch-wide belt of the same color. The Exiles are no different.

"Brother Ming, tell big brother where is the river near here?" Feng Tianyu rolled up his tattered robe and inner underwear, and when he went out of the room, he saw Fang Ming practicing in the yard, and hurriedly asked him Look for directions to nearby water sources.

"Out of the courtyard gate, elder brother, walk one mile to the left, there is a small river there!" Xiao Fangming smiled and stretched out his fat little hand, pointing to the path on the left outside the courtyard gate.

Feng Tianyu hurriedly walked towards the small river on the left with a bundle of clothes in her arms. She wanted to wash the blood-stained clothes. This place made her realize the difficulty of living.

In the end, there is a great ability. After the spiritual power and soul are imprisoned, they will be a mortal in the land of punishment. They cannot stop eating three meals a day. , in order to survive, he went out early and returned late every day, reclaimed fields and planted crops for food and clothing.

The sea beasts on the island and the wild beasts in the wild forest, from time to time, launched beast hordes on the exiles in the settlements of the Land of Punishment, constantly invading the territory of the exiles.

The Land of Punishment has a long history. The monks exiled to the Land of Punishment have changed from powerful monks to mortals. Every exile has to go through the turning point of blood and tears. The flesh and blood of mortals is fighting with tens of thousands of beasts!

Generations of ancestors of the exiles continued to work hard and create. The human race exiled in the land of heaven's punishment gradually established their own cities and homes, the descendants of the exiles, and five powerful legions. , were stationed on the five defense lines to guard the territory of the human race!
Feng Tianyu squatted on the edge of a small river made of large bluestones, quickly scrubbing the dirty and torn clothes, bursts of bloody smell emanated from the torn clothes, Feng Tianyu endured the bloody smell that wafted into his nostrils, Rub hard.

"Hey, brat, where did you come from? How can you wash such bloody, dirty and torn clothes upstream of me?" A middle-aged fat woman in a blue-gray dress came up from the lower reaches of the river, With one hand crossed, with the index finger of the other hand, he pointed at Feng Tianyu fiercely and shouted.

Feng Tianyu looked up and saw the fat woman looking furious, then looked down at the clothes he had washed, stretched out his hands to shake the fat woman and said with a smile: "Auntie, you made a mistake! Look at the clothes I wash. Your hands are not dirty at all, and your clothes are clean too! Not as dirty and bloody as you said, auntie!"

Feng Tianyu said, showing the cleaned clothes to the fat woman for a look, then holding the washed clothes, he stood up unhurriedly, walked on the river bank path, and glanced at the small river Feng Tianyu ignored the fat woman who was staring at him, and walked towards Aunt Fang Xiaocui's small courtyard.

"Hey! Brat, you haven't told me where you are from?" the fat woman roared behind Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu's steady steps did not stop for the roar behind him, and soon Feng Tianyu entered Fang Xiaocui's small courtyard. Xiao Fangming had finished his morning exercises and was in the kitchen, helping Fang Xiaocui add firewood to the stove.

Feng Tianyu hung the washed clothes to dry on a long bamboo pole that crossed the branches of two fruit trees.

"Auntie, thank you! I sewed clothes for Fengtian last night. Yesterday Fengtian forgot to introduce myself to my aunt. My name is Fengtian. If you need help with anything, please call Fengtian!" Feng Tianyu dried the clothes Finally, he walked into the stove room with earth walls rammed with loess, and said gratefully to Fang Xiaocui who was steaming steamed buns with a smile!
"Fengtian, the name sounds nice! Don't worry! You are my nephew, we are already a family! Auntie won't be polite to you!" Fang Xiaocui said to Feng Tianyu gently.

"En! It is Fengtian's greatest luck to meet my aunt here!" Feng Tianyu expressed his gratitude sincerely.

Fang Xiaocui smiled, and glanced at Xiao Fangming, "Fengtian, you and Ming'er can go to the living room and wait, you can have breakfast in a while."

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu glanced at Xiao Fangming whose nose was stained with black ash, held back a smile and led Xiao Fangming out of the kitchen.

"Fengtian, this is the paddy field that your uncle and I reclaimed!" Fang Xiaocui looked at the bent golden ears of rice, her face darkened for a while, "Your uncle went to the front line to guard the defense line during the last legion call-up. We were caught by desolate beasts while resisting the beast tide..." Fang Xiaocui smiled wryly, "Fengtian, you and aunt will harvest the crops together tomorrow!"

"Okay, sorry for Auntie!" Feng Tianyu took Xiao Fangming's hand and comforted Fang Xiaocui softly.

Fang Xiaocui smiled, sat down on a piece of bluestone, and looked at the golden rice waves blown by the wind in front of her.Lost in thought!
Feng Tianyu sat quietly on the grass opposite Fang Xiaocui, looking at Fang Xiaocui's long-distance gaze, he couldn't help calling out: "Auntie!"

Fang Xiaocui came back to her senses, looked at Feng Tianyu gently, sighed, and shook her head full of pity and sympathy! "Tian'er, aunt doesn't ask why you were exiled here, let's go! Today aunt will briefly introduce you to the Land of Heaven's Punishment!"

Fang Xiaocui stood up and beckoned Xiao Fangming who was having fun to come back to her side. Feng Tianyu stood up and took Xiao Fangming's hand, and followed Fang Xiaocui.

"There is an Invincible City in the Land of Punishment, which is said to have been built tens of thousands of years ago by a body-training cultivator named Invincible after he expelled the raging beasts.

After the construction of the Invincible City is completed, the Invincible City is formed, the first legion of the human race in the Land of Heaven's Punishment!And the first line of defense!After several generations of continuous efforts and development, there was the second army and the second line of defense...

Up to now, in the Land of Heaven's Punishment, five lines of defense have been expanded on the territory of the human race, and the legion has also increased to five legions.

However, the population of the Land of Punishment has never been as fast as that of sea beasts and desolate beasts, so the people of Land of Punishment are all soldiers. Once you are reported here, it will only be a matter of time before you are recruited. "

Along the way, Fang Xiaocui briefly talked about the current situation of the Land of Punishment. After coming out of the rice field, Fang Xiaocui stopped a carriage heading for the Invincible City on a wide road, and the three entered the Invincible City smoothly. There are many shops in the bustling city center, and the streets are full of traffic. Fang Xiaocui did not enter the city center after wind and rain, but walked towards the downtown area of ​​the civilian area. The commercial street in the civilian area is noisy and noisy. This is the place for ordinary people to shop and trade. .

Feng Tianyu looked at the people coming and going in the trading market, and wanted to take a look curiously. Seeing this, Fang Xiaocui took out ten silver coins from the purse and handed them to Feng Tianyu with a smile: "You go there and see the one you like. Just buy some, Minger and I will buy some daily necessities at the Xiangyuan Grocery Store." Fang Xiaocui smiled and pointed to the Xiangyuan Grocery Store.

(End of this chapter)

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