Tears Fairy

Chapter 72 Combat

Chapter 72 Combat
Feng Tianyu took advantage of the opportunity to fight against the desolate beasts, and constantly used the second form of the Wuji Taiyin Finger to attack the desolate beasts, proficient in the second form of the Wuji Taiyin Finger in actual combat.

In the process of practicing hard for a long time in the battle, the Wuji Taiyin Finger and the Second Feminine Fingering gradually became perfect.

Feng Tianyu's fierce spear pierced the barren beast's eyebrows. When the spear pierced the barren beast's eyebrows, the left middle finger and index finger pointed at the other barren beast in parallel.

"Bang!" Yin Rou's fingers entered the body instantly from the place where the wild beast touched the finger force, as soft as water. In an instant, the meridians in the wild beast's body were destroyed, and he fell to the ground and died. Destroyed by feminine fingers.

In the Eastern Pingping War Zone, the Wuji Kungfu is constantly innovating and improving in the comprehension and dismantling of the peak of the second layer of Fengtianyuhuashen Yuanshen, and it is constantly consolidated in the battle with ferocious wild beasts. Running, the powerful strength is constantly growing, the Wuji Taiyin Finger successfully broke through the second layer of the Wuji Kungfu Art, entered the third layer of the Taiyin Finger and the third type of Yin Sha Finger, Feng Tianyu began to enthusiastically fight against the wild beasts, and worked hard Constantly practice the third type of Taiyin finger, Yinsha finger.

The desolate beasts rushed forward and attacked continuously on the defense line. Feng Tianyu was on the first defense line in the east in the Pingping war zone.

At dusk, the first battalion finally ended the day's battle under the change of defense. Feng Tianyu discovered that when other armored troops replaced the battlefield, more than 2000 armored soldiers from the Long Spear Battalion and the Shield Battalion had been demolished. More than 200 people were injured. More than [-] people were disabled and more than [-] were slightly injured.

Feng Tianyu glanced at the armored soldiers who continued to fight on the front line of the defense zone, and silently went back to the rear with his teammates to recuperate.After a day of fighting, the third form of the Wuji Taiyin Finger is able to strike at will. Once the Yin Sha Finger is cast, the evil energy will pervade and erode, making the wild beasts tremble with fear, and they will be timid before fighting. Feng Tian and the low-level wild beasts When confronted, all the desolate beasts howled and fled.

Wang Guoqing has been paying attention to Feng Tianyu while fighting the desolate beast. He was shocked by the process of using the desolate beast as his training partner in Fengtianyu calmly. What made him feel relieved was that this soldier named Fengtian was In front of the god of death, Wu Xiaozhong and Hua Xiangrong were rescued, so his team could be fully organized, and only two soldiers were not lost in the first battle, so he did not lose the qualification for promotion.

Also paying attention to her is the centurion Zhang Yu who belongs to their team, because in the process of her continuous proficiency in the process of harming wild beasts with Yin Sha Finger, when she uses Yin Sha Finger to attack wild beasts, low-level wild beasts are everywhere. The scene of fleeing caught his attention.

Zhang Yu is a monk who was exiled by his family seven years ago. After the initial unwillingness and despair, and later self-abandonment, after finally recognizing the cruel facts, if he wants to live well in the land of punishment, he has no choice but to Only after surviving ten years of military service can he survive in the Land of Heaven's Punishment for the rest of his life.

After serving in the army, fighting and not admitting defeat, he was finally promoted from a soldier to a centurion, and then a centurion. He was good at discovering talents and appointing talents. He was the most useful number one officer of Jin Guang's subordinates.His hundred-member team is always the most complete among the ten hundred-member teams.

Feng Tianyu only cares about her own strength. Her most urgent thing is to go out from here and return to the colorful city of colorful sky before the small world of space recruits students, even if she enters the bottom of the North College.

After Feng Tianyu returned to the rear to rest, Zhang Yu personally went to the Ten Commander Wang Guoqing to negotiate with each other, and transferred Feng Tianyu to the first brigade as the deputy captain.

