Tears Fairy

Chapter 73

Chapter 73
Feng Tianyu was officially appointed as the third-rank Changsheng General by Jin Shiyi, the lord of the Invincible City, and officially became the supreme commander of the Jinjia Army, the First Route Army of the Third Army.

After receiving the appointment, Feng Tianyu immediately rushed to the Golden Armor Army barracks of the First Route Army of the Third Army.On the first day of his appointment, the former supreme commander of the Jinjia Army of the First Route Army, Jinhua Shaochengzhu personally led 52 generals of the Jinjia Army to greet him outside the school grounds.

The [-] gold-armored troops lined up on the school grounds to greet each other, the flying red flags with gold letters shone golden light in the sun, and the red flags waving in the wind were dancing in the wind.


There was a sound of uniform footsteps rushing from outside the school field to the inside of the school field, and two teams of gold-armored and red-clothed soldiers rushed in from outside the school field, boarded the three-foot general platform in the school field, and stood behind the three-foot general platform.

"Ta Tata..."

Another sound of trampling footsteps came in from outside, and two teams of gold-armored and red-clothed soldiers with long knives rushed in from outside the school grounds!
The two teams of personal soldiers came in from outside the school grounds and lined up in two long lines facing the stage in an orderly manner inside the school grounds.

Feng Tianyu walked into the Golden Armored Military Academy under the welcome of Jin Hua, the former commander of the Golden Armored Army and the Young City Lord.In front of the three steps in front of the high platform, Feng Tianyu got out of his way and stretched out his right hand respectfully to the Young City Master Jinhua, "Young City Master, please!"

"General Feng, please!"

The young city master of Jinhua stretched out his hand to Feng Tianyu to salute, and then said with a smile: "General Feng, you are now the commander-in-chief of the golden armor, please!"

Feng Tianyu looked at the handsome young city lord with a military look, and he had the nobility and majesty of being the successor of the city lord in his straightforwardness.I couldn't help but secretly nodded a big praise for him, this is the gospel of the people in the land of heaven's punishment.

"Young City Lord, you are still the commander-in-chief of the Golden Armored Army, let's go together!"

"Okay, General Feng, please!"

"Young City Lord, please!"

Feng Tianyu and Jinhua Shaocheng looked at each other and smiled, and they stepped onto the stage together.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Three drums sounded.


Following the salute of the commander-in-chief and the wave of the command flag in his hand, the [-] Golden Armored Army clenched their right fists in front of their chests and saluted respectfully and solemnly to the general who ordered the platform.

"Hello General!"

"Hello, soldiers!"

Jinhua gave a military salute to the Golden Armored Army who had accompanied him for three years, reached out to take a flag of the Chinese Army from the guards, handed it over to Feng Tianyu, turned to the Golden Armored Sergeant and said emotionally: "Soldiers, today is my flag. The day when Jinhua leaves office is also the day when General Chang Shengfeng takes office, let us welcome the Changsheng General Feng of our Golden Armored Army with the warmest applause and raise the flag!"

With the sound of Jinhua raising the flag, the soldiers who took over the red flag from Feng Tianyu took down the golden flag on the general platform.

A red flag with a huge golden phoenix embroidered on it slowly rises under the rising sun, the golden light shines under the rising sun, and the red flag is hunting and dancing in the wind!

"General Feng, General Changsheng, welcome General Changsheng!" Thirty thousand soldiers of the Golden Armored Army, thunderous applause mixed with exciting cheers, resounded over the school field, and the school field was suddenly filled with cheers and cheers, and morale was soaring .

After Feng Tianyu handed over to Jinhua Shaocheng, the former commander of the Golden Armored Army, he started the first military parade accompanied by 52 generals under his account.

The [-] gold-armored soldiers, under the command of thirty generals, arranged in various battle formations in an orderly manner. Standing on the three-foot-high platform in the school grounds, Feng Tianyu personally inspected the morale of the golden-armored soldiers and worshiped Fengtian's [-] gold soldiers. After the soldier Jia took office in Feng Tianyu, he was full of fighting spirit and spirited!

The legendary figure on the front line in the east, the nemesis of the desolate beasts, will serve as their commander. If they can fight with the gods in their hearts, the glory belongs to their golden armored army.

The first thing that Feng Tianyu took office was to integrate the officers and soldiers of the First Route Army of the Golden Armored Army into one body, to carry out physical training, and to start her first military training.

Persistence in suffering and tiredness, self-improvement is the hope of surviving the battle!

Under the leadership of Feng Tianyu, the Golden Armored Army conducted a month of physical training. During the hard training process, Feng Tianyu personally participated in the actions. The mythical general who always wins in battle, the nemesis of wild beasts, finally won the battle. He has won the respect and love from the heart of the whole army.

