Tears Fairy

Chapter 74

Chapter 74
The wind and rain in golden armor and red clothes were full of fighting spirit, and the fast horse entered the elite gathering place. Ten thousand gold armored soldiers stood awe-inspiring, cheering like a mountain.

"Hello, General Feng!"

When the wind and rain flew towards them, the sound like a mountain roar and a tsunami resounded in Feng Tianyu's ears and also resounded throughout the Pingping Wasteland.

Feng Tianyu pointed at the spear, "I want to fight against the wild beasts in the wilderness. You are the elites of the Golden Armored Army under my Fengtian. Is there anyone who is timid? If you are timid, please stand up, quit the elite vanguard, and go to the rear Clean up the battlefield and join General Yang Yong who has been suppressed."

32 generals and [-] elite gold-armored soldiers stand tall like a mountain, full of excitement and fighting spirit.None of the cowards stood up, they all shouted with high fighting spirit:

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

"Okay, since everyone is not afraid to fight, then go out with me, get on the horse, and set off!"

Feng Tianyu waved his spear.

"Dong dong dong..."

The battle drums are dense and the fighting spirit is soaring. When the drums are booming, the flag bearer carries the red flag and follows them all the way to meet the desolate beasts that are rushing from a distance.

36 generals followed closely behind, and [-] elite gold-armored soldiers rode wildly on the wilderness with high spirits under the leadership of their respective leaders.

The battle begins.

The confrontation is only the beginning of the battle, and the pursuit is Feng Tianyu's long-term plan.

Feng Tianyu led 32 elites and [-] generals to meet the raging wild beasts on the wasteland thirty miles away.

"Boom, bang, puff, bang, bang..."

With a gun in his hand, Yin Sha refers to the wind, sky and rain skillfully used in the wild beasts. The air was fascinated by the herd of wild beasts.


Where Feng Tianyu passed by, wild beasts howled miserably, and the evil spirit gushed out under Feng Yaoyu's fingers, rushing towards the rushing beasts.

Substantial damage, the evil spirit that has nowhere to hide, is like maggots with bones eroding away towards their wild and huge bodies. After the evil spirit enters the body, it is the beginning of weakness. , Escape is the only thought of the desolate beast without IQ.

Feng Tianyu's bravery and the desolate beast's frantic escape made the golden armored soldiers who were eager to fight side by side with General Feng even more excited, and rushed towards Feng Tianyu with a huge gap towards the wilderness. The beast rushed away, and the golden-armored soldiers' blood-boiling momentum rose steadily.

On the wilderness battlefield, 32 generals and [-] gold-armored soldiers slayed groups of defeated wild beasts like a rainbow, fighting, fighting!
An unprecedented brilliant record, a breakthrough of the defense line, facing the wild beasts coming in like a tide, and a perfect victory in the face-to-face battle with the wild beasts!
"General Feng, General Changsheng, invincible! Invincible!"

The perfect end of the battle, the golden armored soldiers who fought, after finishing the last wave of fleeing wild beasts, the joy of victory!Let them scream loudly and fiercely.

After cleaning the battlefield, Yang Yong led the troops after cleaning the battlefield. When he appeared on the battlefield, he could only hear the thunderous shouts, General Victory, Invincible, Invincible.

On the wasteland, the corpses of wild beasts were scattered all over the wilderness, the blood of huge wild beasts flowed into rivers, and the spars of wild beasts were dug up by ten thousand gold-armored warriors and carried in their pockets.

When the rear troops that suppressed the formation came up, there was no fighting after their arrival. Yang Yong led the suppressed [-] golden armored soldiers to join Feng Tianyu, facing the victorious [-] elite soldiers.All blood boiled with enthusiasm, and the fighting spirit in the chest was high.

When Feng Tianyu appeared in front of the suppressed golden armored soldiers, the iron-blooded aura of the battle made Feng Tianyu's seemingly thin body silently become tall and majestic in the hearts of the soldiers, and his ordinary face was also covered God-like halo, holy and powerful coexist.

"Hello, General! General, let's fight together with the General!"

Twenty thousand soldiers jumped off the bay red horses in the wind and rain, and when they came to the soldiers, their emotions erupted like a mountain. They eagerly expressed their wishes in their hearts, and the [-] soldiers called for battle like thunder Over the wasteland.

