Tears Fairy

Chapter 71 The First Line of Defense

Chapter 71 The First Line of Defense
Wang Guoqing was overjoyed and laughed heartily. After laughing, he stretched out his big palm and patted Feng Tianyu's slender shoulder. His admiration and satisfaction were beyond words!
The Ten Commander wants to be promoted. While having an outstanding record, he also needs to have a complete team. Wang Guoqing has served as the Ten Commander for seven years and has achieved countless achievements!But every time, the death rate of the soldiers he led was higher than the promotion standard.He missed the centurion again and again.

This time the soldiers were fully supplied, and he liked the three powerful soldiers in front of him very much, but he had endless worries about the wind, weather and rain. It became ecstasy. This time, the team will definitely not lose more than two people.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The training camp was in the team training and the joint military exercise training, and ten days passed quickly. On the morning of No. 11, three assembly drums sounded in the Qingjing military camp, and the soldiers in the camp woke up from the sound of the drums. Come on, for a moment, the sound of soldiers running in armor can be heard everywhere in the barracks.

Pointing is an essential procedure every day. Feng Tianyu and the team members followed the captain Wang Guoqing to the school field to gather. After Wang Guoqing called the name and reported to the general, the general returned to the team, and Wang Guoqing led his team to follow. At the back of the queue, they lined up under the red flag flying high in the wind.

Under the red flag fluttering in the wind, the commander-in-chief, General Jin Guang, came to the stage and began to mobilize the speech, "I am your direct general Jin Guang, the actual commander-in-chief, this time our goal is the first line of defense on the front line!
We have five days to reach the eastern plains of the first line of defense and join the Third Ironclad Army of the Third Army.

For the sake of our family and survival, we have no other choice but to choose to fight!Kill the beast tide outside the line of defense.warriors!You are the heroes of the Heaven's Punishment Land, the meritorious ministers of the Invincible City, and the pride of your family!We are soldiers of the defense line, fighting to protect our families!Set off! "

At the general's order, the team of thousands of people was divided into two teams and headed out of the school grounds. General Jin Guang and several subordinate generals went to the military camp, and rushed to the first line of defense with the team.
Wang Guoqing led his small team to follow the main force, explaining the common sense of marching to Feng Tianyu along the way, and constantly answered the questions raised by Feng Tianyu. On the evening of the fourth day, we arrived at the first defense line in the east of the front line, and joined the third armored army of the third army.

The gang leader army began to bury the pot to make food, and the armored soldiers set up camp!During Feng Tianyu's march all the way, he got along very well with the captain Wang Guoqing. Wang Guoqing is a model of integrity and heroism among soldiers!Feng Tianyu is also willing to make friends with him, and Wang Guoqing is the one who admires her very much.

After dinner in the barracks, Feng Tianyu returned to his own tent after the soldiers on duty and patrol soldiers shuttled through the tents.

Today, their team did not assign other tasks. Wang Guoqing is a senior veteran of the barracks. Regarding the current situation, the most important thing is to take a rest to deal with emergencies!
During Feng Tianyu's communication with him, she also learned a lot of common sense about marching and fighting. She also knows very well what it means to be on the front line.

Feng Tianyu saw that among the ten members in the tent, except for herself who just came back, everyone else has already seized the time to rest!She didn't say much, took off the armor and piled it in the middle of the camp, and began to practice the first layer of Taiyin finger and the first type of Yinfeng finger of Wuji Kungfu.

Due to the existence of the gray mist against the sky, when the moon was in the middle of the sky, the Wuji Taiyin fingering technique successfully broke through the first floor and entered the second floor. , The lights in the gauze lamp were extinguished silently, and the snoring sounded one after another in the tent, like thunder under the quiet night and moon.

After Feng Tianyu finished his work, he got up and left the camp. The patrol soldiers were patrolling in the night. Feng Tianyu didn't want to cause trouble, so he sighed and put off his thoughts of going outside to practice!Returning to the tent again, continue to practice the second type of Yinrou finger of Wuji Taiyin finger.

After the spiritual power is imprisoned, the internal strength of the Wuji Kung Fu Jue has reached the peak of the second level. As long as the soft fingers keep up, you can smoothly break through the second level of the Wuji Kung Fu Jue and enter the third level.Practice the third form of Wuji Taiyin Finger, Yin Sha Finger.This is just the accumulation of practice, and you will be able to break through without bottlenecks.

At the dawn of the day, Feng Tianyu lay down to sleep with his clothes on after finishing his work, and occasionally the sound of patrolling footsteps could be heard outside the tent.Sleeping is just a habit for Feng Tianyu.

After closing his eyes and squinting for a while, there was a thunderous drumbeat from the training ground of the Eastern Third Route Army, and the barracks of the Iron Armored Soldiers immediately erupted.