A month later, a military exercise was successfully carried out, and then the battle was launched in the first line of defense of the wild beast's massive attack.

The land of punishment!

The eastern part is the wild and deep forest, the eastern war zone is the only way for wild beasts to invade the human race, and the southern part is the territory of the aquatic sea beasts. Countless islands are connected together, and the sea beasts are fierce and rampant.The west is where the human race is concentrated, and the north is the space turbulence.

When the wild beasts came rushing in from the depths of the wilderness, the barren slopes of the eastern grassland had already dug countless traps during the physical training, waiting for the wild beasts to come and enter the pits.

When the desolate beasts are approaching, the golden phoenix character shines on the red flag facing the rising sun, hunting and dancing in the wind.

"I am Fengtian, your commander...Soldiers, I, Fengtian, will not only fight against the desolate beasts with you, but also drive and hunt all the desolate beasts that are raging in the eastern theater with all the soldiers.

We want to completely scare and cripple the wild beasts until they dare not easily set foot in the territory of the human race, so that the human race can have a stable life, so that our families don't have to worry about us!Let us live happily with our family.

I, Fengtian, have the confidence to completely defeat the mentally retarded desolate beast, do you have confidence? "Feng Tianyu stood on a three-foot-high platform and gave a mobilization speech before the battle.

"Yes, there is General Feng here! We must win! We must win!" The shouts of [-] gold-armored officers and soldiers resounded like a tsunami over the school field.

"Let's go!" Feng Tianyu ordered after the call, and thirty thousand golden armored soldiers began to move out of the defense line, advancing to the plains and barren slopes as planned, preparing to face the raging wild beasts.

"Boom boom... boom boom boom..."

The thunderous sound of thunderous drums reverberated over the eastern sky, and the barren slope began to vibrate under the trampling of wild beasts' huge hooves, and the sound of chaotic footsteps was intertwined with the roaring and neighing of wild beasts.

The battle kicked off...

"Aooooooooooooooow...Boom...Boom...Bang Bang...Puchi...Plop..."

After the desolate beasts entered the trap area, there was a howling sound one after another among the desolate beasts. Accompanied by the loud sound of falling into the trap, it became a tragic song of self-throwing into the trap!
"Dong dong dong..."

The drums of war sounded across the wasteland.

"Kill! Go!"

Fifty-two generals led 52 gold-armored soldiers and rushed towards the huge desolate beast that fell into the trap in high spirits.

The desolate beasts that fell into the pit let out their last desperate howls amidst the 52 gold-armored soldiers led by [-] generals and generals.

Feng Tianyu rode a strong bay red horse on a high slope, standing under the command of Feng Zishuai to control the overall battle situation, and the twelve flag bearers held five-color flags and commanded the five-way Jinjia army in battle according to Feng Tianyu's order.

The first wave of desolate beasts was wiped out by more than 3 golden-armored soldiers. The golden-armored soldiers began to clean up the battlefield. After a huge number of desolate beasts were dragged out of the pit, they dug beast crystals in the middle of the foreheads of the desolate beasts. Collect the beast crystals that General Feng needs.

When Feng Tianyu was practicing the innovative and upgraded Wuji Taiyin Finger in the training room, he accidentally found a barren beast spar thrown on the side of the futon, and when he was practicing the innovative and upgraded Wuji Kungfu, it gave off a glimmer of light.

Surprised, Feng Tianyu tried to absorb the energy in the spar, and found that there was an alternative energy in the barren beast spar that was similar to his own practice, so Feng Tianyu took advantage of his position after successfully absorbing the energy, An order was issued in the Golden Armored Army to count the military exploits according to the number of crystals obtained.

Therefore, as soon as the battle was over, 52 gold-armored soldiers led by [-] generals began to collect wild beast spar after the standard-bearer issued an order to clean up the battlefield.

"Report, General, another large-scale desolate beast is coming towards our position fifty miles away!"

A spy in gold armor and red clothes rode a tall black horse, passed the gold armor soldiers cleaning the battlefield from the outside, and flew to the position of the banner of the Gaopo Central Army.

"Go down and rest!"

"Yes, thank you General!"

After the spies went down, Feng Tianyu looked at the [-] iron armored soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield. The golden armored soldiers who had only collected half of the crystals on the battlefield were busy carrying and digging the crystals.

"Raise the red flag, beat the drums and gather!"

After the wind and rain orders were issued, the flag bearers began to play flags, the red battle flag was raised, and the drums of assembly sounded on the wasteland:
"Boom, boom, boom..."


With a spear in hand, Feng Tianyu put her legs between the horse's belly, shook the reins with both hands, and immediately rode the horse to the assembly point where [-] elite golden armor troops were assembled. She wanted to personally face the second wave of wild beasts from the wild forest.

(End of this chapter)

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