The [-] sergeants and the shouts conveyed their truest desire to fight!
Although they are not the elite of the Golden Armored Soldiers, they hope to gallop on the battlefield with the gods in their hearts and fight with the generals in the wasteland!
In the tens of thousands of years of fighting against desolate beasts, the generals' timid fighting style, fear and cowardice were broken by Feng Tianyu's powerful attacks and brilliant achievements in battle.

Under the attack of the soldiers led by Feng Tianyu, the huge desolate beasts all screamed to death, or fled crazily.The desolate beast is already the prey of the golden-armored sergeant, and the spar of the desolate beast is the bargaining chip for rewarding meritorious deeds.

Faced with the willingness of the soldiers to fight, Feng Tianyu pressed down with his hands and the soldiers shouted like a mountain roaring and a tsunami. After the soldiers stopped shouting and quieted down, Feng Tianyu jumped onto a huge rock, with clear eyes and fighting spirit Emerging, Ling Jue Tianxia's aura suddenly soared.

"Soldiers, I, the soldiers in golden armor, are all hot-blooded men. For the sake of my family not to be attacked by wild beasts and sea beasts, and for the strength and stability of the human race, I, Fengtian, would like to take it as my duty to expel the beast race. The human race is a peaceful world, and the universe is bright and clear. I agree with the wishes of all the soldiers to fight.

Feng Tian will gallop across the wilderness with all the soldiers to drive and hunt wild beasts, and raise his troops to fight against the sea beasts in the south, and together with the Fifth Army on the southern defense line, they will wipe out the offending water tribes.

Soldiers, do you have confidence?Are you willing to conquer together with Fengtian and completely drive the desolate beasts out of the domain of the human race? "

"General Feng, we have confidence, and we are willing to advance and retreat together with the general, and completely drive out the desolate beasts from the human race!" The soldiers shouted again like thunder.

"Okay, Fengtian thank you on behalf of the people, the soldiers line up, and continue to chase the wild beasts on the wasteland with me!"

With a wave of Feng Tianyu's spear, he got on his horse and galloped towards the elite vanguard. The [-] golden armored soldiers screamed, and under the leadership of their leading generals, they quickly assembled with the elite troops forming a battle formation ahead.

Feng Tianyu dismounted from his horse in golden armor and red clothes, with a majestic gun in his palm. When the [-] elite golden armor soldiers completed the battle, Feng Tianyu gave an order, "Let's go!"

Feng Tianyu first rode his horse towards the outskirts of the Wild Beast's Manghuang Forest. The outskirts of the Manghuang Forest are the gathering places for the defense areas in the east where the wild beasts divert.

Feng Tianyu consolidated her power of law in constant battles, and Wuji Taixu refers to exercises. After innovation, improvement and sublimation, she possessed an alternative power that surpassed spiritual power in the Land of Heaven's Punishment.

Under Feng Tianyu's alternative power in the world of cultivating immortals, and after Feng Tianyu has no physical energy consumption of mortals, they are just a spar in her eyes, with the same power as the law of infinity she practiced. energy.

They are the whetstones for the trial of Feng Tianyu's Promise Law. After Feng Tianyu broke through and innovated as scheduled, the Promise Law Taiyin Finger Jue is on the third level, and it has successfully entered the Promise Law Taiyin Finger.

On the outskirts of the wild forest, Feng Tianyu led [-] gold-armored soldiers in a fierce attack, completely annihilating [-] desolate beasts that had gathered together before they could be diverted.

The banner of victory was flying in the wind, hunting and dancing in the outskirts of the wild forest. The high-pitched and excited golden armored soldiers were happily digging spars from the corpses of wild beasts everywhere.This is their feat after accumulating military exploits.

Fengtianyu set up camp at the junction with the wild forest, and the mobile sentry patrols in three batches under the night moon, and the light and dark security posts are divided into three areas, inner, outer, and outer.

In the tent of the Chinese army, Feng Tianyu was practicing the Taiyin Finger of the Promise Law, and the fourth type of Yin Soul Finger. Suddenly, Feng Tianyu pointed to a point in the void.


A miserable cry resounded in the tent of the Chinese Army, and while Feng Tianyu was flipping his hand, a layer of lavender light flickered in the tent of the Chinese Army.

A ghost appeared in front of Feng Tianyu, and in a flash, the ghost turned into a gray-clothed friar, bowed to Feng Tianyu and bowed deeply.

 Your support and recommendation is the greatest happiness for Fengzhong Lushui!


(End of this chapter)

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