The sound of armor colliding, the sound of "stepping..." the rapid footsteps of leather boots stepping on the ground, and the shouts of soldiers urging each other, all rang out together!Wang Guoqing has already driven the most procrastinating team member, Wu Xiaozhong, up, and the other seven people who are familiar with the wind and rain and are used to it, have already left the camp to wait for Wang Guoqing and Wu Xiaozhong.

The Third Legion is composed of the Golden Armored Army, the Silver Armored Army, the Iron Armored Army, and the Three Route Army, with the first-rank general Xie Guang appointed as the head of the army.

The Iron Armored Army is an ordinary soldier of the Third Army of the Third Army, and a third-rank general named Luo Chuan is the commander of the Iron Armored Army.

Feng Tianyu is wearing a red armor, and his thin body looks particularly energetic under the formal military uniform. Today is the first morning exercise for their recruits to join the First Battalion of Iron Armored Long Spears. Feng Tian is leaning on a long spear, standing upright like a long spear in the ranks.

The morning exercise is a collective exercise for all armored officers and soldiers of the Iron Armored Long Spear Battalion. Group exercises are carried out in a queue of more than 1000 people in wind and rain.

One hour of long spear skills training, one hour of group training in the armored soldiers sweating like rain, and the training of more than 1000 people ended amidst the continuous shouts of the iron armored soldiers.

After breakfast, Wang Guoqing received an order from the Battalion Headquarters. The First Long Spear Battalion and the Shield Battalion immediately assembled and headed to Dongpingping, the eastern theater, to take over the third Long Spear Battalion to station in Dongpingping!

After receiving the order, Feng Tianyu and his teammates hurriedly packed up the marching items, put them on the convoy escorting food, grass and military supplies, and quickly assembled with the battalion under the leadership of the ten commander Wang Guoqing.

Iron Armored Long Spear Battalion and Iron Armored Shield Battalion, more than [-] officers and soldiers were on the morning of the second day of the overnight march. The First Long Spear Battalion arrived at Dongpingping. After the battalion successfully retreated to the battlefield, it retreated to the rear and began to rest.

The third battalion suffered a great deal of wear and tear, with one-third of the armored soldiers seriously wounded. Feng Tianyu and the iron armored soldiers of the first battalion looked sideways. The desolate beasts that hit the defense line fight together!
Because Feng Tianyu has practiced the mortal Wuji Kung Fu Jue, and has broken through the first layer of the seventh layer of the Wuji Taiyin Finger, after the gradual fusion of internal force and gray mist, the Wuji Taiyin Finger is committed to innovation and continuous practice in Feng Tianyu. The improvement of Zhong Gong Jue produced a qualitative leap.

The Promise Art is no longer the supreme art of mortals, it is a kind of power that does not belong to the Tianyuan Continent and the mortal world, and a powerful force has been derived from Feng Tianyu's continuous attempts.

Marching all the way, there is no physical consumption due to wind and rain, and under special circumstances where the recovery state is excellent, the battle is just to improve skills and consolidate the foundation.

However, for the iron armored soldiers who have been on the road for a day and a night, their physical condition is sleepy, and the battle is the beginning of death and nightmares.

Feng Tianyu tried his best to protect his teammates who belonged to Wang Guoqing's tent in the fight with the desolate beasts, "Ah!" A scream came from his side to his teammate Wu Xiaozhong's ears, Wu Xiaozhong trembled, his hands With a flick of the spear, a desolate beast suddenly jumped more than a foot high, biting towards Wu Xiaozhong.

Wu Xiaozhong stabbed the desolate beast that was rushing towards him with a long spear in his shaking hand. Feng Tianyu at the side saw Wu Xiaozhong's trembling hands, sighed secretly, and stabbed the long spear in his hand suddenly into the neck of the desolate beast that was flying towards Wu Xiaozhong. When he drew out the long spear The blood of the desolate beast spurted out wildly, and the beast's blood suddenly splashed all over Wu Xiaozhong.

Wu Xiaozhong fell to the ground with a sound of "boom!", fear and panic appeared on his face, and he burst into tears immediately. Seeing that he was so timid, Feng Tianyu yelled, "Wu Xiaozhong, don't want to If you die, stand up and fight immediately!"

"No, I don't want to die, I want to go back alive, I want to go back alive to meet my Hu'er!" Wu Xiaozhong woke up suddenly in the midst of Feng Tianyu's shouting, picked up the spear that fell on the ground and shot it. The voice roared.

"Then stand up and fight!" Feng Tian shouted loudly.

"Fight, fight!" Wu Xiaozhong's morale suddenly rose, and he followed behind Feng Tianyu, roaring and ending huge wild beasts.

Driven by the wind and rain in the battle, morale suddenly rose, and the army was ready to rise up.fight, fight...,
Fighting is the only choice for soldiers, and it is the only choice for soldiers.

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(End of this chapter)

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