Feng Tianyu was unprepared and became the second member of the first brigade of the Iron Armored Spear Battalion. Feng Tianyu has been devoting himself to the exploration and innovation of strength, using the gray mist to link with internal force, and on the basis of the Wuji Kung Fu Art. Integrate and innovate with each other, try to refine it into a power that surpasses the internal power of mortals, and want to use this power to completely integrate with the gray mist, transform and sublimate into a unique energy that surpasses spiritual power to open the way out of the Land of Punishment.

Feng Tianyu is constantly excavating and innovating day and night, practicing and improving in battle after battle, Wuji Kungfu finally got the opportunity to completely transform and sublimate, the gray mist is a gray link to the success of Wuji Kungfu transformation, the transformation of Wuji Kungfu After becoming an alternative kungfu on the Tianyuan Continent, Feng Tianyu called the power of this newly created and sublimated Wuji Kungfu "law power!"

Laws, in Feng Tian Yu's creativity, are not limited to the existence of interface rules, Dao Fifty Tian Yan 49, she is the one who is beyond the laws of Tianyuan Continent, she is the only one who is not in the laws of heaven and earth.

She is the only variable in Tianyuan Continent because of the time travel, because of the gray mist, she has the confidence to go out from this side of the world. Get up, only with great strength can you combine with Jinpeng Jin Yuxiang to open the cage of the Land of Punishment.

Only by surpassing the suppression of the interface can one walk out of this world.

After Feng Tianyu received the order to go to the first brigade of the Iron Armor Battalion, he was sent to the front of the [-]-man team to serve as the vanguard of the vanguard combat group formed by five ten-man teams temporarily transferred. After tenaciously participating in several battles, Feng Tianyu , constantly integrating the newly created skills, and constantly perfecting the Wuji skills and fingerings in the battle with wild beasts, the strange power fits into the nature, smoothly borrows the power of nature, and completes the superposition with the newly created law power.

As soon as Yin Sha pointed out, the group of beasts fled in all directions. The battles between the team she led and the desolate beasts were all when she swept away the evil spirit with all her strength, and when the armored soldiers were shocked and their morale was high. At the end of the war, the battle in the Pingping theater has become the most glorious anti-beast record since the official, and it is the focus of the battle in the entire eastern theater. It has become the most eye-catching Pingping theater, the most exciting and powerful rise. war zone.

When Jin Guang, the commander of the first battalion of the Iron Armored Spear Battalion, received this exciting news from the spies, he was shocked to see the spies presenting the information about Feng Tianyu, and immediately recommended this extraordinary beast killer to his superiors. sky!
After half a month in the battle, Feng Tianyu jumped from a small soldier to the second member of a team of one hundred people, and was promoted to the front vanguard of a team of one thousand people, leading three teams of one hundred people to start the battle of expelling wild beasts , Completely drive the desolate beasts out of the eastern Dongping defense line.

The desolate beasts on the eastern Pingping defense line were under the impact of wind, weather and rain, and more than 300 soldiers rose to the sky with high fighting spirit. The blood and tears accumulated in the bottom of their hearts for many years were completely aroused. The armored warrior suddenly burst out with amazing strength and momentum, and his spirit was completely released from the inside out.

With more than 300 screaming soldiers fanatically following her, Feng Tianyu rose to fight, and she wanted to do her part for the suffering human race in the Land of Punishment.

Wind, weather, and rain refer to lightning, and Yin evil refers to the pervasive evil spirit. Substantial damage makes wild beasts run around in fear. More than 300 armored soldiers have formed a fighting spirit like rainbow. After the legion continues to increase its strength, the wild beasts completely disappeared. On Pingping theater.

The victory in the eastern Pingping war zone made the entire war zone on the front line boil, and Fengtian's name was also deeply imprinted in the minds of more than 1000 iron soldiers of the First Long Spear Battalion of the Iron Armored Army.

Feng Tianyu's meritorious service in the Pingping War Zone, with the name of the desolate beast's nemesis, became a man of influence in the entire Eastern War Zone in the Third Army, and became an invincible and ever-victorious general. After being recommended by the Third Army, he successfully He was appointed by the Lord of the Invincible City as the third legion, the ever-victorious general of the first Golden Armored Army.

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(End of this chapter)

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